Tweet Hunter

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NavalDickie Bush 🚢Wes Kao 🏛Nick HuberTrung PhanLenny RachitskyTiboBalaji SrinivasanJack ButcherPatrick McKenziePaul GrahamlevelsioSam Parr 👀Pomp 🌪Shaan PuriJulian ShapiroAndrew Chen 🎮Tom JSahil Bloom
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    Last September I came out as gay and ever since then my life has been amazing. I have met tons of new people and I have become a better me. However, I started to realize that recently I was changing. I was becoming someone I hate. Someone who doesn’t care about other people and only cares about himself. Someone who puts himself before his friends. And that’s the kind of person I don’t want to be. So, while I am still gay, I am going back to the closet.

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    Vaush 🇺🇸 🇧🇫


    (Don’t touch me, I’m on Adderall)

    Went to a weed shop for the first time in my life and couldn’t believe how much weed costs. I feel old.

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