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How to build a calm business which makes millions

Hey, all FAANG smart tech people, I know you all want to create your own startup. But have you tried Indie Making? It's the new way to build a happy life without the usual start-up problems. Here's your playbook for building a $1M/year one-person business: [img:m2B7M7k2L]

almost 2 years ago

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Give me 2 minutes and I'll convince you why building a personal brand is the highest ROI activity you can do right now:

almost 2 years ago

After 15+ tries, I finally scaled a startup to $1 Million ARR Scaling is... chaotic. These 10 tools made it MUCH easier:

almost 2 years ago

Twitter has so many generous folks giving away free advice Their content are easily worth hundreds $$$ 14 accounts you MUST follow πŸ‘‡

almost 2 years ago

5 πŸ’Ž from October πŸ† ... and why they went viral 1. Posture Problems Why did it work? - highly actionable - universal pain point - Includes a personal story twitter.com/ItsKieranDrew/status/1576190456689577984 [img:KtkagsL4o]

almost 2 years ago

Dan Koe has built an audience of 500,000+ across multiple platforms. And it all started on Twitter. He has used his writing to build a $500K+ year one-person business. I studied all his strategies and processes, and here's what I learned. 12 Lessons from @thedankoe:

almost 2 years ago

Matt Gray has absolutely exploded on Twitter in 2022. He has added 100K+ followers in just the 6 months. I did a breakdown of his Twitter growth strategy. Here's what I learned. 12 Twitter lessons from @matt_gray_

almost 2 years ago

8 simple things to tweet about to never run out of ideas You'll want to save this one...

almost 2 years ago

20 books that will teach you what 99% don't know about: πŸ’΅ Building monster start-ups πŸ“ˆ Growth marketing ⏱️ Peak productivity πŸ‘‡

almost 2 years ago

Zain Kahn has gone from 0 to 250K+ Twitter followers in the last 15 months. There are a few things he is doing... differently. Here's what I learned after studying his account. 12 Twitter lessons from @heykahn:

almost 2 years ago
