Twitter Christmas Tweets


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If you're looking for top Christmas and Holiday-related tweets to either have a laugh or get some inspiration, well look no further! We've compiled a list of our favorite Christmas tweets!

Top 50 Christmas tweets

Here's the only resolution you're going to need: If there is someone in your life who you love you need to tell them. My wonderful mum Sheila passed away on christmas day and I didn't tell her often enough how much I love her.

Wife: [looking out window] the neighbor kid got a bow and arrow for Christmas. Me: I know. Wife: [still looking out window] uh he’s shooting arrows into our front yard. Me: I know. Wife: aren’t you going to do something? Me: [buying medieval catapult kit] I am.

There’s a very specific brand of midwestern Christmas consumerism that demands you get a new pair of pajama pants every single year.

No matter what I get my dad for Christmas there is no gift of greater value to him than the opportunity to use his pocket knife in the process of opening it

No Adult Christmas is complete until you FINALLY see your mother, and that all of us live in the quiet tragedies of God.

if ur single on christmas its cuz ur ugly. dont ever forget that. if u looked better u would have the person u want

The period between Christmas and New Years is like being in an airport for a week. Everybody is in sweats, you’re tired and bloated, you spent all your money, and you can start drinking at 10am.

sarah schauer 🦂


You got an IPAD for Christmas? I got leprosy. We are not the same.

Had to get a new washer dryer (17 yrs! Thanks Maytag) and the guys installing it asked “you didn’t make this your wife’s Christmas present right?” “No” “Cause the guy at the last house did and that was a bad scene man”

my favorite thing about christmas is that my grandma spells my moms name differently on every present and none of them are ever right

Oh non of your exes texted you Merry Christmas? Congrats on having* healthy** boundaries*** *being **ugly ***and forgettable

apparently if you tell your family that you don't own any corkscrews so you open wine by stabbing the cork into the bottle then you get no fewer than three corkscrews for christmas

The morning after Christmas, it's important that we take a few minutes to reflect over the past year, and realize, Epstein didn't kill himself.

A Prayer for Today "Father thank U for Ur faithfulness in my life. I trust that U are working behind the scenes on my behalf. Thank U for giving me a vision for 2019 that helps me to face foward! Give me strength peace & wisdom 2day & fill me with faith that overcomes the world!

I like to take down Christmas decorations in stages. Right now in the stage where I sit on the couch with a cup of tea in denial that I need to take down the Christmas decorations.

If you want peace, be peaceful.

I just had a body scan and discovered I am now 70% cheese. It was a good Christmas.

I hope everyone had a good Christmas, except the people who use Twitter light mode

mom’s not letting me out of the house cause i look too good in the fit she got me for christmas

Christmas songs are like the smell of ketchup, absolutely disgusting once they are no longer needed.

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