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Trending tweets about testosterone

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Trending tweets about "testosterone"

Hans Amato || testosterone & DHT maximization


DHT is testosterone on steroids. When men think they want more testosterone, they're referring to DHT. Here are 2 main reasons why DHT is better than testosterone. DHT is 10 times more potent than testosterone. DHT binds uniquely to the androgen receptor and does things testosterone cannot. It's been shown that DHT is so important, that when testosterone is over 350ng/dl, DHT is the main hormone that makes you feel more alpha and reduces aging male symptoms (low testosterone symptoms). #1 Increase testosterone About 10% of testosterone converts to DHT. Increasing testosterone will result in more DHT. If testosterone is low, you can't expect to have high DHT. #2 Increase DHEA DHEA is a hormone produced in the adrenal glands. It's a weak androgen but does have important benefits in the brain, such as enhancing mood, motivation, libido and of course, converting to 5 alpha reduced steroids, such as androsterone and DHT. Whereas testosterone levels drop by about 1-2% per year, DHEA levels drop by 2-3% per year. Much faster. In this graph, you can see how rapidly DHEA declines with age. A 3-fold drop from 12 to 4 from the age of 40 to 80. In this graph, you can see how effective DHEA supplementation increases DHT levels, without majorly increasing testosterone. You can focus on boosting DHEA naturally (the same way you'd go about boosting testosterone) or simply supplement DHEA in doses of 25-50mg (get tests done to see how effective it is for you). #3 Optimize T3 Thyroid hormone T3 is a powerful inducer of 5 alpha-reductase. As you can see in this graph, T3 boosts 5AR2. Too low T3 can lead to low 5AR and low DHT and allopregnanolone. In my DHT course, I show you exactly how to optimize thyroid function. #4 Improve gut health There is about 70 times more DHT in the gut than in the blood. In this graph, you can see how much higher DHT is in the cecum and colon compared to the serum and liver. The more of that DHT is reabsorbed, the higher your DHT will be. When gut health is suboptimal (dysbiosis, overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria, low beneficial bacteria, leaky gut, etc.), intestinal DHT levels drop and DHT excretion is increased. Similar to how there are bacteria in the gut that can deactivate testosterone, there are also bacteria that can deactivate DHT. This means that your testes can produce optimal amounts of testosterone, but because of these bacteria, you can have low circulating testosterone. Optimizing gut health is crucial for optimal testosterone, DHT and T3 as well as general health. In my DHT course, I show you how to optimize your gut health and also what test to do and exactly how to analyze the test yourself. Some supplements improve gut health and increase 5AR at the same time. They are part of my DHT starter stack. #5 Fix all micronutrient deficiencies Vitamin and mineral deficiencies control everything in the body. If there is a deficiency, energy, testosterone, DHT and thyroid hormone as well as healing and much more become impaired. Illness develops because of these deficiencies. Nutrient deficiencies, such as zinc, vitamin B1, B3, B5, B6, biotin and so on have been shown to lower DHT production. Eating a nutrient-dense diet, such as the TestoDiet, is the best way to replenish those nutrients to maximize testosterone and DHT. *********** In my DHT course, I teach you everything related to DHT optimization. From diet to gut optimization and everything in between that's necessary for DHT. If you want to benefit from DHT, now you'll know exactly how.

Years of cocaine, Viagra & alcohol abuse destroyed my testosterone. It left me at 210 ng/dL. Now I’m 42 & my testosterone is higher than ever at 1261 ng/dL. Steal my 7 tricks to increase testosterone: (Backed by Science)



