How to write a great Twitter bio. 21 examples.


Tweet Hunter

Last update: 2022/06/21

Getting followers on Twitter is more than just creating great content. Several factors come into play. Setting up a strong funnel for followers is one of them.

What’s that?

These are the different pieces that will make someone decide if they should follow you or not. These are:

  • The profile picture
  • Your banner
  • Your bio
  • And your pinned tweet

Today, we'll cover Twitter bios and provide you with 21 examples of good ones. Stay tuned as we will cover the rest of the elements that make people follow you on Twitter in the upcoming weeks.

Let's dive in!

Is it important to have a great Twitter bio? And the one mistake everyone does.

Most people decide whether or not to follow someone based on their bio.

When someone who does not know you visits your Twitter profile, they'll look at your bio first.

The bio is what generates the trust needed for the follow to happen. It tells others why they should follow you. However, most people make this mistake when crafting their own:

They make it only about them.

And you might think “well, it’s MY bio, It should be about ME, right?”

Yes. And No.

Most social media bios are all about me, me, me. Instead, let's flip the script.

Rather than you, you should make the Twitter bio about them, your audience.

Why should people follow you? What do THEY get if they click that follow button?

You'll succeed if you think from your audience's perspective.

Elements of a great Twitter bio

A good Twitter bio has the following elements:

  • Who you are
  • What you do and who you do it for
  • Social Proof
  • Call to Action

Of course, there are exceptions, but these are the basic elements that make a good bio. Let’s see it best with the examples below 👇

21 Examples of great Twitter bios

JK Molina (@OneJKMolina)


JK tells us who he is (writer, ghostwriter, and SaaS Owner). He adds some social proof (built Tweet Hunter to $1MM ARR) and tells us what you can expect from his tweets.

Not much else to say. Super solid.

Aaron Will (@IAmAaronWill)


Aaron’s bio is not about him. It’s about his audience. He shares insights to make sure YOU get ahead of life.

That’s a pretty compelling “follow me” pitch.

Joe Holka (@JoeHolka)


There are times when you don't need too much. Simplicity is often best. Joe simply tells us what he shares on his account. Just a glance at his follower count tells us it works.

Fiona | The Millennial Money Woman (@The_MMW)


This is a very well-branded profile. Fiona also goes for simplicity. But she targets the audience directly.

“I write about these topics to help YOU be a millionaire”

Dan Koe (@thedankoe)


Daniel tells us about his interests, and that he's on Twitter to share them with the world. He adds social proof by linking the two products that he's developing (two well-known products around Money Twitter).

Austin Belcak (@austinbelcak)


Austin's bio begins with a description of how he helps others. In addition, he tells us how many LinkedIn followers he has, which adds a ton of social proof to what he does (helping people land jobs).

Julia Saxena (@julia_saxena)


Julia is another example of a bio that’s about the audience. She helps YOU launch, run and scale an online course. She then closes her bio by adding that she’s the marketing manager for forte labs (a well known online course institution)

Bio about the audience + Social proof is surely a winning combo.

Greg Bussmann (@GregBussmann)


Greg’s bio is super benefit-oriented and highly targeted. He helps “busy B2B founders” (super-targeted) write content that converts.

If you are a B2B founder, you probably need Greg’s help. The benefit of following him is quite clear.

Dakota Robertson (@WrongsToWrite)


Dakota has two parts on his bio:

  • The first part where he tells us what his content is about (simplify complex topics and share what he learns)
  • Social proof + conversion part, where he tells us he builds 7-figure brands

Not much else to say.

Alex Banks (@thealexbanks)


Another bio geared towards the audience. “I help YOU cut through the noise on business, finance, and growth”.

If you are interested in any of these topics, you probably need help with that.

Abhishek Shah (@abhishekshah173)


Another example of someone who labels himself is Abhishek. As we said, that can be a pretty good strategy for making yourself known in a particular niche. And then he follows up by sharing what he tweets about. He finishes up by mentioning where he works (more social proof).

Kurtis Hanni (@KurtisHanni)


Kurtis is a good example of “What I do and who I do it for” bio. This is clear from his bio. Not much else is needed.

Alex West (@alexwestco)


This is the type of bio that gives the impression that there is more to this person than meets the eye.

Alex begins by saying "Unemployed". He continues by saying he's building a $1M solo business while traveling. Finally, he adds some social proof, but not the usual. Alex tells us he failed 19 times before, which says a lot more about him than anything else he could say.

Ana Bibikova @NotechAna


Another good example of a targeted bio is Ana. The first thing she tells us is what she tweets about and for whom (introverted founders, very targeted). Next, she shares some social proof (had a $4M business) and a bit of her story (but I burned out).

All of that in less than 160 characters. Not bad at all!

Sheila Gonzalez (@DanesaGlez)


According to Sheila, she connects marketing principles with stories in order to help her audience "unlock their creative potential". Here's another example of focusing on what the audience gets out of the person, which makes a better bio.

George Ten (@GrammarHippy)


George plays the branding oneself game, but his approach is a bit different. As "The Grammar Hippy Copywriter", he pairs two things that aren't usually seen together (Hippy + copywriter). Then he continues with some social proof (created 6-figure sales pages, built an $8.5M store)...

Good branding + social proof is another great follow-me pitch.

Chris Do (@theChrisDo)


Chris Do is very popular on Instagram and Youtube, but not so much on Twitter (still huge though). Despite this, we can learn a great deal from his bio.

He starts his bio by stating what you can expect from his content (bit-sized advice). Lastly, he adds some social proof by mentioning that his podcast ranks among the Top 10 marketing podcasts.

Blake Burge @blakeaburge


In Blake's bio, he makes it very clear what he's on the platform for (learning), and what you will gain by following him (helping you learn). Then he explains what he tweets about (business and productivity insights), with the sole purpose of building a better you. Here's another attempt to focus the value of the bio on the audience.

Then he adds a couple of personal touches, like how he loves bourbon.

Catalin Pit (@catalinmpit)


This bio stood out from the rest because it's a little different. You don't always need to articulate everything clearly. Your bio can be bulleted too. And it works!

Arvid Kahl (@arvidkahl)


This is a slightly different bio from the others we have seen. Arvid uses his more as a portfolio. His "mission statement" is to empower other founders. He then proceeds to list all the ways he does so with links.

Now it’s your turn

In most Twitter bios, you'll find a combination of the elements we mentioned above. All you need to do is convince the person reading your bio that you're worth following. That's done by telling them what they will get in return.

I hope that was helpful. I now invite you to review your bio. Keep in mind:

  • Don't make it all about you. Offer something that will benefit your audience.
  • Remember the different elements
    • Who you are
    • What you do and who you do it for
    • Social proof
    • Call to Action
  • But also remember to play around with these rules and break them if necessary

Don’t worry too much about crafting the best bio right away. It takes time. The perfect bio takes a lot of iterations. You'll get there.

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