Best Tweets About the System We Live In


Tweet Hunter

Looking for some good tweets about antisystem? Whether it's to dive into the topic or find inspiration for your own tweets, look no further, because we just assembled this amazing collection of 50+ antisystem tweets for you to read.

The best 50 tweets about antisystem

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I knew the workplace wasn't for me When on Monday morning all people could talk about was - Hating Monday - How drunk they got on Saturday - How they can't wait for Friday

Cold Email Wizard 📩


My new favorite insult is "you are the kind of person instruction manuals are written for"

If you’re being censored it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re right But it does mean someone thinks you’re dangerous Your job is to figure out who sees you as a threat, and why

Remember this cliché but powerful fact: The people hiding Anne Frank were breaking the law

⚡️🌞 Sol Brah 🌞🐬


pesticides are so safe the people spraying them on your food have to wear hazmat suits

Young men have a duty to seek truth Old men have a duty to speak truth All men have a duty to defend truth

Stop watching porn. That shit is poison to your brain.

They want to keep you busy your entire life So they bury you with School Work BS obligations Societal roles Because if they didn't, you'd relax, slow down, and quickly realize that all you seek is not actually outside you, but inside you.

To a large degree, an anon future is a lot of people's worst nightmares Not possible to complain about "identity" or nebulous claims of discrimination Simply judged on the actual merit of your ideas. Their egos aren't ready to accept that their ideas are quite simply not good

🇬🇧 IM 🇬🇧


A society without a soul becomes a culture of commerce; for where the spiritual is absent, the material overcompensates.

⚡️🌞 Sol Brah 🌞🐬


They tell you the sun is bad for you To keep you fat, sick, tired and depressed

🇬🇧 IM 🇬🇧


Modern society has normalised many things that will not serve you well. -Don't sleep around -Do start a family -Don't go to uni unless you're high IQ -Do read books and educate yourself -Don't get swallowed up in political correctness and dogma -Do learn critical thinking

Democracy is overrated Why on earth would you give the tiktok addict the same power as the actually useful business owner? Makes zero sense.



There’s too much information available for people to be this unaware

The mainstream media is the enemy of the people

Scalability isn’t important, until it suddenly is. Decentralization isn’t important, until it suddenly is. Privacy isn’t important, until it suddenly is.

For some reason people think you’re suppose to live this wild life in your 20’s then in your 30s and beyond just settle down and be boring If you live a balanced life in your 20s (fun and taking care of business) your whole life will be lit

⚡️🌞 Sol Brah 🌞🐬


How are you to know what happened before you were born happened the way they say it did? As we see the rewriting of narrative before our very eyes - you think the history they tell us is real? Lmao 😂

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