Tweet Hunter
Looking for some good tweets about psychology? Whether it's to dive into the topic or find inspiration for your own tweets, look no further, because we just assembled this amazing collection of 50+ psychology tweets for you to read.
Check out our collection!
Matthew Kobach
@mkobachI'm the best version of myself when I put my physical and mental health first. No exceptions.
@thedankoeYour life will drastically improve when you start focusing on one thing instead of 10
Lawrence King
@lawrencekingyoDeep down you know that there's a habit costing you the quality of life you want. Cut it.
Lawrence King
@lawrencekingyoUncomfortable truth: You'll never reach your full potential until you start doing things you're not qualified for.
Ed Latimore
@EdLatimoreSaw an incorrect statement on social media. Thought about correcting it. Visualized the stupid argument that would ensue. Left it alone.
@callicrates_You should be making significant progress over a 6 month-1 year time frame Your new skillset and knowledge should be almost unrecognizable from your past upper bar If you're not it's time to take a step back and seriously reassess - you're not pushing yourself hard enough
I had to make you uncomfortable otherwise you would never have moved. - The Universe
EmpireED 🇿🇦
@EmpireEdEntrepreneurs bet on themselves. 9-5ers bet on a guy that could fire them at any moment.
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