Testosterone Optimization: (Natty) Modern/Primal Methods: ***How to Actually Maintain Higher Testosterone*** - Be Physically fit/capable & relatively lean - Eat a well rounded diet containing protein, carbs & fats - Sleep really really well - Have Healthy relationships - Compete in some way - Eliminating Chronic Stress ^ this is the REAL protocol, but I will expand.. **Note*** -pine cone dust won’t help ***Testosterone Nutrition*** - You NEED animal fats for optimal hormone production - Pasture-raised eggs (choline, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin K, B vitamins, saturated fats, cholesterol) - Quality oysters (selenium, zinc, *helps increase free testosterone) - Red Meat (zinc and red vitamins to help the pituitary gland produce LH) - Carbs (there is no perfect carb.. utilize carbs that digest well, white rice, fruits , white potatoes) - Organic Fruits (especially watermelon & pomegranates) - Royal Jelly to support DHEA-S conversion - Raw honey (chrysin, LH production, contains boron) - Raw Garlic (allicin, lowers cortisol levels, diallyl disulfide) - Onions (B6, allicin and quercetin) - Sea Salt (adrenal health, thyroid health, reduces stress) - Bone Broth (glycine, gut health, digestion) - Sun dried raisins and red grapes. (boron and resveratrol, increases sperm swim strength) ***Supplements*** - Magnesium Glycinate (daily) - Complex Mag Sup (daily) - Boron (helps free T) - Creatine - Ashwaghanda - Tongkat Ali (needs to saturate, take daily for weeks) - L-Citrulline - Cialis - Shilajit - Injectable L-Carn - Vitamin D (if you don’t get sun, find one made with olive oil) - Salt based electrolytes - Fish oil (potentially) - D-Aspartic Acid - Taurine (get through food ideally) ***Natty estrogen blockers*** -carrots -olives -organic olive leaf extract -naringin -vitamin E -calcium -selenium -quercetin -black ginger ***What to Avoid*** - Sedentary lifestyle - Excess blue light - Excess EMF exposure (phone out of pocket, touch grass in remote areas) - Lack of sunlight - Chronic stress - Xenoestrogens (stop working out in polyester & eating highly processed foods, drinking out of plastic) - Diets low in B vitamins, calcium, vitamin C, and zinc - Lack of sleep - low carb diet - Excessive body fat - Lack of saturated fats - Lack of animal foods - Alcohol - Soy (esp if you are fat) - Bad fats (canola oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil and so on) - Tap water & plastic water bottles ***Testosterone Workouts*** - Leg day causes the biggest testosterone spike compared to any muscle group, you will not max out your natty testosterone with chicken legs - Higher Reps/Full body (lowers Myostatin, increases androgens, increases testosterone) - Pumps in the sun (literally amazing for testosterone I don’t have to expand) ***Testosterone Boosting Activity’s*** -Sprinting (boosts T within seconds, *pro tip: barefoot in the sun) -Aggressive Music (immediate boost) -Aggressive Videos (immediate boost) -Deep Sleep -Competing for status -Winning a competition -Caffeine (increases T and lowers estrogen) -Breaking a fast with nutrient rich foods (protein & fat) will immediately prime and boost your HGH and T -Heavy weights + High Reps (1 rep maxes boost cortisol more than testosterone) -Sunlight (eyes + skin) -Masterbation/Sex (increases testosterone immediately) -Interacting/looking at attractive Females (immediate T boost) *Health Schizo Testosterone Protocol* - Prioritize Nasal breathing (this will help the pituitary glad optimally signal to your balls to produce testosterone) - Buy nose strips - Organic Cotton Attire (no polyester) - Lift in the sun (nude) - Ball sunning (not an emulous activity, but can work) - Raw Liver - Raw Milk - Raw beef - Stop showering in tap water (buy a shower filter) - only RO glass bottled water - Beef Tallow lotion - Grounding (lowers cortisol) Any questions comment or DM Leave a Like 👍

You can go from beta to chad overnight How? Supercharge dihydrotestosterone (DHT) Why? DHT is the ALPHA MALE hormone Increasing DHT will: - Enhance confidence - Increase motivation/willpower - Boost alertness & reaction time - Max out sex drive/performance - Reduce fat + water retention It’s much more potent than testosterone in this regard So how do you increase DHT without directly injecting it testosterone? 1) TRIBULUS TERRESTIS Tribulus contains a potent steroidal molecule called protodioscin This saponin upregulates DHT production via enhancing 5αR enzyme expression. In human studies, 112.5mg of protodioscin per day increased serum DHT by 28% It also lowered prolactin (the coomer hormone) by 56% Tribulus isn’t a "testosterone booster" It’s a DHT booster 2) BUTEA SUPERBA Butea Superba is a lesser-known Thai herb with proven aphrodisiac effects in human + animal studies One case study showed it boosted DHT to 1.5x the top of the reference range Need more research on this one ASAP, but it definitely has an androgenic effect based on my own experimentation 3) BORON Boron is an androgenic mineral that inhibits sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) This frees up testosterone, but also frees up DHT to an even greater extent This is because SHBG binds to and deactivates DHT with The end result is significantly increased free DHT Pro tip: Tongkat Ali is another potent SHBG inhibitor that has been proven to increase free testosterone (and likely free DHT as well) 4) AVOID 5AR ENZYME & ANDROGEN RECEPTOR INHIBITORS - Reishi Mushroom - Finasteride - Dutasteride - Pesticides - Plastics (especially BPA) 5) OPTIMIZE THYROID (T3) Higher T3 levels (don't go overboard) generally leads to: - Higher DHT - More androgen receptors T3 has been specifically shown to: - Induce 5αR expression - Boost AR synthesis In fact, hypothyroidism is thought to be one cause of micropenis because of low DHT 😂 In one study, T3 treatment boosted DHT in humans by 3x On top of that, hyperthyroidism (high T3) is linked to abnormally high DHT levels Fix your thyroid 6) WILD YAM EXTRACT Similar to Tribulus, Wild Yam (Dioscorea Nipponica) contains very high levels of protodioscin Protodioscin helps turn testosterone into DHT Full guide below

Nate Stone - Peak Testosterone & Performance


40 sentences that will help you maintain 10 - 15% body fat year-round. Men if you want be your leanest, healthiest & at peak testosterone, bookmark this!

Do any MAGA men have any extra low testosterone treatments for Kyle Rittenhouse? His new moustache is even patchier than a Mitch McConnell speech

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