Videos on Twitter: Top 10 Retweetable Video Ideas For Your Business

Explore highly engaging video ideas your audience will happily retweet.

Videos on Twitter: Top 10 Retweetable Video Ideas For Your Business
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Unlock the power of Twitter videos. Explore the top 10 video ideas that generate high engagement and retweets.
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Videos on Twitter - Top 10 Ideas for Business
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Videos on Twitter get ten times more engagement than tweets without video. On average, videos get 1.2 billion views each day on Twitter. If you’ve been mainly sharing text-based tweets on your Twitter account, it may be time to start making and posting videos.
In this post, we’ll introduce you to ten highly engaging video ideas your audience will happily retweet. Plus, we’ll share our favorite tips on how to optimize your video content for the platform.
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Top 10 Retweetable Twitter Video Ideas

Video is king, but what videos should you create for your feed? We’ve put together a list of the top ten ideas that have the potential for plenty of engagement and retweets.

1. Talk About a Trend

Trending topics are a goldmine on Twitter. Millions of people talk about them and tweet about them. If you want to leverage a trending topic, talk about them in a video instead of writing a tweet. This can help you gain more visibility on the platform and get more followers.
But don’t just pick any juicy trend. Stick to trending topics in your niche or at least ones that are closely aligned with it. Create a short video explaining the trend. You don’t need fancy gear to make these videos. A selfie video shot on your phone will be enough. You can also launch a paid ads campaign featuring a trending topic.
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2. Share a Teaser

Use Twitter videos to tease your new content, products, or services. Whether you are launching a new digital course or a new look for your website, you can use videos to spark interest in your viewers. Use services like to create video easily. Teaser videos are typically short and include enough information to get viewers hooked but not enough to give the whole surprise away.
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3. Create a Video Trailer for Your Product

Another great way to use Twitter videos is by creating a trailer for your product launch. You’ve shared a teaser. Now you can follow that up with a stunning trailer to introduce your new product to your audience.
Take SkillShare, for example. This new video trailer to launch their live sessions tells viewers exactly what their new launch is about. The tweet also includes a link that takes users to a landing page where they can sign up and get tickets for their favorite live session.
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4. Create a Roundup Video

If you want more engagement on your Twitter videos, create a roundup video and tag everyone you feature there. This will increase the visibility of your content and encourage discussions. The next time you put together a list of the “5 Best Tweets this Week” or something similar, consider making it a video instead of a text tweet. You can even create a roundup video to feature tips you are sharing on any topic.
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5. Post a Video Tweet of an Event

Attending an event? Tweet a video during the event to get your content in front of a larger audience that will be at that event. If it’s a well-known event, it’s likely there will be a buzz around it on Twitter. Tap into it to reach a wider audience and get more followers.

6. Create a Recap of an Event

Once the event is over, create a recap video to share the highlights of the event with your followers. Bank on the momentum you’ve already built. Tag the people you met at the event, speakers, and performers to increase the reach of your tweets.
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7. Send a Video Reply

If you’ve been mentioned in a tweet or asked a question, respond to it through video on Twitter. Video replies will help you stand out in tweets, showcase your personality and make your reply more thoughtful and engaging. This works incredibly well when you are responding to a bigger account or an industry leader.

8. Use Videos for Your Sale/Promo

Build momentum and spread the word about your new sale or promo with videos on Twitter. Promo videos will encourage your followers to share them and participate in the conversation. They generate excitement and create a sense of urgency. Promote your sale with videos to catch the attention of your target audience in a fast-moving feed.
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9. Recap Your Blog Post on Video

If you usually just post a link to your latest blog post in your tweets, it’s time to shake things up a bit. Even your best blog content can get ignored on Twitter. If you really want to increase engagement, create a Twitter video that provides a quick recap of your blog post. Talk about the highlights and the main points, and close the video with a strong CTA.

10. Run a Video Ad on Twitter

Finally, use videos on Twitter in a format where they’re known to shine- Twitter ads. If you invest in paid ads on the platform, consider video ads instead of text-based ads. Twitter users are very savvy about what they engage with online and how. Video ads can help you improve user experience and make them feel more engaged with your content.
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Top 3 Tips for Optimized Videos on Twitter

With so many Twitter video ideas to explore, you might be itching to start making videos. But before you do that, check out these three tips so you can optimize your videos and get the most out of them.

1. Keep it Short

Twitter is all about brevity, even when it comes to video. Videos with minimal copy have 13% more message and brand recall and view time. Twitter users prefer consuming content in short snippets. Keep your videos short, no more than a minute long to increase views.

2. Use a CTA

One of the first things you’ll be told when learning how to write great tweets is the importance of a CTA. The same goes for Twitter videos. You’ll need to include a clear, powerful CTA to tell your audience exactly what you want them to do. Whether you want them to click a video button, sign up for an offer, or retweet your content, you need a CTA to encourage users to do that.

3. Optimize for Mobile Viewing

93% of video views on the platform are on mobile devices, so you’ll need to ensure that your videos are optimized for mobile viewing. Test your videos on mobile to ensure they look good. Use subtitles or closed captioning to accommodate viewers who are watching the video with the sound off.

Twitter Video Specs

Before sharing any media on Twitter, look up the recommendations on Twitter image sizes and video specs. Avoid weirdly cropped, stretched videos by following these recommended Twitter video specs.

Twitter Landscape Videos

  • Recommended Size: 1280 x 720 pixels
  • Aspect Ratios: 16:9
  • Maximum File Size: 512MB, 40fps frame rate. 1:1 pixel ratio, stereo or mono audio not greater than 5.1.
  • Video Specs: No more than 140 seconds long. Use .MOV for mobile and .MP4 for the web.

Twitter Square and Portrait Videos

  • Recommended Size: 720 x 720 pixels (square) and 720 x 1280 pixels (portrait)
  • Minimum Size: 32 x 32 pixels
  • Maximum File Size: 512MB, 40fps frame rate. 1:1 pixel ratio, stereo or mono audio not greater than 5.1.
  • Video Specs: No more than 140 seconds long. Use .MOV for mobile and .MP4 for the web.
A Twitter growth tool like Tweet Hunter will support your content creation strategy and provide you with the tools and resources you need to turbocharge your growth on the platform.

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Flavio Amiel

Written by

Flavio Amiel

Writer @ Tweet Hunter

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