Your enemies can't feel pain. You're allowed to do whatever you want to them they're basically plants.
Jamal ☯︎ 🔆🧘🏽🧠
@_seekinggnosis_I bet you don't know it but... You are being initiated. An initiation is a magical process. There are many ways to do it and the one I'm talking about right now is through... Shock and trauma. The catalyst of shock and trauma are usually... Key transition points in ones life. They can be spontaneous, like... ➥ Near death experiences ➥ Divorces and breakups ➥ Hitting rock bottom ➥ Family death But they can also be used in a sequence of initiation. Similar to the process of Baptism. Which some say... has changed over the years. And historically it was a more immersive "drowning" experience. Using shock as a rite of passage. Marking the beginning of one's journey with the Christian religion One of the significant aspects of an initiation is... It splits your consciousness based on a clear moment in time. You become two different people in a way. There was you before you were initiated... And there's you after initiation. Think of it like how we use our calendars today. Which are based on the death of Christ. We have B.C, before Christ... And A.D, After Death. As a global consciousness we are very clear on the sequence of events before and after the death of Christ. We see this process of initiation beyond religious rites of passage as well. Like.... Gang culture... Or fraternities and sororities. They also often involve an initiation that marks your introduction to the group. The military has a process of initiation too... It's called boot camp. The President is initiated... it's called an inauguration. These rites of passage are visible all over. When we reflect back. 2020 was a global initiation. There was an unshakeable level of shock and trauma as everyone witnessed the entire world... Grind to a halt. Potentially the first of its kind in modern times. Everyone remembers what life was like before, and after this moment in time. The sequence of events also happened in such a way that inspired a significant amount of introspection. People went through a lot of... Inner healing and soul reflection. And still are. So what usually comes after an initiation? You are indoctrinated into that system of thought... Through a process of revelation. Where new truths are introduced to you over time. Truths that are usually hidden from outsiders. Now... Notice the changes in this post 2020 era. Are you noticing that much more truths... Are starting to penetrate the global consciousness? ➥ UFO's ➥ Toxic Foods ➥ Political agendas ➥ Zero point energy ➥ Hollywood secrets ➥ Misrepresented history The list goes on... This is by no accident. You are now a member of the club and truths are being revealed. This has turned a significant amount of people into... Seekers. They are on a relentless pursuit for the truth. The truth about health, history, spirituality, systems of control, etc. And many of these people will stop at nothing in order to correct the records. I don't know about you... But I can't help but see the magical nature in all of this. It seems far from accidental and instead very intentional. This is what real magic looks like. It is much more centered on the mind, rituals, truths, emotions, etc. It's a very mysterious and feminine process. Now the question is... Who is doing the initiating and what are their motives? There are an infinite number of theories and... Probably an equal number of answers. But the one thing that should matter most to any seeker of the truth. Is discernment. The more important question one should find an answer to is... "How can I most effectively and accurately discern truth?" Because if we are all now initiates... Initiated into a process of seeking truth. That means truth is the treasure, and if... Truth is the treasure... Than discernment is the map.
@FoxxOnTheRocksToday is just not a good mental day. And that’s okay. Healing isn’t linear. Sometimes it’s off and you don’t know why or how you got here. Drink some water. Take your meds. Get outside a little if you can. I’m proud of you ♥️
Robin Sharma
@RobinSharmaWrite “YES” if you’re with me. 🙏🏽 Suffering is nature’s way of making you special. The greatest bleed the longest. What I mean by this is that it is actually within the fires of deep difficulty that the dross that covers the gold is burned off. Much love. Robin
。・:*:・゚⑂。 𝖑𝖊𝖆 。⑂:・゚★,。・
@kaffeeXkippen"bpd can’t be that bad" bpd: -i feel every emotion 9x more than you -emotional pain feels like a 3 degree burn -little things can change my whole mood -suicidal thoughts everyday -i literally wanna die when someone leaves me bc of abandonment issues -selfharm
@1lonerlifestyleSimply acting like some shit never happened will save you from a lot of mental stress
Gordana Biernat
@MyPowertalkLife isn’t about avoiding pain. It is about seeking happiness... ...even in the smallest of everyday things. ♥️ #ThursdayThoughts #thursdayvibes
Robert F. Kennedy Jr
@RobertKennedyJrIn this conversation with @jockowillink I discuss why learning to be indifferent to pleasure and pain are part of spiritual enlightenment.
Dr. God Abeg ooo
@josh_uglyasfThere are people who secretly live in pain. They have sleepless nights but manage to wake up in the morning to face another day. May God heal and strengthen them in whatever they are going through. It's not easy to put a smile with a broken soul.
space goat
@spaceghostVulnerable moment 💡 I was diagnosed with autism around this time last year. My ex husband had started to physically abuse me. I felt he was taking advantage of how slow I was emotionally & I was seeking help. I explained this concept of being “slow” to my psych. She suspected
@NarcDecoderNobody talks about the angry stage of healing. The rage you feel when you realise how much and how long you were taken advantage of. The absolute disgust you feel towards the narcissist that harmed, misled, took advantage, and abused you!
Just because you're strong enough to handle the pain in your soul that doesn't mean you deserve it.
Andrew Tate
@CobratateDepression is a spirit you can fight by shadow boxing. He is hard to hurt but easy to hit. Tough exterior, strong chin, but no head movement. Imagine him and see him in your minds eye. Then break his face. Do you understand?
my trauma didn't make me strong. it turned me into someone who's always paranoid, anxious, and doesn't know how to properly relax without feeling guilty
@AxeOfRaskolnikvYes, Dostoevsky, you were right. I also suffer when I am unable to love the people around me, and it does feel like hell
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