Fitness Twitter


Tweet Hunter

Looking for some good tweets about fitness? Whether it's to dive into the topic or find inspiration for your own tweets, look no further, because we just assembled this amazing collection of 50+ fitness tweets for you to read.

The best 50 tweets about fitness

Check out our collection!

I go to the gym for my mental sanity.

Life is more enjoyable when you're in shape.

The best way to pay yourself first is to workout first thing in the morning.

You can workout. You can drink water. You can take vitamins. But if you don't deal with the problems in your head. You'll always be unhealthy.

Losing weight is not about exercise. It’s about what you eat.

I've been going on about 5 walks a day and it has dramatically increased my quality of life.

Weights before cardio. Stretching before lifting. Water before coffee. Tiny adjustments make a huge difference.

Standards are so low for physical fitness that if regular people don't think you're extreme, you're probably slacking off.

The gym is a form of meditation when done correctly.

Good sleep, good food, good workouts, and good company are the most powerful forms of medicine.

An unwritten rule for the gym is to never miss twice.

Ronaldo at 36 vs Ronaldo at 20 Live your life right and ageing wont effect you like it does everyone else

If you save your favorite video and audio for workouts only, you’ll look forward to exercise.

A fit mind is a clear mind.

If you do exercise enough times you become mentally & physically addicted to it.

The older you are, the bigger a flex being in shape is.

Uk Living vs Med Living

If you aren't happy with where you are in life, start lifting weights. It will lead to so much more. I promise.

The days you don’t want to go to the gym are the days you need to go the most.

An unwritten rule in the gym is to never skip leg day.

The less you exercise The more tired you get Sounds counterintuitive But it’s true

A shitty workout is better than no workout at all.

⚡️🌞 Sol Brah 🌞🐬


See how much present you can be your next workout Don’t use your phone, no music Just you, your muscles and the weights

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