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Trending tweets about "movie"

What did you all expect? The movie was financed by a child trafficker named Carlos Slim. (Allegedly) 🤭 Remember when all the conservative and paytriots was pushing this movie? LDS Church broke ties with Tim Ballard. Glen Beck broke ties with Tim Ballard. Jim Caviezel broke ties with Tim Ballard. O.U.R. broke ties with Tim Ballard. I told everyone this film was financed by human traffickers that was based on a child trafficker and promoted by a studio that employs child abusers. No one who was pushing this film can tell you anything about any resolution that came from it. The money didn't go to any program. Shelter. Victim. Or family who still had missing children. Tim Ballard can't even tell you what happened to those 26 missing girls he supposedly saved that went missing the same week he announced the rescue. People are still under this Hollywood movie spell. Sound of Freedom" is advertised as a “true story," that story is highly fictionalized, with even Angel Studios, the film's distributor, acknowledging that it took "creative liberties." I mean, helloooooooooooo! This is why I ignored and did review this movie or told any of my followers to watch it. The post I did on Carlos Slim financing this film had 1 million views. No one was speaking out against this film at the time. How many times have we been proven ro be correct on this account? People I am only here to inform. I am not picking a side on anything. Just trying to bring people up to speed. But no. I'm an operative. I'm a agent. I'm a psyop. I'm a blackhat. Last time I checked all those terms are synonymous with people who have been caught in lies.

Much to my husband’s dismay, I have discovered the show Blue Bloods. I love it and he absolutely hates it. I said, “Do you know how many shows you love that I hate but I watch anyway? It’s called marriage.” He said, “Ok, fine.” Friends, I googled and there are 293 episodes.

I haven't seen this movie, but any accurate general statement about Hollywood's treatment of Muslims over the past two decades would have to include the observation that despite the fact that Islamist terrorism has taken far more American lives than any other kind during this period, most movies that depict terrorists have gone out of their way to make them anything other than Muslim, in much the same way that Hollywood also avoids depicting blacks as murderers. Statistical reality takes a back seat to protection of the so-called "marginalized".

Isabela Merced (Dina) on playing The Last of Us Part 2 for the first time: "I had a lot of fun. People say, 'How did you have fun playing it? It’s a very sad story.' But it’s just so well-made. When you see the Bloaters, your heart starts racing, your hands are all sweaty, and you can barely hold onto the controller. It’s just an amazing experience.“

The Fallout show is good as a series but lore wise has wonky bits. It’s annoying that the West Coast went back to Square 1. I got a feeling they’re doing that to rebuild it again, for the show. Rise of the NCR type thing. Still considering it a different timeline to 1,2, NV

TREMORS remains one of my favorite creature features. The screenwriting doesn't try to do too much. It takes a simple premise of "Jaws on land" and executes it with joy and affection. It has legitimate tension, fantastic performances, and a terrific sense of humor. The reveal in this clip of just how many weapons they have in their "rec room" is a superb example. I was a part-time manager of a movie theatre when this was released. We would watch movies the night before they opened to test the print, and we had no idea what to expect. It was such a wonderful surprise. I still kind of light up when it's mentioned. If you haven't seen it, make a point.

The Dangers in My Heart Season 2 crowns its historical run with a total of 13 awards! ✨ 🏅 Best Anime 🏅 Best Girl 🏅 Best Boy 🏅 Best Ship or Couple 🏅 Best Supporting Girl 🏅 Best Romance 🏅 Best Adaptation 🏅 Best Slice of Life 🏅 Best Ending Theme Song 🏅 Best Soundtrack 🏅 Best Voice Cast 🏅 Best Female Seiyuu 🏅 Best Male Seiyuu Congratulations to the staff and everyone involved with the production, as well as to all of you who voted for Bokuyaba! 🙏

Already talking and planning for mito3 the movie !It’s just crazy.. I cannot wait seriously. It’s going to take a lot of time but it will be worth it dreamers ! Coming to the big screen MITO3. But first .. the hybrid

british actors are interesting to dig into because they’ve been everywhere. there’s almost always going to be a war film a period drama a bbc miniseries a little women adaptation and a harry potter extra in their archive



Velma Season 2 Review: Okay, I finished the show. My boi Scrappy fucking killed Velma ( thank god) and the ghost of Velma killed scrappy. I wish I was making this shit up. So Velma is now dead and she’s now a ghost that lives amongst her peers…TF?! 3/10 I don’t recommend you watch it. I love the animation and the art style but story wise..the show is ass. It hurts me this show Could’ve been amazing, a more mature take on Mystery Inc would slap but who ever wrote this shit clearly doesn’t give a fuck about these characters. This show is one big “FUCK YOU” to all Scooby Doo fans…and that shit lowkey hurts. Fuck this show. #velma

when dune 2 and monkey man and challengers are all available on streaming platforms at the same time i will be feasting with a level of greed and indulgence that this world has not seen since roman emperors were around

I need to watch a movie with a plot twist that’ll have me in disbelief for days

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