6 Copywriting Mistakes That Kill Your Content On Twitter

We learn what are the 6 most common Twitter copywriting mistakes and how to avoid them.

6 Copywriting Mistakes That Kill Your Content On Twitter
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We learn what are the 6 most common Twitter copywriting mistakes and how to avoid them.
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6 Copywriting Mistakes That Kill Your Content On Twitter
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Twitter is full of great content. But most of the time, that good content never reaches who it should because of bad copywriting. Here's how it works:
Good ideas + bad copywriting = 💀
Average ideas + good copywriting = good
Good ideas + good copywriting = Money
The good thing about Copywriting is that it's a skill that can be learned and improved. Take a look at your favorite tweet account's first tweet vs. their last tweet, and you'll notice a difference.
That's copywriting at work. But before we get there, it's essential to understand the most common copywriting mistakes on Twitter and how to avoid them.
This is what we'll cover in today's article. Let's jump in!

Mistake #1: Poor formatting

Content is king, but if the tweet you wrote is difficult to read, it won't matter if it's the best tweet in the world.
People won't read it.
A good tweet has a balance between format and substance.
Twitter is a fast-paced social network. People today scroll fast and consume even faster.
That's why your content needs to look GOOD to stand out and break through the noise.
Let's see it with an example: Assuming both tweets had the same information, which would you read first?
notion image
This is why tweet formatting is so important when writing your tweets. It makes your content easy to spot and read. It draws attention to it.
Take the example above. The information is the same, but its presentation is different.
This can easily be achieved by using blank spaces and other elements like bullet points.
Feel free to separate your sentences while writing tweets. It may initially feel a bit counterintuitive, but it's the right way to approach Twitter.

Mistake #2: Being too Clever

Especially starting out, trying to be too clever with your tweets won’t do it.
Even if what you say is clever, you probably don’t have the credibility for people to listen to you.
It works for Dan Koe and Naval because they have been doing it for years, but that doesn’t mean it will work for you.
If you want your message to spread more effectively, ditch the cleverness and embrace simplicity. There’s always time to dial it up.

Mistake #3: Using jargon

Twitter has a wide variety of users. Your goal here is for your message to spread as much as possible. Avoiding complex terminology and industry-specific jargon will make your content more accessible and relatable.
Clear and simple language also helps with engagement and authenticity. You are doomed to fail if you use jargon to sound “clever” (see point above).

Mistake #4: Using the wrong tone

The tone is often overlooked on Twitter. Daniel Vasallo is someone who’s known for his constant hot takes and being more “aggressive” on certain topics, but he stands behind them 👇
Someone else who does this well (and intentionally) is Nick Huber.
Both of them have strong control over their tone. They've also developed it over the years.
In 99% of cases, using this tone does not work. People can tell when you are "too aggressive" and chasing hot takes for engagement vs. when you do it because you think about it.
Another misuse of tone on Twitter is the "trying to be an expert" pose. Many people try to pose as experts when they aren't:
  • An 18 year old giving life lessons
  • Someone with 1,000 followers giving audience growth tips
The learner tone works way better. It also removes the pressure of being 100% right all the time.
If you communicate more aggressively, do it. But do it because it feels genuine to you, not because it's a vehicle to get more likes and views.

Mistake #5: Boring opening lines

If your content is not getting any attention, it is not your content’s fault.
It’s your opening line.
90% of content “fails” because it can’t stop the scroll. Your first line needs to do that for your tweets and threads. Here are a few ways:
  • Start with a credibility booster (”I made $1M in 1 year”)
  • Add an eye-catching visual
  • Ask a thought-provoking question (”What if Twitter disappeared forever”)
  • Make a big promise to the audience (”You’ll learn more marketing on this thread than on an entire marketing degree)
  • Hint at a transformational journey (”I escaped the rate race one year ago”)
If you want more inspiration, take a look at our Twitter Thread Hook templates (Part I, II, III and IV)

Mistake #6: Making it all about you

A big mistake when writing Twitter content is making it all about you. The truth is that people don’t care that much about you. They care about you and can help them.
So even if your content is about you, you need to tweak it to make it about them.
Your content should inspire, entertain or teach your audience something. Keep your audience in the center, and your engagement will skyrocket.

Avoid these mistakes to be ahead

Improving your copywriting skills starts with knowing what NOT to do. Take the time to understand your audience, experiment with your tone, avoid jargon, and study engaging headlines.
Just by doing that, you’ll be ahead of 90% of people.

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