Tweet Hunter
Looking for some good tweets about work? Whether it's to dive into the topic or find inspiration for your own tweets, look no further, because we just assembled this amazing collection of 50+ work tweets for you to read.
Check out our collection!
Ed Latimore
@EdLatimoreI've won fights scared. I've lost full of confidence. I've been rejected while being bold. I've succeeded while I'm full of doubt. Mindset, for most things, is pointless. Either you can do the damned thing or you can't.
Charles Miller
@charlesmiller_7Reason #821 for why you should stop procrastinating, start now, and figure it out as you go along:
You gotta have a personal code of ethics that you won’t break or bend for no one No matter how funny people start acting, no matter how goofy the world gets, stick to your code
Julian Shapiro
@JulianWorking hard for a long time without asking what are the better things to be working on is a hidden form of laziness.
Lawrence King
@lawrencekingyo6 months of hard work. 4 hours of focused work a day. 2 work blocks every day. 1 business model to take action with. 0 chance you don't succeed.
Instead of saying I’m gonna get rich in 2022 or 2023, etc Look at it like this Sharpen your skills every single year & then first opportunity you get to strike big you’ll be ready for it Focus on sharpening the blade bro Opportunities make you rich, if your blade is sharp
@EmpireEdMost people work just enough not to get fired and get paid enough money not to quit.
David Perell
@david_perellPeople think you need to be an expert before you write about something, but actually, writing about something makes you an expert
Alberto De Lucca
@THELUCCACODEXHOW TO NEVER RUN OUT OF IDEAS If you find yourself stumped with something, ask yourself this: “What Can I _____ ? S » ubstitute C » ombine A » djust M » odify/Magnify/Minify P » ut to Other Uses E » liminate R » everse/Rearrange SCAMPER is a secret weapon.
Lawrence King
@lawrencekingyoDon’t tell anyone what you’re doing until it’s done. You don't need unearned dopamine or uneducated opinions. You need clarity and focus
JK Molina
@OneJKMolinaIf you're not excited as FUCK for this year then go build something. Go do everything you wish you did in 2021. Plant the seeds for a thriving 2023. Make the jump. Worst case scenario you get right back to where you started + the wisdom. You got this.
Harrison Schenck
@SaveYourSonsThe only way to never lose is to never try Everyone who's never stepped in the arena is undefeated
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