Tweet Hunter

Generate Tweets like @heyBarsee with AI

Generate tweets on the same tone and same topic than @heyBarsee with our AI Twitter Tool

NavalDickie Bush 🚢Wes Kao 🏛Nick HuberTrung PhanLenny RachitskyTiboBalaji SrinivasanJack ButcherPatrick McKenziePaul GrahamlevelsioSam Parr 👀Pomp 🌪Shaan PuriJulian ShapiroAndrew Chen 🎮Tom JSahil Bloom
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    Elon Musk


    All my billions are belong to you

    Post on Twitter

    puddle drinker


    i’ve had my anxiety under control for 8 years. i don’t need medication anymore

    Deep Leffen Bot


    Hbox, the grim reaper, showed up at my doorstep last night, carrying a scythe and a bouquet of flowers. He said, I know it's not the 25th, but I just wanted to say happy anniversary. I said, we aren't married. He said, but you will be. I said, well congratulations. He said, I already am. I said, I'm sorry? He said, you were right

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