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Yes, you are looking at @hartmannd 's 49.8 pounds of weight loss inside Default Kings. WE LOVE TO SEE IT. t.co/jwe2lRL67i

about 1 year ago

Read it

Flying into Nashville on Friday for the 1st ever Default Kings retreat. Thank you so much to @newsomenuggets for the help hosting!! This is going to be a life-changing weekend for everyone involved. See you all soon.

about 1 year ago

Scared of something? Simply pursue it. MORE REPS = you give your brain undeniable proof, you will not die.

about 1 year ago

Jared ( @Jared8915 ) is down 13.8 pounds in 30 days inside Default Kings. MAN ON A MISSION. t.co/Hdxf1CSLiZ

about 1 year ago

Rob ( @robjaykeim ) lost 21.4 pounds inside Default Kings. WE LOVE TO SEE IT. t.co/1WkGSqhJO3

about 1 year ago

Did you know "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" was just a marketing campaign by cereal companies?

about 1 year ago

Tom lost 28 pounds in 2 months inside Default Kings. “I don’t think I will go back… EVER” t.co/Cdm0Cz9TeQ

about 1 year ago

You will lose 20+ pounds guaranteed if you do this: 1. Walk 10k steps/day 2. Lift weights 4x/week 3. Drink black coffee to suppress appetite 4. Eat 0.8g/protein per lb of target bodyweight 5. Kill the "I'm a fat piece of sh*t" identity And of course, get in a calorie deficit.

about 1 year ago

Cole lost 31.6 pounds inside Default Kings. And he told me "It honestly felt very easy too, very very sustainable and the weight is shredding off. Everyone in my life is noticing big change in my physique." t.co/FELRUglAJI

about 1 year ago

Vinny ( @WithVinny1 ) went from 245lbs to his lowest weight since college. He recently sent this inside Default Kings: HALF IRON MAN in 2 months. LET'S GO. t.co/argaGPqrzf

about 1 year ago
