I don’t care how angry this makes you people but Dostoevsky’s ability to write characters reminds me of Ayn Rand.
Brett Erik
@_gardenofwords_Write your pain. Write your story. Write your lessons. Write your triumphs. Write your hardships. Just write.
Emmanuel Tsekleves
@PhDtoProfMentorAcademic writing tip: When writing research paper or your Thesis, arrange your paragraphs like this P 👉 Point - Main argument sentence E 👉 Explain - A couple of sentences E 👉 Evidence - Cite a reference L 👉 Link to next paragraph - Conclusion It will transform your writing
Clifton Sellers
@LegacyBuilder__Writing is therapy Calms that mind Gives you space to think Setting it as a daily habit will change your life
Kieran Drew
@ItsKieranDrewYour writing sucks because you are trying to write to everyone. The simplest way to get specific is to write to yourself.
Dickie Bush 🚢
@dickiebush6 actionable tips to 10x your writing: 1. Write for 1 person 2. Write like you talk 3. Read your writing aloud 4. Resist all urges to be clever 5. Write & edit at different times 6. Proofread on a different screen Easily $100,000 of writing advice right there.
@kortexcoWriting is not a skill, it's a way of life. - Capture ideas - Connect ideas - Create ideas - Articulate ideas - Share ideas Writing is how you become a vessel for value. Every situation becomes a meaningful opportunity to collect valuable information to share with the world.
Aldis Oz
@AldisOzCollege straight-up failed to teach me how to write effectively. So I spent over 250 hours studying legendary online writers. Here are 18 dead-simple rules that'll improve your writing more than any 4-year English degree:
Justin Welsh
@thejustinwelshStop trying to write catchy, creative content. You'd be much better off doing interesting things and simply writing about what happened.
Ibrahim Suleiman
@edomaloMy therapist told me to write letters to people I hate and then burn them. I took her advice. Now I'm a bit confused because I have no idea what to do with the letters. Should I burn them too?
David Perell
@david_perellWhy You Should Write 1) Putting words on paper freezes your thoughts, which gives your mind space to think deeper about a problem. 2) Writing lets you see if the epiphany you just had is brilliant or total bogus. 3) You want to attract smart people — because smart people read, and smart & successful people read the most. 4) For whatever field you're interested in, if you write about it well, the world's experts will reach out to you. 5) The higher you climb, the more likely you are to write frequently. Every serious executive I know is a voracious reader. Or, as former American president Harry Truman once said: “Not all readers are leaders but all leaders are readers.” 6) Writing accelerates your learning. If you want to understand a topic better, start teaching it. The act of putting ideas into your own words tattoos them into your mind. @JamesClear once wrote: "If you think you can learn a lot by reading a book, try writing one." 7) The investor Howard Marks once said to me: "In writing, as opposed to speaking, you can't BS. You can't BS in writing because the reader can easily go back and check your work. The logic has to be established. The explanation needs to be clear." 8) It frees up processing space: Mathematicians put their ideas on the whiteboard because jotting down their ideas lets them tackle harder problems. Writing is the same. By putting ideas onto the page, you can transcend the limits of scattered thinking and tackle more challenging problems.
@gfodor> be me, parent of kindergartener > in teacher conference > says kid lacks writing skills > i ask if she means writing or penmanship > says something about worksheets > i say he writes to ChatGPT and iMessage all the time > she says he needs to work on writing > it's penmanship
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