Tweet Hunter
There are a few things to keep in mind when writing about Valorant on Twitter.
First, be sure to include your Clan Name! This will help others find your tweets more easily.
Second, try to be concise yet informative; no one wants to read a novel about a video game.
Finally, have fun with it! Be creative and engaging, and you're sure to get some attention from other gamers out there.
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@Keeohif you’re ever feeling down, remember there are people who exclusively play Valorant unrated.
Travis Gafford
@TravisGaffordIt feels like Riot really took all their learnings from Lolesports and evolved for Valorant. Now I want them to come back to League and apply that evolution here.
@westjett1*HOT TAKE* Valorant is more fun to play than to watch. CS:GO tournaments have way better camera control and flow better in general. I think it's cuz Val is super technical so it's hard to fully appreciate everything unless ur hyper analyzing
been playing valorant ever since the beta so to be asked to work with the Valorant team was such a dream come true. I absolutely love their stylish incorporation of music and art in their games, so this one was real special to me 🥲
@GeorgeGeddVALORANT Rostermania post-#VALORANTChampions will be the most insane period you have seen so far. Deals already starting behind the scenes.
The Esports Writer
@FionnOnFireI leave #VALORANTMASTERS so impressed by Leviatan They took DRX to 3 maps Beat XSET Pushed Fnatic to the limit where the EMEA champs had to win two OTs Best Ascent team in the world. What are a hard working, delightful team 🇨🇱 strong! They'll be contenders at Champions
@westjett1Valorant NEEDS to add a half time break for 15-20 seconds where you can communicate with the enemy team. That time would be used to encourage each other and support people when they’re playing subpar ☺️☺️🙏
@GeorgeGeddI’ve played hundreds of VALORANT games and I’m convinced I haven’t seen a single Astra, mf has gone extinct in ranked or sum?
@westjett1Chamber is the best agent in Valorant if you can aim. Im just picturing a Gold 3 Chamber player who hits a sheriff shot once every leap year
placed silver 3, can safely confirm that Europe is the superior region in valorant
I know it’s not exclusively a VALORANT issue but y’all have got to stop using slurs, abusing each other and calling girls whores all the time. It’s not hard to be a nice decent human being. We are all so blessed to be alive right now so enjoy your life!! Stop being weird!
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