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Trending tweets about runes

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Trending tweets about "runes"

Juanse is a Wizard |🌎☮️


RSICs just achieved the first tier 1 CEX listing for a Rune: @okx. They didn’t talk endlessly about getting one. They just got one. Every single time the @rune_coin team has spoken with actions and execution. Every single time. Higher for RSICs. Higher for Runes. The first of many.

Rune Blaster, the cheapest and most efficient way to mint runes, is now available to everyone. 💥 Fully non-custodial 💥 Batch mint up to 25 TX within the same block 💥 Ability to CPFP when doing 24 of fewer TX 💥 Use larger UTXO to pay for the entire batch Link 👇

Runes Ecosystem Map (Version 2.0) I'm just highlighting the additions You find the accounts of the other projects in the version 1.0 post below Bookmark this post & share it with your frens! 🔸(Pre-runes) Tokens --> Sorted by total sales volume on @MEonBTC: NodeApes (@thenodeapes) PNGS (@pngs_xyz) Nothing Protocol (@nothingprtcl) OrdinalSigmaX (@OrdinalSigmaX) RunesAsFuck (@RunesAsFuck) TerraBits (@TerraBit_nas) --> not yet listed/not fully minted out, but added because of their potential importance Runes Terminal (@runes_terminal) WZRDS (@WZRDSbtc) Opal Bitcoin (@OpalBTC) I know that there are many more projects out there! But to keep the map digestible, I applied a minimum total sales volume filter I marked some projects with a yellow font color on the map: you find more details about these projects on the @runes_legacy website 🔸Launch-/Mintpads There are more and more services popping up Ordinals OGs like... OrdinalsBot (@ordinalsbot) ... and new ones including xBTCBot AI (@xBTCBot_AI) Magic Runes (@Magic_Runes) RuneForge (@runeforgehq) Runetoshi Nakamoto (@runetoshi_) 🔸Marketplaces/DEX I had to drop one project because I received red flags from several community members These are the new ones: Saturn (@Saturn_btc) Rune Pro (@Rune_Pro) 🔸Data/Tooling/DeFi These are the additions: NinjaAlerts (@ninjalerts) SatScreener (@SatScreener) Rune Flex (@rune_flex) RunesMarketCap (@RunesMarketCap) Rune Alpha (@runealpha_btc)

#Runes is the life-changing opportunity With BTC node for Runes, you can simply buy the first runes and print huge profit It's the same as buying 1 $BTC for $1,000 Complete guide on how to set up BTC node👇

Rune Protocols is making waves in the market while the $BTC halving approaches. It's when all the stars are aligned. In this thread, you will know: ▸ Runes 101 ▸ Why #Runes? ▸ 50-100x guidance for early users Don't sleep on that 🧵⬇️

🚀 BREAKING: "Runes" on Mainnet, Open NOW 🚀 Rune: RUNEE•THE•WORLD Link: Ends in: 708 blocks Mint Price: 0.00015 BTC Only minting from this link will be counted. Benefits: 🔓 Unlock: Fully convertible to official @runebtcxyz future Rune token 🚀 Unlock: Access to early Launchpad, stake more #RUNEETHEWORLD, more rewards Official @runebtcxyz future Rune token convert boost: 💥 30% Boost for those who likes, reposts & leave your wallet address here with hashtag #RUNEETHEWORLD (it must be your Rune receiving address) 🔮 30% Boost for #Runestone holders. You may lose your eligibility If you transfer your Runestone before our Token is released ✅ 50% Boost for whitelisted members. If you’re in the list but your wallet address has not been included in the official WL yet, don’t worry, we will contact you to get your address later. Discord early supporters, please submit your wallet address in the #submit-wallet-og channel. 🛠️ 30% Boost for Early Testnet users. You should commit at least 5 transactions in our Testnet. Snapshot is when the RUNEE•THE•WORLD minting closed. There will be a page where you can use your testnet wallet address to submit the mainnet address. Boost will be counted with Rune Recipient Address. In total, you may have 30 + 30 + 50 + 30 = 140%. For example, minting 1000 RUNEE•THE•WORLD, you will be converted up to 1000 + 1400 = 2400 Rune. Remember Revenue sharing mechanism? We will use our revenue (of course it should be minus from the cost of development, management things) to buy the token back from the market to burn them, therefore making fewer tokens in the market & benefiting holders. More people come to the project, the more likely token price will become higher. You’re early & let’s spread the project to the world. If you are a holder, you are the owner of the product. Missed our WL? Your chance is NOW. Let’s RUNEE•THE•WORLD 🌍 FAQ: ❓ Why minting this? Couple of cool Runes projects are going to our launchpad after bitcoin halving, but we did not release our Rune yet, so we will onboard members who mint this Rune to be eligible for the launchpad. ❓ Why not an NFT like other projects? We will ask you Why not a Rune instead of an NFT? Runes protocol has the final implementation in ORD 0.17.0 version. We’re proud to be the first leading product to have the implementation of that. We don’t follow other projects, we have our own vision, we lead the way! It is also a way we can see if Runes work fine on Mainnet to further make the product more resilient to failure. ❓ Will it be a Rune? Official Runes protocol will start indexing Runes from block 840,000. #RUNEETHEWORLD has the official Runes encode scheme. But it is deployed on block 837926. It may not be indexed by other services but we will make it fully convertible to our official Rune token that’ll be deployed after mainnet. ❓ Why now? Gas is cheap. We expect Gas will spike at the time of Bitcoin Halving. Rune has its final implementation, so giving chance to our early supporters to get access to the project. Note: You won't want to miss this chance but it's completely optional & more chances await! 👀 #BitcoinRune #Mainnet

DJBubblegum 🦍💀


Here is the DOG•GO•TO•THE•MOON stats!! DOG•GO•TO•THE•MOON was etched in a 1,258,757 sat/vB transaction is Rune Number 3!!!! There will only ever be 100,000,000,000🐕 For every Runestone you hold you will be airdropped 889,806🐕 $0.01 $DOG = $1B MCAP $0.10 $DOG = $10B MCAP $1.00 $DOG = $100B MCAP So here we go!! At 1B MC. 889,806 x $0.01 = $8,898 At 10B MC, 889,806 x $0.10 = $88,980 At 100B MC, 889,806 x $1.00 = $889,806 #Runestone #Runes #Bitcoin #Ordinals #Airdrop #memecoin #Memecoins #Rune #Altcoins

RSIC•GENESIS•RUNE will be listed on binance very soon will be the first rune listed there i won't say how i know, but it's confirmed, wait and see hope you've been buying under 20 sats cc: @rune_coin @binance

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