Best Automations to grow on Twitter


Alex Llull


Last update: 2022/07/07

We'd like to know if you've ever felt this way: You spend a lot of time on Twitter. You tweet every day, you engage with everyone, you send DMs... but after a few weeks, you're exhausted.

The results aren't exactly there, and it seems like the time (and effort) invested isn't enough.

Here's a secret: Twitter growth doesn't happen overnight.

It’s not something you can achieve in a matter of weeks. It takes time and consistency. Even if that sounds boring and cliché, ask any of the top Twitter creators and they will tell you the same thing.

Maintaining that consistency is almost impossible. Especially if you're juggling a full-time job and Twitter is a side project. Here’s where automation comes in. And Tweet Hunter is probably the best tool out there in that regard.

Our scheduling automation makes it easier for you to batch create content and save tens of hours there. Our Auto-DM and Auto-plug features make it easier for you to get more engagement.

And that’s not everything we’ve got! These are the best automations to grow on Twitter.

Why automation?

Forget about sending DMs to the people who reply to your tweets or setting an alarm to retweet yourself 6h after a tweet is published so you can reach your LA followers.

Automation allows you to focus on the tasks that matter most for your Twitter account: creating and networking. Automation saves you time, energy, and makes you more productive. They increase your reach, engagement, and sales.

They are the best way to grow on Twitter.

Let’s see how! 👇

Twitter automation #1: Scheduling tweets and threads

Many people posting on Twitter neglect scheduling, even though they know it exists.

One of the keys to staying consistent and growing on Twitter is to schedule your tweets days or even weeks in advance. With Tweet Hunter’s “add to queue” system is super easy and quick to do.


If you're unsure when to post, Tweet Hunter will analyze your followers and tell you when they're most active so you can be more effective.

Best time

Auto Retweet 👉 schedule retweets of your own tweets

Chances are that your audience is scattered around the world if you write in English. You can have people reading your tweets in LA, NY, London, Istanbul, and Tokyo.

The problem is that a tweet's lifespan isn't long enough to reach all of these different timezones. Unless you retweet it that is.

This task can be automated with the Auto Retweet feature. You can now reach multiple timezones with the same tweet. You just need to select how many hours you want to space the RT (we recommend 6 to 8, but 12 might also work) and how many times (1-2).


Auto plug - Get more subscribers, leads or sales

The Auto Plug feature is one of our favorite features. A tweet is "plugged" (aka posted) automatically below an existing tweet using this automation.

All that is required is that the "main tweet" meets certain criteria. These are usually a certain number of likes.

Auto plugs can be customized, so you can choose from several options. Some people direct others to their newsletters, products, or offers. It's a great way to get subscribers and sales on autopilot.

Thread Plug

Auto DM - Send automated DMs

You can use the Auto DM feature to send DMs when someone interacts with your tweets. It's a great way to distribute lead magnets, product links, newsletter landing pages, etc.

Tweet Hunter automates it so you don't have to spend a lot of time sending DMs to everyone who engaged. As these types of tweets usually generate a lot of engagement, this could be a lot of people. Trust me.

Here’s the “how-to”:

  1. Write a tweet and ask people to engage with it. The action they need to do can be configured
  2. Enable Auto DM
  3. Post the tweet and…that’s it!
Auto DM

Thanks to the auto-DM automation, you don’t need to do anything else. You can start collecting sales and subscribers on auto pilot.

Evergreen Tweets and Evergreen Slots

Sometimes, you don't feel like writing more tweets. This is the perfect time for evergreen content.

With Tweet Hunter, you can have your best tweets retweeted without any involvement on your side. This can only happen if you do two things:

  • Tag your best tweets as "Evergreen content". You do so by creating an evergreen collection inside your Tweet Hunter tweet library

  • Add a few “Evergreen slots” to your queue

That's it! Now you get your best tweets working for you, without the need of lifting a finger.

Thread Delay - Delay each tweet of your thread to avoid spamming

The Thread Delay feature was added after the demand of some of the top thread writers on Twitter.

There's this belief that if you delay the time between each tweet instead of publishing the thread all at once, you will reach more people. It also prevents spamming.

With the Thread delay feature, you can choose how long to wait before each tweet is published. Imagine you have a thread scheduled for 6:10 pm. By setting the thread delay to 1 minute, your first tweet will be sent at 6:10 pm, the second at 6:11 pm, and so on.

Clean Profile - Cancel all your retweets after a few hours

The auto-RT feature is one of Tweet Hunter's most popular features. Only problem is that, if you look at your own profile after auto-RTing one tweet, the same tweet appears twice.

Some people might find this annoying. That's why Tweet Hunter lets you delete all RTs after a few hours.

This is an underrated feature, but it's super-useful if you use Tweet Hunter to its full potential. It's as simple as telling the tool how long you want to wait for the RTs to be deleted.

Clean Profile DM

As an extra, you can also delete ALL of your retweets, of all time.

Are these safe to use?

We hold ourselves to a high standard when it comes to developing features that respect Twitter's Policy and Terms of Use.

However, if you use Tweet Hunter to circumvent Twitter's Terms of Use, you are putting your account at risk. We have developed many safeguards to keep your account safe, but please note that any behavior that can be associated to spam is against Twitter's Terms of Service.

That includes things like repeatedly copy/pasting content written by other people, sending mass amounts of direct messages to people who haven't agreed to it, or posting copy/pasted replies at scale.

But of course, those are also tactics that only work in the short term on Twitter. "Hacks", if you will.

We strongly encourage you to be part of the smart people out there who know that Twitter growth is driven by effort and consistency more than hacks and short-term tactics.

To sum up, as long as you use these features with measure, balance and common sense, you’ll be perfectly fine!

If after reading these, you are still not sure how to get started, give a read to our How to Get Your First 1,000 followers on Twitter article. And don’t forget to check Tweet Hunter to access all of these features!

Want to drive more opportunities from Twitter?

Content Inspiration, AI, scheduling, automation, analytics, CRM.

Get all of that and more in Tweet Hunter.

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