Twitter Design


Tweet Hunter

Looking for some good tweets about design? Whether it's to dive into the topic or find inspiration about web or graphic design for your own tweets, look no further, because we just assembled this amazing collection of 50+ tweets for you to read.

If you are a freelance designer, remember to also check our startup and business tweets, and best marketing tweets' collections.

The best 50 tweets about Twitter Design

Check out our web and graphic design tweets collection!

The tough acceptance that 99.9% of users will never notice if a button is 1pt off, even if it keeps you awake at night

Indie founders, how did you get your logo? Any logo designer recommendations?

Dev Twitter is all about React vs Vue. 🧑‍💻 Design Twitter is all about UX vs UI. 💀

UI/UX Tip 💡 Don't use hamburger menus on desktop. They are less noticeable than on mobile. Plus hiding navigation is considered a bad practice. It depends on the case though, but hiding it completely under the hamburger icon is not that great.

Good product design has finally arrived in crypto. I've been waiting for this since 2015.

Michelle Morrison


Should I start a new design speaker series on Clubhouse? Would you tune in?

How to design almost any UI element. A curated list of 58 articles 👇

Finally figured out a concise way to sum up my job title 🙃 - part-time product designer - part-time graphic designer - part-time web designer - part-time photographer - part-time storyteller - part-time marketer - part-time copywriter - part-time operations - part-time manager

Andrew Wilkinson


When you have an idea: Immediately make a logo. Build a simple website. Make it real. Give it tangible momentum Skateboard🛹 -> Bike 🚲 -> Car 🚗

Remember when we had the mental energy to hate a new logo?

Designing footers is the worst thing about web development.

I don't like telling people how to live their lives, but you should probably learn how to use Figma.

when I was young my parents didn’t let me play video games so I would just... draw the UI in my sketch book and play pretend. Overtime I began tweaking the UI into how I thought it ought to work instead—fastforward 15 years thank you tiger mom I’m a designer now lol

Designers are translators. They translate complex information into something easy to consume, understand and access. They translate problems and needs into solutions that are helpful, usable, delightful and empowering and if done well: invisible.

Stranger: So what do you do for a living? Me: I’m a web designer. Stranger: So can you fix my laptop? 🤦‍♂️

Good design makes people feel empowered, understood, happy, smart, included. Bad design makes people feel irritated, guilty, insecure, anxious, helpless, dumb. That’s why good design is important.

Jordan Singer


When you visualize it in your mind and can’t wait to see it in Figma

It’s amazing that so many product/design teams still fail to understand the following: Over time, your customers/users will conflate “familiarity” with “good design”. And prefer “familiarity” to “good design”.

Julie Chabin (→ #Config2023)


Tools aren't going to make you great designers. Your way of thinking, attention to detail, and ability to see the bigger picture will.

Good design gives you as much competitive leverage as good sales or technology.

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