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Trending tweets about clients

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Trending tweets about "clients"

The biggest problem you can help solve for clients is by saving their brain cells. You going to do this by thinking of the hooks without them doing it. Because every skill needs hooks. As for content, videos, designs and so on. They'll pay you well for this help.

Michael · Design Partner


Every time I land a new client, I keep asking myself: "why me?" Why did the client choose me, and not one of 1072861 other freelancers? I guess they just liked my work. Lesson in there: there's space for everybody. Competition is a myth.

Don't be greedy. If they're not your ideal client, let them go. Move on. The money isn't worth ruining your brand, your reputation, and your relationship with them.

Basil | Ghostwriter


How I went from "Why did this happen to me?" to "What am I going to do about it?" Wondering how to get clients on here → Started getting clients for others Feeling anxious → Started breathing exercises Being skinny → Started lifting Being poor → Started building Your problems aren't fixed by asking. They are fixed by acting.

Would you say no to a client if he was hard to work with?

My client just won. Signed a client in under 2 weeks. → Without cold dms → Cheap sales tactics → Under 200 followers Want to know how? We used my authenticity blueprint system. Here’s the breakdown: 1/ Profile with clear value 2/ Clear thinking for clear writing 3/ A simple sales approach ━━━━━✺━━━━━ 1. Profile with clear value ━━━━━✺━━━━━ My client used to have a busy profile Fell into the trap of wanting to tell everything The result? They told nothing. How we fixed it: 1/ Clarify the target 2/ Choose a stand out proposition 3/ Articulate it all over the profile ━━━━━✺━━━━━ 2. Clear thinking for clear writing ━━━━━✺━━━━━ One of the issues writers have is not being clear on the big idea. How did we fix it? We worked on developing a system for writing Steal my process → Plan (the lesson, bridge [story], action) → Hook (focused time just working on the hook) → Write then edit (write everything then edit it) ━━━━━✺━━━━━ 3. A simple sales approach ━━━━━✺━━━━━ I’ll let you in on a secret? My client doesn’t even have an offer. We just focused on conversation. Here’s the structure they used: 1/ Goals and pain points of the client 2/ Make the client sound heard 3/ Share how they can solve the pain points 4/ Negotiate the deal. People buy from authority and vibes. An offer is just a tool. ━━━━━✺━━━━━ Bonus: Mindset ━━━━━✺━━━━━ My client had to realise that they had the ability to do it. And to not let imposter syndrome get in their way. We crushed this obstacle to help them move forward. Reminder: Rewards go to those that act. ━━━━━♾━━━━━ Still here? You’re a legend! Consider: 1). Commenting and Liking 2). Following 3). Retweeting P.S. If you want sign your first client too- then you might be interested in my Authenticity Mastermind where I help people build an engaged audience and monetize. DM "believe" to apply. 2/5 spots left.

Want to land more clients today? Understand the 7 human "needs": • To be right • To feel needed • To know "secrets" • To feel understood • To have a scapegoat • To feel a sense a hope • To feel a sense of power Without targeting these, your offer won't bite.

Jackson Blackledge


the smaller the client the larger the headache the less they pay, the more they complain not all, but most I reject 10-15 clients / month If your prospect raises hella red flags on the first call… Run away boys. The money isn’t worth the headache

Every single client I landed came the same way: Out of friendship and a desire to help. Stop trying to sell numbers. Start trying to help people. You will feel better about yourself, and as a byproduct you will make more money.

I made over $40k on branding projects with the same client for 3 years in a row, without any phone calls and without ever meeting face-to-face. Everything was presented and approved via email. Can we establish this type of collaboration as a rule?

Cold Email Wizard 📩


Dudes will really run a business and REFUSE to post video of themselves on the internet Do you like being poor? Enjoy signing zero clients at all?

Much better to refund a shitty client and lose the money over keep the money and have them talk shit to other potential prospects.

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