How To Become a Ghostwriter

How to Become a Ghostwriter - Master and Sell your Ghostwriter craft

How To Become a Ghostwriter
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How to Become a Ghostwriter - Master and Sell your Ghostwriter craft
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How To Become a Ghostwriter
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Ghostwriting can be quite lucrative, as well as a nice WFH (Work From Home) career.
What you need to get started is three things:
  1. A client
  1. Your Brain
  1. Your hands
Your brain and hands you already have, you just need one more thing: a client.
In our experience as industry leaders for most things Twitter, much, if not all of your work as a ghostwriter or freelance writer work can come through social media.
This means that you have to have a professional bio that makes you look like a professional writer who has their act together, a good portfolio, or proof of your work to showcase your writing as well as your communication skills.
But before going deep into the details, let’s make sure you know exactly what a ghostwriter does.
Tweet Hunter has a Marketplace where you can find Twitter Ghostwriters or, if you are one, you can also offer your services there.

What does a ghostwriter do?

What is this ghostwriting thing? As you probably know, a ghostwriter is a person that writes articles, books, posts… whatever content is needed for others to put their signature on.
Yep. Ghostwriter’s names aren’t attached to their work, so the named author is the one who actually paid for the service, and not the one who actually wrote it.

Why should you become a ghostwriter? In one word: money.

Ok, now you know what a ghostwriter does… but why should you work towards that?
  • It’s a lucrative business. Ghostwriting is usually well-paid. Most writers charge a premium on their writing when they’re not getting credit for their work.
  • It’s usually paid upfront. This is true specially for books, but does not always apply for others like articles or blog posts. Regardless of the conditions, you should at least get half the payment before starting the work.
  • Great variety of topics. You’ll probably write about things you don’t feel comfortable with at first, so you’ll need to expand your comfort zone and learn about new topics.
  • Zero marketing needed. Everyone who wrote a book ever knows that once written, the work’s not over. Promotion and marketing should be done. But when you’re ghostwriting, none of that is needed.
  • It’ll help you improve your writing. If you are not a consistent writer, try ghostwriting. You’ll have “instant” revenue for your work and a consistent flow of work, so you’re going to need a working routine much more than when working on your own book. Don’t be ashamed to earn a living as a ghostwriter, authors like H.P Lovecraft or Mark Twain were ghostwriters before earning a name in the industry.

How to Become a Ghostwriter?

So, you like what you read, but what do you need to become a ghostwriter? How do you become a ghostwriter for books of biographies? Do you need a ghostwriting degree to become one? The answer is no.
For ghostwriting, you actually need the same you need for being a writer.
  • Writing skills. This is obvious, but some people with bad writing skills sometimes tend to think that all writing is equal. And that’s not right. So, if you aren’t a good writer, first learn how to write properly. Reading a ton will also help you.
  • Build up your creativity: You’re probably going to write about topics you have never thought of. So being open-minded is a must.
  • Build a Portfolio. Just write, even without clients. You should go for some writing that shows you know how to write. Then, you can write something else more specialized so you can show you’re an expert on some topic.
  • SEO. It’s not mandatory, but a little bit of SEO knowledge can boost your career, there are a ton of people who need SEO writers. If you master your SEO skills, you'll probably hire your own ghostwriters. So this can be a nice career path if you don’t plan to be a full-time writer… or maybe to fund a ghostwriting agency.
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Tips to Become a better ghostwriter

When ghostwriting, there are some things that can help you to do it better. These are some tips:
  • Read. I can’t repeat it enough times. Just read as much as you can. This will teach you how to write better, enrich your vocabulary, discover new ways to write… It’s just good for you. Read.
  • Build a Network. First clients are going to come from your network, so focus on that.
  • Develop your skills. Keep learning. You can try some writing techniques courses, or try to explore your own style. Writing is your main ability here, so just improve as much as you can here.
  • Listen to your client. You should know perfectly what your client wants, and that is a field you can probably improve. Talking about ghostwriting books, you’ll need to match the voice and style your client uses.

Ghostwriting niches

There are multiple areas where ghostwriting is needed. The usual adage goes that you need to pick a niche and be the master of that niche.
These are some niches with plenty of demand in the “classic” ghostwriting career:
  • Celebrity books. This is the most widely known area.
  • Non-fiction books.
  • Public Speeches.
  • Journalism.
  • Lyrics for musicians.
For the new media, there are plenty of other opportunities to ghostwrite like the following:
  • Blog posts
  • Website copy
  • E-commerce
  • Social media – where Twitter has a special mention as it’s the one where you really need to write well.
Of course, there are many more, but those are the most common ones.

Where can I sell my ghostwriting services?

We listed some platforms where you can promote your services, but if you build up a nice network on different social media platforms, you can find good paying clients.
  • Twitter: That’s it, twitter is one of the most influential media for ghostwriters. And can be a great opportunity for promoting your skills. It can also be the most lucrative one if you nail it right.
  • Linkedin: another great place to connect with many colleagues and build a good network. It’s a great place to connect with CEOs and other users trying to get their personal brand out there, so it is a great place to showcase your ghostwriting skills.
  • Fiverr: A widely known platform where you can just offer yourself as a professional, and sell directly to interested users.
  • Facebook: This social media is perfect to connect with others. There are groups for professional writers, freelancers, entrepreneurs… so you can join to learn from others, and also to offer your services.
  • Blogs: You could also promote yourself by writing a few articles related to Ghostwriting and at least one of them should revolve around your expertise, should you have one.
  • Your own network: If you’re part of a community (i.e telegram communities) you can promote yourself. Just let other people know that you’re a ghostwriter for hire!

How to use Twitter for ghostwriting?

Twitter’s the most influential social media right now. And that means many entrepreneurs, business owners, and others need people writing for them. Ghostwriting in Twitter is a great opportunity, and can help you make much more money faster than other ways.
Of course, this means you will have to know how to grow Twitter accounts, and that doesn’t happen easily. Make sure you have a nice bio before you get started.
The best places for that are threads where you can leverage your skills to the highest level. Make sure you read this great thread about ghostwriting on Twitter.
Talking about threads, you can learn how to write incredible Twitter threads that will catch the interest of potential clients if you look for the right information, so make sure you really do your research well.
And if you want to learn how to make your tweets viral, learn from some of the great copywriting masters you see on Twitter.
Also, check JK Molina’s Video on how to master copywriting for Twitter:
Video preview
After reading these articles, you might have a clearer idea of what ghostwriting is, what niches there are, how to sell your services, and especially, how to use Twitter for ghostwriting.
Right now, ghostwriting on Twitter can be the most lucrative ghostwriting you can do.
Give it a try, it can be your full-time job!

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Flavio Amiel

Written by

Flavio Amiel

Writer @ Tweet Hunter