Tweet Hunter

Generate Tweets like @patio11 with AI

Generate tweets on the same tone and same topic than @patio11 with our AI Twitter Tool

NavalDickie Bush 🚢Wes Kao 🏛Nick HuberTrung PhanLenny RachitskyTiboBalaji SrinivasanJack ButcherPatrick McKenziePaul GrahamlevelsioSam Parr 👀Pomp 🌪Shaan PuriJulian ShapiroAndrew Chen 🎮Tom JSahil Bloom
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    A girl asked “why are you so short?” I said “because I am” She said “well why do you keep hitting me in the head” I said “because you’re taller than me” She said “but I’m a girl” I said “what difference does that make” She said “I’m going to report you” I said “well go ahead”

    Post on Twitter

    Sapnap and me are best friends and we’re like brothers. we work together every single day, from recording, to editing, to planning, to social, to minecraft, to everything. we literally do everything together. George and I were in fortnite and we both got 1 kill and 1 assist

    david 🧋


    just realized i’ve been taking laxatives since high school

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