How to Close a Twitter Prospect on a Call


JK Molina


Last update: 2022/09/16

You got a Twitter prospect on a call. They agreed to talk to you. It’s time for you to sell your service.

  • What do you say?
  • How do you close?
  • How do you pitch?

We’ll cover all of it in this article.

Forget techniques. We’ll cover frameworks. It’s important for you the position you’re in so you

  • Don’t get nervous
  • Don’t get stuck in a deal you don’t want to be part of
  • Make the most amount of money possible

A few things you need to know before the call:

1: They are the ones who need the service. You are the one who provides it.

There’s no reason to get nervous. They need you just as much as you need them.

2: You aren’t selling. You’re offering them a solution to a problem they have.

If they don’t have the problem (or have some sort of need), they wouldn’t have spent the time on having a call with you in the first place.

3: It’s so much more about understanding the Twitter prospect’s needs and being interested in them than just trying to close.

If you close a prospect who isn’t going to be the perfect prospect for the service you offer, then the service you’ll provide will be bad. The experience will be bad. Everything will be bad.

You won’t get them to sign up for another month. Or you might have to refund them. Not worth pitching someone who isn’t a good fit.

4: There’s no risk. If at some point in the service delivery, you don’t deliver what you promised, there’s a problem, or you fail to meet the expectations… Simply give them their money back. Start over.

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You’re not incurring any risk. There’s nothing to be nervous about.

If they don’t say yes, there’s thousands - millions, even - of people who might say yes. You live in an era where you can reach out to anyone. Twitter and social media make this easy.

If you reach out to 100 people a day, somebody is going to say yes. You should be more worried about you - protecting your health and your mindset - than about them saying no. If they say no, so what? You have so many other options.

There are millions of users on social media. 290 million+ on Twitter. Just pitch someone else.

5: Don’t try to read little tricks and tips. There is no “killer phrase”.

The most effective phrase is to see what the problem is and offer your services as a solution to it. It’s literally just that - so now, let’s cover how that goes:

Part 1: The Out

When you start the call, you can go for small talk if you want, like “Where are you from? What are you doing? I lived near there once” and so on.

Or you can actually go straight into it. Say “Hey, can you hear me? Good. Does this time still work for you?” When you ask them that, you’re giving them an out. From the beginning, you show you’re willing to say no.

After they say “yes, this time still works for me,” move on to…

Part 2: The Upfront Agreement

Say “Would you mind if I tell you how these calls usually go?” They’ll say yes.

You then say “Okay, I’ll start by asking you some questions to understand your business, your goals, and your needs. Then, you can ask me some questions to see if there’s anything I missed. If at some point during the call, you feel like this might not be a good fit, you can just say it - and I’ll just end the call there. You won’t hurt my feelings. Don’t worry about it.”

See how you don’t look needy? You’ve already given them an out - twice.


Part 3: The Questions

Now we ask questions to see if we’re a good fit. These will vary depending on the service you sell. One thing you should know: We want to know the truth. And the truth will lead us to the pain.

Say you’re selling copywriting. You can ask them about their conversion rates, what they’ve tried, and what their goals are. The answers will likely show they obviously have a need - they aren’t doing as well as they could.

Or say you’re a weight loss coach. You can ask them how often they go to the gym, if they’ve been consistent with their diet, what they’ve tried, why they want to change, and what their life would look like if they had their ideal body.

You’re asking questions to uncover pain points. While they’re answering, you listen and take notes. Be legitimately interested in what they have to say. Eventually they’ll mention a problem that is so pressing and so challenging that paying your rate won’t be a problem.

You should be talking 20% of the time and listening 80% of the time.

Part 4: The Offer

Once you’ve uncovered all of their problems, offer your solution. Notice how the prospect talked for 80% of the call? That’s good, because the more they speak, the more they give you to work with. Now it’s time to use their problems as ammo. We’re going to solve them one by one.

For the weight loss coach example - let’s say the prospect told you they don’t have the time (or money) to cook healthy food. You can ask them how much they spend each month on food. They’ll tell you a number.

Then you ask “If I gave you a way to eat healthier for less than (that number), you’d actually be saving money. Would you be interested in that?”

Or if they say they don’t have the time to go to the gym, ask them how much time they do have. If they say 45 minutes, you can tell them 45 minutes is plenty of time to do your workout program.

Or if they say they have to go out to eat too often, tell them you’ve created a guide to eating out healthy they can use. With the guide, it’ll be easy for them to eat healthy no matter where they are.

They booked the call with you because they have problems. You uncover those problems on the call. You present your service as the solution to their problem. They’re at point A. They want to get to point B. Your solution is the bridge across the gap between A and B.

Fill the gap between your customer and you

It’s your job to identify the prospect’s problems and goals so you can make sure your solution will help them go from A to B. With marketing, point B is making more money. With weight loss, point B is looking better. Once you uncover what point B is for the prospect, you’ll uncover all of the objections, show all of the solutions, and say “at the end, you will get to point B.” The prospect isn’t buying SEO or marketing or fitness coaching. What they’re buying is a bridge from point A to point B.

So, make sure you describe your bridge - and when you do, that’s when you state your price.

You say “The investment for (your solution) is (your price).”

Then - and this is a very important step - you stop talking. You don’t say anything. You’ve played all your cards. Though it’ll feel awkward, be quiet and let them speak.

They’ll say something. They might say yes - in which case, just send them an invoice and celebrate having a new client. Or they might think of another objection - that’s normal.

Part 5: The Objections

The objection they give you is not the actual objection. The objection they give you is a smokescreen. The real objection is hidden… and so you have to uncover it.

For example: If they say they want to think about it, that could mean many things. So, ask them. Say “You know, every time someone tells me they want to think about it, it’s because the answer is no but they don’t want to be rude. Is this one of those situations?”

They’ll then reveal the real objection. Or maybe they’ll say “I need to talk to my wife about it.” Then you can ask “Okay, well, what is something your wife would ask you about this opportunity?” You’ll then learn if it’s a time problem, a money problem, or some other problem.

Handle their real objections. Make them realize that it’s in their best interest to work with you. Then pitch again. You restate your offer then stay quiet. They’ll either accept, they’ll lead you in another objection loop, or the call will end right there.

Sales isn’t about one single trick. It’s always a dynamic situation. You have to uncover pain points. You have to address objections. You have to describe the bridge between where they are and where they want to be.

In the end, this framework is what has helped a lot of people close clients from Twitter. So get your prospect to book a call, come back and read this article again, then execute on the framework when you’re on the call.

Once you get enough practice, you’ll understand social media and Twitter are just number games. If someone says no, there are thousands of people who will say yes. So just keep trying, keep using the framework, and keep addressing problems.

One day, you will win. For the longest time, nothing happens, then you win all at once.

By the way, if you want to learn how to sell better, you can read this book: You Can't Teach a Kid to Ride a Bike at a Seminar.

Want to understand how to get people interested in your service on Twitter? You can get Tweet Hunter University for free - and try Tweet Hunter’s free 7 day trial where we have over 100 high-converting sales tweets that’ll get people to DM you and ask for your service.

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