How to Drive Maximum Twitter Traffic to Your Blog

In this guide, you will learn the best strategies for how to bring traffic from Twitter to your blog.

How to Drive Maximum Twitter Traffic to Your Blog
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In this guide, you will learn the best strategies for how to bring traffic from Twitter to your blog.
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How to Drive Maximum Twitter Traffic to Your Blog
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Twitter may seem to be quite saturated with experts on every imaginable topic, so you will need a clear strategy to stand out.
And we will help explain how you can drive more traffic by:
  • Adding links to your profile
  • Pinning your best tweets
  • Using catchy hooks
  • Including visual elements
  • Generating curiosity about your content
You can get even better results by using strong CTAs to encourage others to share your content, recycling and resharing your best content and using Twitter analytics to track your progress.
Super Tip: using Tweet Hunter you can find out when your followers are most active so you can tweet at the perfect time. Try Tweet Hunter’s Best Time to Tweet tool for free, now!

Top Tips to Drive Traffic from Twitter

Whether you have enough Twitter followers or not, there are plenty of things you can do to grow your audience and harness it to get traffic to your blog.
On Twitter, you have the opportunity to add two links to your profile. The “website” field on your profile can be used to direct Twitter traffic to your landing page or blog. A lesser-known fact is that you can also add a link in your bio section.
Static links generate a lot of attention because they are highly visible. Take advantage of both these linking opportunities.
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Pin Your Best Tweets

When you pin a tweet, it stays at the top of your feed. This means that anyone who visits your profile will be able to see it. Pinned tweets can drive insane traffic from Twitter.
Pick your best tweets to pin them and test out several of them to analyze which one performs the best. Include media, images, CTAs, and clever copy to optimize clicks to your best blog posts.
Not sure what to pin? Check out these great examples of some of the best-pinned tweets.
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Use the Right Hook

If you really want to learn how to grow your Twitter following, start with learning how to write great hooks. Great hooks can reel in your audience with the first line, and encourage them to read through. This is a particularly effective strategy when you are sharing a thread based on a blog post.
Here’s how to write awesome hooks that will drive Twitter traffic to your blog:
  • Keep your tweets short for better performance.
  • Use a catchy and informative writing style.
  • Use the right emojis. If you are posting a thread, use a thread emoji so readers know they should anticipate more tweets in the thread.
  • Use numbers and statistics in your headline.
  • Clearly state what your blog post offers.
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Make Use of Visual Elements

Twitter tends to be text-dominated. Use stunning visual features to stand out in the streams. Use images with your tweets to drive engagement.
To generate traffic to your blog, ensure that your image is clickable. The image could be a simple background with the blog post headline in large fonts. You can also post an image from your blog post image and post it with your thread.
Using the right image size is also crucial. When compared to plain text tweets, visually rich tweets generate more interest from your followers. When posting content on your blog, make sure to post stunning visual images for your open graphs, which you can also auto-generate using API. This will make your blog post previews look awesome when you post on Twitter, helping you generate more clicks.
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Generate Curiosity with Your Tweets

Keep your tweets intriguing to make your Twitter followers curious. Tease them by giving a glimpse into what your content is about, instead of giving away the entire story so they will be motivated to click.
Use simple, uncomplicated language and highlight the benefit of reading your blog post. Ask questions and opinions to generate interest and engagement. This will encourage users to click on your blog post as well as retweet your content.
Check out this guide from Tweet Hunter on how to write great tweets for inspiration.
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Create a Bio That is Consistent With Your Blog

When someone wants to learn more about you, they will check out your bio. It is important to ensure that you maintain consistency throughout your bio so your audience is not confused. Your bio should be in line with what you post about on your blog.
Here’s how to ensure you are making the most of this space:
  • Post an attention-grabbing header photo.
  • Use the “website” field to link popular content or your latest blog post.
  • Use a short link to your blog’s landing page to increase traffic to your blog.
  • Include a CTA in your bio.
Keep your bio updated and test out a few different ideas to see which one is more successful in driving traffic from Twitter to your blog.
Level up your Twitter bio so they will be motivated to follow you, and the content you recommend.
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Use CTAs to Encourage Others to Share Your Content

Your Twitter followers will not click that link to check out your blog post unless you specifically ask them to. Use strong CTAs at the end of your thread to explicitly ask them to “click the link” to read the entire blog post. This is a simple but powerful tip.
CTAs can also be used to drive more engagement and entice your followers to retweet and share. This will increase the reach of your content and generate more traffic for you.
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Recycle and Reshare Your Best Blog Content

There’s only so much new blog content you can share. An effective content strategy for Twitter is to recycle a single blog post into multiple threads so you have more content to share.
Break down your blog post to distill the information into a few short key takeaways. Create threads based on these takeaways. Additionally, you can also share a few quote tweets from the blog post. Once you have done that, it is easy to automate scheduling.
Share a mix of new and old content. An easy, effortless way to do this is by automating your old content to be shared on Twitter.
Tweet Hunter can help you automate your content posting strategy so you can leverage this low-hanging fruit.
Some of the best content you share on Twitter may not even be seen by a lot of your audience. Reshare it to revive your best tweets.
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Use Paid Ads

Use paid Twitter ads to promote your best content. If you have a tweet that is already driving traffic to your blog, amplify the results by investing in paid ads.
You can increase the visibility of your tweets to your target audience by narrowing them down based on keywords, devices, geography, and keywords. You can also tailor your ad campaign based on your budget.
If you are serious about monetizing your blog by leveraging traffic from Twitter, Tweet Hunter can help. Make use of the incredible content creation, automation, and analytics features to grow your Twitter account and monetize it efficiently. 👉 Try Tweet Hunter for free

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Flavio Amiel

Written by

Flavio Amiel

Writer @ Tweet Hunter