Nicolas Cole 🚢
@Nicolascole77Stop reading. Stop listening to podcasts. Stop watching YouTube videos. Stop consuming. Literally just go do the thing you know you need to do. (And if your objection is, "I don't have time!" then how are you reading this right now? I thought you didn't have time?)
Dickie Bush 🚢
@dickiebushThe 5-step checklist I follow at the end of every workday so I can relax in the evening and hit the ground running the next morning (this only takes me 15 minutes) 1. Clear Slack & inboxes. To start the process, I'll make a quick sweep of all my Slack channels, messages, and email inboxes to make sure there is nothing urgent. 2. Update my open loops list. From there, I'll update my list of open loops (things that other people are working on or things I'm waiting for a response on). That way, I know everything is accounted for. 3. Recap what I got done that day. Then, I'll run through my notebook to recap a list of the tasks & activities I completed today. That way, when I get to the end of my 2-week sprint, I can identify all the work that got done. 4. Update my task list & calendar for tomorrow. With my open loops accounted for and my day recapped, I'll get clear on the day ahead. This involves a glance at the calendar and a refresh of my next actions list to reflect what's getting done the next day. 5. Outline the first thing I'll take on in the morning so I can start the day with momentum. Finally, I end by outlining (in detail) the first task I'm going to work on the next day. This allows my brain to start marinating on that task so it can hit the ground running the following morning. Aaaand that's it! This usually takes no more than 15 minutes and signals to my brain that it's time to wind down and end the day. Then, I spend the rest of the evening relaxing, listening to a podcast, and watching the sunset—knowing all my open loops will be taken care of tomorrow. If you enjoyed this, like the post, leave a comment, and then follow me @dickiebush for more posts on personal progress ✊
Amanda Goetz
@AmandaMGoetz5 things I’ve stopped doing this past year that allowed me to build 4 new income streams and hit $500k in creator revenue in a year. 1. Checking my email all day Instead I SCAN once a week (look for urgent things that need my attention) and CLEAN every Friday. 2. Creating Long to-do lists To do lists stop you from working on the most impactful, less urgent tasks. I have a backlog of ideas in an excel doc but every day I only work on 2 big tasks that ladder up to my larger projects and goals. 3. Skipping workouts to keep working. I started thinking about workouts as the recharge station. Taking a break to workout allowed me to go faster during the next work sprint. 4. Meetings every day Every meeting has a blast radius. You inevitably slow down before and after the meeting. I now keep my meetings confined to 3 days awake and between 12-4pm. 5. Focusing on the headwinds The more you focus on what you don’t have, the more you see the limitations. I started focusing all my energy on my superpower and advantages and it changed everything. Abundance mindsets go further than scarcity. If you liked this, you’d likely enjoy following my journey in my weekly newsletter 🧩Life’s a Game.
Dr. God Abeg ooo
@josh_uglyasfThe 8+8+8 Rule Distribute your day (24hrs) into 8+8+8 hrs to make a good balance sheet of your life. ⚫ 8 hrs of hard work, ⚫ 8 hrs of good sleep and ⚫ 8 hrs should be spent on (3Fs, 3Hs, &3Ss) 3Fs are family, friends, and faith. 3Hs are health, hygiene, and hobby. 3Ss are soul, service, and smile.
How to 10X your productivity in 1 hour. Use the Eisenhower Matrix. Here's how:
Ankur Warikoo
@warikooYou are driving at 50kmph. At that speed, the ride may seem boring, but it can be enjoyable. You don't have to brake often. You don't have to honk often. You can listen to music. You can munch on something, have a nice chat with your fellow passenger. And almost predictably arrive at your destination on time. Compare that with driving at 80kmph. There is no peace. You are cutting corners. Braking often, honking often. Getting angry at the slow ones in front of you. You can't enjoy the music, nor the company. You are constantly looking at the road. Heart beat racing. And worse, all of this has increased the chances of an accident. If you reach your destination, which has been put to risk by this speed, you will do perhaps 2-3 mins earlier than the one at 50kmph. That 80kmph is your "get-rich-quick" person. The one trading actively, buying on leverage, buying penny stocks, putting all money in crypto, joining stock tip telegram groups. Chasing the quick buck. Taking massive risks. Inheriting stress along with it. There is little joy in it. The 50kmph is the passive investor. The index fund investor. The buy-it-and-forget-it investor. They don't have to track their investments everyday. They sleep in peace. They know they will reach their destination predictably and safely. Yes, the brakes will still happen. And so will the occasional honking and stress. But, even if boring, it will be largely stress-free. No speed is worth it if it takes away your life. No investment is worth it if it takes away your sleep.
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