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Elon's 24 year old dream finally coming true. He wants to copy WeChat for the world, THE EVERYTHING APP for 6.7 Billion users. @elonmusk has literally said this, hear him out: [img:vid-TTTYxh4XZ]
over 1 year ago
This guy makes $2M with 0 employees. He works ~10 hours a week and spends the rest of the time with his family. Justin Welsh - the king of one-person businesses 🧵 [img:IwKDAw0qx]
almost 2 years ago
I've built 15+ SaaS & acquired 25000+ customers To do that, I've studied 100+ SaaS startups to understand how they get customers. Here are 8 best marketing channels & how you can use them 👇
almost 2 years ago
This kid made $30M at the age of 17. Sold his first startup to Yahoo, and second startup to Twitter. The story of this genius kid you don't know about 👇 [img:1-pzj580n]
almost 2 years ago
Everyone thinks Microsoft + OpenAI will beat Google in the AI Battle. I think Google will absolutely CRUSH them. Here's my 6-part theory 👇 [img:LH0yVgM5p]
almost 2 years ago
Twitter is full of advice about Twitter. And most of it sucks. Here are the ones that don't:
almost 2 years ago
What if you build products in 7 days... Today you can. And since 95% of products end nowhere, building more and faster should be your #1 priority. 8 steps to build in 7 days (and all the tools to do it):
almost 2 years ago
Brian Dean sold his one-person company for MILLIONS of dollars. He built a personal brand around SEO that amassed 1m organic visits/per month The exact steps he took and what you can copy 👇 [img:IiaRCVCRL]
about 2 years ago
Shaan Puri took his Twitter account from 0 to 330K followers in less than 2 years He's not your average Twitter creator. His content is unique, interesting and a reflection of his personal brand. I studied his growth and found some great insights 10 Lessons from @ShaanVP:
about 2 years ago
Sam Parr has grown his account to 185K followers in just 2 years. His content is a mix of interesting tweets, personal updates and amazing storytelling. I studied his account and learned some cool insights. 10 Twitter lessons from @thesamparr:
about 2 years ago