Tweet Hunter
Are you looking for some good thread starters (also called "thread hooks")? Well of course you are. You know how important it is to start out a thread with something catchy that will make your audience read it until the end.
You're in luck. We created this collection of over 50+ viral thread starters to help you find inspiration and understand what's working!
HOW I MADE MY FIRST $30,000 BY COPYING A BIGGER, MORE SUCCESSFUL BRAND AND NOT TRYING TO BE ORIGINAL This is a thread of the exact steps I took 3 years ago to make my first profitable brand online and how you can do the exact same today. Let’s get this bread 🥂
@gregisenbergI think right NOW is the greatest time to launch a startup You should probably consider starting/joining something Here's 10 reasons why:
⚡️🌞 Sol Brah 🌞🐬
@SolBrahBUILDING YOUR MENTAL TEMPLE OF PEACE (THREAD) A very potent mental technique exists that will facilitate your coolness and calmness in any situation to create a space that you can go into at any point in time...
Will Cannon
@iamwillcannonYou can use cold email to get a meeting with anyone And whether you're signing clients Or looking for a partnership This 7-step cold email philosophy has a stupid high chance to get you meetings with the people you want (This has worked for > 3,000 people):
Luis | Landing Pages
@luisthewiz🔓 CRACKING THE ALGORITHM 🔓 You feel like twitter is messing with you lately? We all do. Here’s some discoveries I’ve made that might help you. [THREAD] 👇
Harrison Schenck
@SaveYourSonsYoung men: Internalize these 9 steps to a healthy long-term relationship and marriage =THREAD=
@gregisenbergThe billion dollar Google Chrome extension club: - Loom - Honey - Grammarly These companies started as Chrome Extensions and created billions of value Here's why it works:
@gregisenbergTHREAD: Most advice is garbage Here's some advice you shouldn’t listen to on startups, careers and life:
⚡️🌞 Sol Brah 🌞🐬
@SolBrahthe GOLDEN thing about bodybuilding is thus; (THREAD) there are no shortcuts... and you either get bigger, or you don't no one can do the work but you no one can eat the food but you no one can sleep on time every night but you..
I've sold 2 startups, cofounded 4, worked at 5 and crashed way more Here are 11 lessons I learned the hard way (so you don't have to) 👇
Dustin Iannotti
@dustiniWhat's the most profitable skill set you could have? If I had to guess, I'd say marketing + psychology Here are 5 cognitive biases I used to make clients literal millions. (They're powerful, so use them ethically):
How did a 21 year old broke and depressed college kid go from -$2000 in his bank account to retiring his parents and earning $15,000 a month? [Thread]
There are 4 funnels you can choose to build your website from. Choose the right one and could easily make $5k/mo from just a link in bio:
Chase Dimond | Email Marketing Nerd 📧
@ecomchasedimondDesigning for Email: How to boost your CTR with design. // THREAD //
A STEP-BY-STEP PLAN ON HOW TO TURN CURRENT WORLD EVENTS INTO AN ADVANTAGE TO MAKE YOUR FIRST $30,000 ONLINE This is a thread of the exact steps I take and have taken in the past to do multiple 7-figures in revenue and multiple 6-figures in profit. Let’s get this bread 🥂
@gregisenbergI interviewed 5 billionaires this week I asked them to share their lessons learned on startups, life and entrepreneurship: Here's what they told me:
Coach Kev - Belly Fat Pro
@AskCoachKevBecome Unrecognizable by 2022. (9 Steps to Transforming your Life in the next 6 Months) >>THREAD<<
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Content Inspiration, AI, scheduling, automation, analytics, CRM.
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