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Rob - Fat Loss for Busy Dads




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You can be a long, long way from "perfect" (whatever that is) and still see great progress. Just do something and be consistent with it. You'll probably get results.

6 months ago

Read it

Aiming to lose 1 lb per week is fine. Aiming to gain 1 lb per week is not fine (unless you're happy to gain mostly fat).

6 months ago

Ignoring this will lower testosterone levels by 10-15% It's tempting to lose weight by cutting out all the most calorically dense foods. Especially all high fat foods like oil, fatty meat, butter, fatty fish etc. Don't do this. Track macros, keep fat above 0.3g per lb of BW t.co/gGLMpWsjgZ

6 months ago

Brandon lost 15 lbs on Shred in 60 and got to 16% body fat (measured by DEXA)! Throughout the 60 days he overcame work trips, social events and was able to fit in a dessert every day. t.co/hNkHwWAPOP

6 months ago

If you don't train close to failure your set was a warmup. If the bar wasn't moving slower on the last rep than the first, you weren't training hard enough.

6 months ago

Good morning. You don't have to work on every muscle group at the same time in your program. Have a great day!

6 months ago

Genetics do matter. But they're more of a factor in your FINAL physique than your start point. They're not to blame for you being totally out of shape.

6 months ago

If you want instant results from fitness don't even bother. 20 lbs of fat loss = doable in 8 weeks (at a push) Complete physique transformation = years

6 months ago

That study that said "more than 30g protein at once isn't wasted" It's right... But people are misinterpreting it. It doesn't mean eating all your protein at night will give you the same results as spreading it out across the day.

6 months ago

Improving your physique the right way, with results that last and make your body actually look good requires: Resistance training, high protein, consistency. Don't expect to follow a dumb, fad diet and expect to look good or sustain the weight loss.

6 months ago
