Top Twitter Metrics You should be Tracking

Tracking Twitter metrics offers you insight into the performance of your content. Learn how to do it properly.

Top Twitter Metrics You should be Tracking
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Tracking Twitter metrics offers you insight into the performance of your content. Learn how to do it properly.
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Top Twitter Metrics You should be Tracking
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When it comes to marketing on Twitter, measuring your performance is crucial. Tracking Twitter metrics offers you insight into the performance of your content.
The information and insight you collect can help you direct your content strategy and get the best results from your efforts.

What are Twitter Metrics

Metrics for Twitter are data points that can be tracked to see how successful you are on the platform. By themselves, they may not mean much because your success on Twitter depends on many factors. You will need to analyze your Twitter metrics for a specific purpose such as measuring your content’s reach, or engagement rates.
You can also check out Tweet Hunter’s Twitter analytics guide to get a detailed understanding of how to use analytics.

Why You Should be Tracking Twitter Metrics

Key Twitter metrics can provide you insight into a lot of valuable information. Relying on a single metric may not provide you with the full picture but when you track multiple Twitter metrics, you can get the full picture.
Here are the top reasons why you should be tracking the most important Twitter metrics:
  • It provides you with information about the best time to post for maximum engagement.
  • It tells you how well you can reach your target audience through your content.
  • It gives you information about the engagement of your current followers.
  • It gives you data about how many clicks your content is generating.
  • It tells you if your account is gaining new followers at a rate you are satisfied with.
As Twitter influencer Ed Latimore wrote: “You can’t improve something if you don’t measure it”. Latimore has endorsed Tweet Hunter’s analytics: Tweet Hunter offers a range of powerful analytics to help you track the metrics most relevant to your Twitter growth” You can read his full review – here.

Top Twitter Metrics to Track

Let’s take a look at the most important Twitter metrics you should be tracking.

Top Tweet

Every tweet you publish on Twitter will perform differently. Tracking the top tweet metric will show you which tweet is generating the most engagement or impressions.
This metric allows you to understand what type of content your followers love. Analyze the top tweets over a period of time to recognize patterns so you can apply those to all the content you post on Twitter.
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Follower Growth

Follower growth is one of the best metrics for Twitter. Tracking follower growth tells you how many new followers you are receiving per day.
Gaining new followers regularly is a sign that your content is resonating with your audience. If you find that your follower growth is dropping, it may be time to modify your content strategy.
Engage with your followers regularly to create a solid follower base and to get more followers on Twitter.

Top Followers

With the top follower Twitter metric, you can track your followers to see who has the largest number of followers. This is an important metric to track because it shows you which of your followers has the highest reach potential.
This data allows you to figure out who to engage with regularly, who can be a good influencer, and help you gain the most followers in the future.

New Mentions

New mention is a key Twitter metric because it allows you to analyze what is being said about you on the platform. As a content creator, it is important to know when there are any new mentions about you. This allows you to tap into the conversation quickly and do quick damage control if you are being mentioned in a negative context.

Impressions by Time of Day

This Twitter metric shows you when your content receives the most impressions. Knowing this information will provide you insight into when most of your followers are online, so you can figure out the best time to post on Twitter to reach your followers.
Schedule your Twitter content around the times your audience is most likely to be online to increase impressions, reach, and engagement.

Engagement and Engagement Rate

Measuring engagement on your account will show you the interactions your audience made with a particular tweet. Engagement metrics for Twitter measure link clicks, follows, retweets, replies, and more.
Engagement metrics help you understand what kind of content works for you. The engagement rate metric helps you get an understanding of how your overall account or a particular tweet is performing. If you have a lower engagement, it may be time to change your content format.
This Twitter metric tracks the number of clicks a link in your post generates. This metric can be tracked as a part of the engagement metric within a tweet as well as the overall clicks your account has generated over time.
Tracking this metric will help you understand if your content is interesting enough for your readers and if it entices them to follow your CTA and click your link.
Also check out our blog post about Zero Click Tweets, dedicated to content with no links. You will find some surprises.

Profile Clicks

Profile clicks will measure the number of times users click on your profile photo, username, or account name. This Twitter metric helps you understand if people are interested in learning more about you. A lower score means you should revamp your Twitter bio and try to present your content in a different way.
Tweet Hunter has powerful analytics features that can track the most important Twitter metrics so you can check your performance and evaluate your content strategy. 👉 Get Tweet Hunter for free now!

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Flavio Amiel

Written by

Flavio Amiel

Writer @ Tweet Hunter