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Shannon Anima
@ShannonAnima#IAmAmberHeard because I have seen how courts repeatedly fail women and children in over 2 decades of work as a psychotherapist & advocate for survivors of sexual abuse and domestic violence. #enough
Dr. Roger McFillin
@DrMcFillinPeople are so brainwashed they believe struggling with mental health they have only two options 1. Psychotherapy 2. Psychiatric drugs How did the human race evolve without those two options? Think beyond what they tell you
BiteSize Therapy
@bitesizetherapyWe do ourselves and our patients no favours by immersing ourselves in psychotherapy from morning until night forever. - Nina Coltart
@nyctherapistA quantitative questionnaire measuring distress and therefore treatment deterioration might not account for how psychotherapy is helping someone access more freedom in their lives precisely *because* they can tolerate more uncomfortable feelings.
Mark L. Ruffalo
@MarkLRuffaloWhy should we be interested in psychotherapy for psychosis? Because, as psychiatrist Michael Garrett puts it, "Although current pharmacologically oriented treatment-as-usual for psychosis reduces acute psychotic symptoms and helps prevent relapse, it is insufficiently...
You Might Be Autistic
@mightbeautisticMy account is #Autistic shared traits. Not all Autistic people, as we are not a monolith. Allistics can also have some of the traits I share, since they too are human. I’m an Autistic psychotherapist and these are traits from identification and diagnosis established fields.
BiteSize Therapy
@bitesizetherapy"Connection Before Correction" Timing is critical in psychotherapy. A patient may feel misunderstood and criticized if directness comes too early. They may bristle at the suggestion to 'change their thoughts' from someone who hardly knows what their thoughts are.
BiteSize Therapy
@bitesizetherapyPsychotherapy is not simply about changing one's behavior; it is also about accepting what cannot be changed. - Nancy McWilliams
Mark L. Ruffalo
@MarkLRuffaloWhen I say I am for greater access to treatment for the severely mentally ill, this includes psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy, and electroconvulsive therapy. To be for one and not the others is to engage in a cheap ideological war, and patients only end up losing in the end.
@KemtrupTweetsEvery aspect of a meeting with a psychiatrist or in an inpatient or hospital setting should be viewed through the eyes of a psychotherapist. “Is this therapeutic?” should always be asked and discussed.
Dr. Roger McFillin
@DrMcFillinPeople are so brainwashed they believe if someone is struggling with their mental health they have only two options 1. Psychotherapy 2. Psychiatric drugs How did the human race evolve without those two options? How do other cultures/societies outside of western medicine live?
Shannon Sevigny
Mark L. Ruffalo
@MarkLRuffaloThe schizophrenia patient generally requires shorter psychotherapy appointments. This is because the anxiety created by interpersonal contact can be overwhelming to the patient, especially early in treatment. Thus, 30 minute appointments are preferred vs. the typical 45 or 50.
Mark L. Ruffalo
@MarkLRuffaloMyth: "The patient is too psychotic for psychotherapy." An abundance of literature spanning the past seven decades has shown that even severely psychotic patients can benefit from psychotherapy. The psychotherapy relationship is often a gateway to more comprehensive treatment.
Mark L. Ruffalo
@MarkLRuffalo"Those who locate the sources of their difficulties primarily in themselves seek therapy from psychotherapists.... Those who blame such environmental factors as injustice and poverty are fair game for demagogues." - Jerome Frank, M.D., Ph.D., Persuasion and Healing, 3rd ed., 1991
Linas Linkevicius
@LinkeviciusLThe moment of truth has come now. Putin is so bogged down with his geopolitical nonsense that only a truce can save him from crash. West must realize its responsibility and not extend a helping hand to him, end ‘psychotherapeutic’ calls and go all the way to Ukranian victory.
Mark L. Ruffalo
@MarkLRuffaloIn severe depressions, an exploration of the patient's life history in psychotherapy is contraindicated since the patient will selectively recall only negative life events and become more depressed. Thus, referral for medication or ECT must precede any insight-oriented therapy.
Mark L. Ruffalo
@MarkLRuffalo"Psychotherapy provides the safety of an interpersonal holding environment in which a psychotic person can struggle to think and feel the unbearable with the support of another human being nearby." Michael Garrett, M.D.
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