The Ultimate Guide to Leveling Up Your Twitter Bio

The Twitter bio is the #1 element that will turn lurkers into followers. Learn 5 different ways you can make it unique.

The Ultimate Guide to Leveling Up Your Twitter Bio
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The Twitter bio is the #1 element that will turn lurkers into followers. Learn 5 different ways you can make it unique.
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The Ultimate Guide to Leveling Up Your Twitter Bio
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The Twitter bio is probably the most important element of the follower funnel.
It’s your “letter of presentation” to your current and potential audience.
But you only have a few seconds to convince them to click the follow button. Your profile pic, your name, and your cover can only do so much.
It’s your bio that will be the decisive factor
In today’s article, we’ll explore a few ways to level up your Twitter bio 👇

What makes a good Twitter bio?

But before diving in too deeply on how to level up your Twitter io, let’s make sure we’ve covered the basics. There are a few key elements that make up a good Twitter bio:

1 - A “Who Am I” headline

This headline should be attention-grabbing and summarize what you do in a few words.
Even though it might be hard to do early on, “tagging” yourself with a title, job or position helps clarify who you are to your audience.
It can be as simple as “Creator,” “Writer” or “Founder” or a bit more complex as we’ll see below.

2 - A mention to your target audience

One mistake a bunch of creators make on Twitter is making their bio about them and only them.
And you might think “well, it’s MY bio, who should it be about if not me?”. This is partly true, but remember, our goal with this bio is to get others to follow you. You won’t get that only talking about you all the time.
You also need to make it about THEM. This can be done with a simple mention on your bio

3 - Highlight the transformation

Once it’s clear what you do and who you do it for, the audience will be like “OK, but WHY should I really follow you? What’s in it for me?”.
Here’s where you pitch the transformation you’ll make for your audience. What are you helping people achieve?

4 - A dash of personality

There’s also space on your bio to talk a little bit about you and showcase a bit of your personality.
Here’s where you can add stuff like “I hate pineapple on Pizza” (who doesn’t 🤷‍♂️).

5 - Social Proof

To top it up, your bio is also the perfect place to add proof to what you do. Again, we are trying to convince more people to follow us. Numbers usually do that for them:
Are you an indie hacker? Add which products you’ve built.
Are you a writer? Add how many impressions your content got on Medium.
Are you a startup founder? Add how many people use your product.
In short, add whatever element you feel adds more credibility to what you do.

6 - A clear call to action (CTA)

Your bio should have a clear CTA that tells people what you want them to do (e.g., follow you, visit your website, subscribe to your newsletter, etc.)
Now, this doesn’t mean you need to include ALL of these elements in your bio. We only have so many characters.
The best bios combine are the ones that of these elements in a unique way.

4+1 ideas to level up your Twitter bio

Ready to learn a few tactics that will make your bio different? Let’s take a look:

1 - Brand Yourself

Katelyn Bourgoin brands herself as the “Customer Whisperer.” She could have just said “Marketer” or “Customer researcher” and while that might have worked, it wouldn’t have been memorable.
How many “Customer Whisperers” do you know?
Exactly. That’s what makes this bio special.
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2 - The power of emojis

This is a simple one, but one that can make a difference. Including emojis on your bio makes it more visually appealing and “brandable.”
They are also a great way to add personality to your bio. Plus, they also help save characters!
You can use the emoji directly on your bio or as part of your Twitter name. The effect is very similar.
One thing though: make sure the emoji is “on brand” with the rest of your bio. Don’t just choose a random emoji because you like it.
Two examples:
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In Max’s case, he uses the 💯 emoji because he runs 100 days of no-code. The use if his emoji is contextual and makes sense for him.

3 - Lead with your story

Your story is one of your most powerful assets as a creator. Even if the steps you took to “level up” your life might be the same as others, your STORY is unique to you.
And that’s what your audience wants to hear.
There are a lot of people talking about audience building and making content. Not so many do it from an “I got fired” perspective 👇
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Or a therapist that turned into a course builder 👇
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Or a banker turned writer👇
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4 - Numbers Numbers

Social proof is fundamental to establishing credibility. A ton of people can claim that they are great startup operators on Twitter. Way less can back it up with actual numbers.
If you have the numbers that prove something you’ve done, use them.
It can be Revenue:
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Or reach:
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Bonus - Break the usual patterns

Everyone expects “regular” bios, following set templates and structures. If you manage to break the pattern (when it makes sense), it can turn a “meh” into “I need to follow this person.”
A few examples 👇
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This approach is not suitable for everyone though! Make sure it aligns with your brand and what you are trying to share on Twitter.


Your Twitter bio can make the difference between getting a follower or not. It’s important that you take the time to craft it well. At the same time, early on, you shouldn’t overthink it.
Start with the basics (who you are, what you do, and social proof) and iterate from there.
If you don’t know where to start, here are 21 more examples from which to get inspired.
After you created the perfect Twitter Bio, be mindful and make Twitter Lists to curate your feed better. LEarn how to do it with our Twitter Lists Guide.
See you around Twitter with your fancy new bio!

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Writer @ Tweet Hunter

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