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Rob - Fat Loss for Busy Dads




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It's easy to lose weight. But 99% of people lose MUSCLE as well as fat. This is a terrible mistake. These 9 lessons will show you how to keep muscle while you lose fat. t.co/GjuJq3XGZG

6 months ago

Read it

Most people are surprised by how little training they need to build muscle. Take an untrained person and get them to do 1 set of pushups every few days (to failure). Keep it up for a few months and you'll see the muscle.

6 months ago

Jumping in cold water will not "strip fat off of your body" Can't believe what I see on the internet sometimes. t.co/p4nKNXGk2v

6 months ago

Take your weight daily, but not to obsess over it and hyper analyse day to day fluctuations. Look at the average for the week, compare it to the week before that, and the week before that. More data points = more reliable averages.

6 months ago

Processed foods are easier to overeat, make you hungry again soon after eating, and require fewer calories to digest. Overall an L for your fat loss efforts.

6 months ago

Shred in 60 results from Brandon! 60 days of consistently hitting his steps, hitting his macros and training a few times per week. Accountability and checking in too! t.co/TE9RXnFod3

6 months ago

WHEN you eat your meals makes a difference for the amount of hunger you will experience during fat loss. Try different meal times. I like to move them all later.

6 months ago

Jon has lost 20 lbs so far working with me and is noticing his clothes fitting much better! Have enjoyed our chats about Arsenal as well! t.co/DcyEZZuLVd

6 months ago

Skyr before bed is better than any pre-sleep protein shake. Both have slow digesting casein protein. One is enjoyable. t.co/V56loha6gc

6 months ago

Well done Siyih, absolutely smashed it on Shred in 60. t.co/LlGP9X4mBZ

6 months ago
