12 Tweet Templates That Get Likes, Followers and Retweets


Alex Llull


Last update: 2022/08/17

Content creation doesn’t need to be original. At least not the idea of originality we have in our minds.

At Tweet Hunter, we pay attention to what top creators do to create their content. And we noticed something.

Creators who are prolific have one thing in common. They use content templates.


A content template means you are not starting from scratch. This means you don't have to deal with the dreaded blank page as a creator.

You are starting from a pre-set structure that has worked before. That's what you fill with your original ideas.

Following this approach, we compiled 12 tweet templates that will get you followers and engagement. Let’s dive in!

Challenge your audience

Engaging your audience on Twitter can be as simple as asking them a question. The problem is that most people do it wrong.

It is unlikely that you will get a response to a general question.

The situation changes, however, if you "challenge" your audience.

Check this example by Eddy Quan that got 780+ responses:


If he asked:

“What's the biggest thing holding people back from living their dream lifestyle?” he wouldn’t have gotten nearly as many replies as he did.

That question worked so well because he was challenging his audience to reply to his question with only ONE word.

It’s a game. And games are fun to play.

Apply it to your tweets:

  1. Think of a question related to your niche (it can be something that you get asked via DMs for example)

  2. Write it down and incorporate the challenge for your audience (in one word, in one sentence…)


Blank space is a tweet writer's secret weapon. Reading is easier when your eyes flow from one element of the tweet to the next one.

And there’s no better way to do that than with lists

They are the perfect example of how blank space and tweet structure are used.

Now, these lists come in all shapes and formats. We have:

Step-by-step lists

4 steps

Unnumbered lists

List 2

Lists of tools or people

Tool list

The list format is pretty easy to replicate.

If you pay close attention, almost everything you are about to say can be listed.

Apply it to your tweets:

  1. Think about what you are about to tweet

  2. Try to play with the blank space and the structure. Can it be divided into different parts? If so, do it.

Speaking of lists, if you are looking for lists of people to follow, why don’t you take a look at this list of the best SEO accounts or this other list of the best cold emailing Twitter accounts?

The before-after


Take a look at the tweet above.

It stands out because it tells us a story. Compressed into one tweet, but a story nonetheless.

It shows how Andy’s journey has changed. From making $0 to making over $28k.

The reason these type of tweets do so well is the same reason why the before-after pictures after someone lose weight are so popular online.

People love to see positive transformations.

Apply it to your tweets:

Think about a transformational event in your life.

It can be how you learned a skill, how you made your first $$$, your fitness journey…anything.

What matters is that there’s a clear transformation.

Then make it fit into one tweet and one tweet only.

This is important because we want people to see the entirety of your journey at a glance.

If you struggle with it, try using a structure similar to this one:


  • State 1
  • State 2
  • State 3


  • How state 1 changed
  • How state 2 changed
  • How state 3 changed

One line takeaway

Opposed thoughts

It is very common for Twitter to have a structure that is two opposing elements.

There are many variations to this kind of structure. Take a look at this:

Don’t do this, do that

stop this

This template is excellent both to get your audience’s attention by attacking a common pain point and to make a strong statement.

It’s short and punchy. Two elements that all good tweets share.

Apply it to your tweets:

Think of a pain point your target audience has. the more common it is, the better. for example, “stop getting distracted by your phone).

Then give a piece of advice or lesson that solves the pain you stated above.


You don’t need (this). You need (that)

you don’t need this

Again, this kind of template aims to attack your audience’s pain points. As the above, the more common that is, the more people it will resonate with.

Apply it to your tweets:


The first line explains what you don’t need. The second one, what you need.

It’s not this. It’s that.

Isn’t about this

Another variation similar to the ones above. Structures like this are typically used to address misconceptions about a niche or industry.

Apply it to your tweets:

  1. The first line addresses this misconception.

  2. In the second line, the "truth" is revealed.

Hidden truths

Twitter may seem like a place where everyone repeats the same ideas, but there's also room for novelty.

Content that reveals things no one else would dare to say, for convenience or because they are unaware of it, works extremely well.

These can also be classified into two types 👇

The harsh truths

We all know and experience these things, but they can be hard to swallow at times.

It's easier for people to agree or disagree, engage or not engage, if the truth is already out there.

If you are the one that says it out loud, you’ll get the engagement.

Hard Truth

Apply it to your tweets:

  1. Think about that hidden truth you know about your niche

  2. When you tweet it, don’t be afraid to “announce” it. Type “harsh truth” or “Hidden truth” at the beginning of your tweet

The hacks

Things that make you go "Wow, I didn't know that". It's as if something clicked in your brain.

Life Hack

Apply it to your tweets:

  1. What’s that one thing that everyone tells you “Wow, I didn’t know you could do that”? Or what's that one thing you learned that literally changed your perspective?

  2. Try to fit it into one tweet. Don’t forget to add “Life hack” or similar at the beginning of the tweet.

Curate content

It is difficult to create original content. And it’s not for everyone.

The good news?

You don’t need to create original content to succeed.

In fact, some of the most popular content produced by Tweet Hunter users is not created.

It’s curated.

Instead of creating content, curators sift through mountains and mountains of content, pick out the best bits, and share them with the world.

The curator has a lot of value in today's information-oversaturated world.

They save people time, effort, and money.

Plus, this is a type of content that’s getting super popular lately on Twitter.

We have seen curated movies and documentaries:

Curation movies


Curation visuals

And even excel shortcuts!

Curation excel

No excuses! You can virtually curate anything.

Next step: get to writing

These are all proven formats that every top Tweet writer uses.

In most cases, it works because they present the information in a recognizable, easy-to-read format. The audience can often understand these ideas in under two seconds.

The fast-paced nature of Twitter makes this a huge advantage.

Don't be afraid to use these formats. Your Twitter engagement will appreciate it.

If you are looking for even more tweet inspiration, here are 24 things to tweet for when you run out of tweet ideas.

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