Codie Sanchez
@Codie_SanchezWe need more politicians like my friend @tulsigabbard - Active duty army - Not bound to either party - Actually cares *Don't workout w/ her she's strong, BUT do read her new book it's amazing.
Ashton Nowicki
@AshNowickiTexas we did it! The duopoly better be ready come this November! We The People have declared our Independence! We have our voice and we have a choice. Kennedy is the Remedy! #KennedyShanahan24…
@dcpettersonYou can tell that the people who scream, "Both parties are the same!" do not believe both parties are the same, because they never run candidates in Republican primaries. And they never harass Republicans with this "Both parties are the same!" crap. I mean, dead giveaways.
Drew Hernandez
@DrewHLiveThis is a step in the right direction I suspect they will spin this and call it voter intimidation…
Peter Henlein
@SwissWatchGuyEvery MAGA influencer spent the entire GOP primary justifying and applauding Trump’s cowardly decision to not attend the primary debates, essentially enabling that cowardice. Those same people now want to complain about Biden not debating Trump, and are also going nuts at the prospect of two podcasters who were coworkers until a few weeks ago debating each other. We need a better conservative media.
Victoria 💙💛
@Hanasaku_Yuri>Republican campaign totally collapsing and failing to make any headway >Democrats and President especially using constant attack messaging >Third Party opposition campaign floundering DID. YOU. DOUBT?…
Middle Age Riot
@middleageriotRepublicans gerrymander districts, selectively close polling places, purge voter rolls, enact voter ID laws, stop mail-in ballots, shorten polling hours, and weaken voting rights legislation, but, when they lose anyway, say the system is rigged against them.
In case you missed it, Trump and MAGA Mike Johnson will be holding a gaslighting conference at Mar-a-Lago tomorrow on “Election Integrity,” or as the rest of America calls it, more bullshit.
Clint Russell
@LibertyLockPodThe GOP wants you to believe that they are the small government opposition party as they: -pass trillion dollar omnibus bills -push warrantless spying -fund two proxy wars -ban TikTok You can hate the democrats more but I hope it's obvious that these people are equally dangerous
Robert F. Kennedy Jr
@RobertKennedyJr“Those questions were not allowed … I had to lie” @sagesteele Get ready to live in a country where people once again dare to speak freely, under the Kennedy presidency. #KennedyShanahan24…
Laura Loomer
@LauraLoomerIf republicans weren’t so stupid we wouldn’t be needing to have the debate over Speaker Mike Johnson. I am called a radical. But notice, I am always right. When are these morons going to learn? I am sick of every single one of them wasting valuable time. I’m just so over GOP incompetence and excuses making. I genuinely just do not like these people.
Leading Report
@LeadingReportBREAKING: RNC is seeking to deploy more than 100,000 election integrity workers, including volunteers and attorneys, to monitor the fairness and transparency of the 2024 election. The RNC plans to launch "the most extensive and monumental election integrity program in the nation's history." The Democrat tricks from 2020 won't work this time," RNC Chief Counsel Charlie Spies said in a release.
End Wokeness
@EndWokenessIf MAGA was blocking highways, bridges, airports, and roads the entire FBI, DOJ, & National Guard would be mobilized. It would be classified as domestic terror. There would be 24/7 aerial coverage of it. People would get decades in jail, pre-trial detention, & lose access to their banking accounts.
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