How To Sell on Twitter DMs


JK Molina


Last update: 2022/07/07

On Instagram, if you DM someone, you might go to a different inbox than other people.

On Twitter you both go to the same inbox as everyone. Celebrities. Verified checks. The President of the United States. Everyone.

This level playing field gives you an unfair advantage. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you’ve done, on Twitter you have a shot at everyone.

So there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be DMing a lot of Twitter people every day. Opportunities are here. You just have to chase them. Whatever thing you want to sell you can on the DMs: products, tickets, services, content, nfts or beats — you name it. Even feet pics if you want.

To master selling things on Twitter, you first need to understand the DMs.

DMs are one of the most important features of Twitter. And that’s what we’re going to cover in today’s article - how to DM people to get them to buy your product, service, or other offer. All Twitter. Zero adspend.

But first, speaking of offers, it’s important for you to understand what an irresistible offer is. You’ll see this term a lot in this article (and our other resources).

An offer is essentially what you’re giving people in exchange for money. But not all offers are created equal.

This offer is not the same as your service.

Let’s say you’re a web designer. People don’t buy your stuff because they need a website. They buy your stuff because they need more sales from the website. So, the service is the website, but the offer is more sales.

Or for example, let’s say you own a dating app like Tinder. Your service is an app. Your offer is finding love (or something else) fast.

Imagine if Tinder marketed themselves as “Swipe and Have a Conversation” instead of “Find a Girlfriend”. It’s not fun. It’s not clickable. And it doesn’t make money.

You need to package your offer in a way that makes it easy for people to say yes. And the easiest way for people to say yes is to paint your offer as a super high value with a comparatively low price.

Let’s say you sell a service like email marketing. Maybe your price $1000. Which seem expensive. But there’s a twist:

You only get paid when you make the client $10,000.

In that case, it makes sense. A lot of people would agree to that. It’s much more compelling than just selling “email marketing”.

To learn what a good offer is so you can craft your own, we recommend Alex Hormozi’s $100M Offers book.

You’ll see the term “offer” quite a lot in our articles. Make sure you understand it so you can make the most money.

Now, let’s get into selling in the DMs…

There are two ways to sell in the DMs on Twitter - inbound twitter or outbound twitter. Inbound is waiting for people to DM you. Outbound is you DMing people. Both have a process.

Outbound is harder, so let’s start with that.

Selling on Twitter with Outbond DMs

How do you send outbound DMs that get replies? A key to selling on Twitter is actually doing Twitter - by that, I mean playing the game and posting about stuff relevant to your niche. As you do so, you’ll attract a certain kind of person. Now, these people might not DM you directly, but they might start engaging with your content (liking, retweeting, or commenting).

Pay attention to your engagement. If you tweeted something technical, or a testimonial/case study, go over the likes, retweets, and comments and see which of those people are in your target market.

Then, send each of them one of these three messages:

Message #1: The Intro Message

This is the message you send when someone engages with your content:

Hey [name], thanks for engaging with my post. I’m reaching out because I’m currently looking for people interested in [your irresistible offer]. I was looking at your profile and I feel like you’d be a great fit. Want to hear more?

Message #2: The What’s Up Message

This message is just you saying hello. It goes something like this:

Hey [name], I appreciate you engaging with my content. Cheers!

This message is valuable because it can start a conversation. In business, in general, the person with the longest time horizon usually wins. It’s the person who has the most patience. You might talk to someone a little, start a conversation, and then pick it back up again in a few weeks or a few months. You never know.

Message #3: The “What Was the Most Valuable?” Message

Hey [name], thanks for checking out my content. Are there any questions I can answer for you?

This is a way to get people talking about the content since you already know they’re interested.

Here’s a pro tip: You can automate this with TweetHunter’s auto-DM feature. Say you tweet a technical post, testimonial, or a case study. You could set TweetHunter to DM everyone who engages with that piece of content.

Your lead gen mechanism is already automated for you. You don’t have to do it, but it is an easier way.

Alright, now let’s go over inbound messages.

Selling on Twitter with Inbound DMs

Of course, outbound doesn’t end there - now that people are coming to you, you can apply inbound message techniques. People responding to you and people reaching out to you are both warm leads.

This has nine steps. Use them when people DM you or are already warmed up:

Step 1: Start the conversation

Say “Hey, thanks for reaching out. How’s it going?”

Step 2: Qualify them to see if they’re a good fit

This is personal to your own offer. Obviously, a dating offer, relationship offer, and email marketing offer are not going to have the same qualification questions. So, think about what your own questions should be.

For example, in the case of selling Twitter coaching, good qualifier questions would be:

A) What’s your offer? What’s the price of your offer? B) If you don’t mind me asking, how much is the business making a month? C) Have you gotten good business from Twitter?

Step 3: Give them an option of this or that

Say “Hey, that’s interesting.” Then,

A) “Is most of your business inbound or outbound?” B) “Have you worked with ghostwriters or done stuff on your own?” C) “Do you have a niche? Or are you more of a generalist?”

Step 4: Paint the gap

So now you understand where they are. You have to paint where they want to go. You can do this with,

A) “What’s your monthly income up to right now? What would you like it to be?” B) “How many clients do you work with right now? How many would you like to work with?” C) “How many sales calls do you get on an average week? How many would you like to get each week?” D) “What are you charging now? What would you like to increase your price to?”

Now you paint the gap by making them acknowledge they aren’t where they want to be.

Step 5: Find their need

A) “What do you need right now to grow your business?” B) “What do you need most right now?”

Step 6: Ask them if they’d like some help

Say “Okay, I see, I have something that might help you. Would you be interested in that?”

They’ll say “Yeah, sure.”

At this point, you know they have a problem (they’ve articulated it), and they also know they have a problem. That’s where you start selling. Do not pitch if you can’t help them. That’s why we have a lot of questions. They aren’t trick questions. They’re here to save you time, save them time, save you money, and save them money.

We need to understand if they’re a good fit for what we’re offering. We can’t help people that aren’t in our target market.

Step 7: Get the call going

Tell them what you’re thinking and ask them to get on a call.

You can call it a strategy session, brainstorm session, or just a chat if you want to.

Whatever you want to call it, say you’ll get on it and plot out a plan from where they are to where they want to be.

So say “Let’s get on a call. We’ll talk about how we can get you from [where they are] to [where they want to be]. Are you up for that?”

Step 8: Link your calendar

Now you send them your schedule, or your calendar link, or your Calendly link.

Once they’ve scheduled the call, you say “Awesome, talk soon!” and exit the conversation until you talk to them on the call.


These frameworks aren’t going to close 100% of the time. You need to think these through.

Who is your target market?

What is your offer?

What are your questions?

If you just copy what you read in this article, things might not work out for you 100% of the time. Why? Because we aren’t selling the same thing.

If you ever get frustrated about this not working out as well as you thought it would be, then the answer is to either fix your offer (because there might be a reason why people aren’t saying yes) or to simply send more cold DMs.

We like the Hormozi approach - send 100 cold DMs a day and see if it’s about luck.

Now, try the sequence, write your own process, and then follow it. We need to be reminded more than we need to be taught. You already know you need to offer a service that’ll make their life better.

So offer it. Don’t think about fancy tactics or try to find the next new thing.

Have a good offer to sell and talk to as many people as possible to sell it. That’s literally all it takes.

Good luck,

The TweetHunter Team

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