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Rob - Fat Loss for Busy Dads




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Thought I'd shared these DMs. Learning to lose fat sustainably and predictably is life changing. Like he says, you can decide to get lean whenever you want. Just flick a switch and go. t.co/Y8zG52OxP5

6 months ago

Read it

Would you be happy to lose 20 lbs if 10 lbs of it came from muscle? This is how you lose weight but stay at the same body fat %. This is not the way. Eat protein and lift weights.

6 months ago

5 exercises you MUST avoid if you don't want to turn into a Greek God. t.co/BeM8I3iDlp

6 months ago

Getting your protein from plants is less efficient (more calories per gram) and misses out on some of the essential amino acids. Eat these to hit your protein goals: - Fish - Beef - Eggs - Pork - Skyr - Steak - Chicken - Whey protein - Greek Yoghurt

6 months ago

Maintaining muscle as you lose fat doesn't require much lifting at all. You should be prioritising intensity, not volume. In a calorie deficit your recovery abilities are reduced. Be smart with your training. I've maintained muscle and dropped fat lifting 1 hour per week.

6 months ago

Losing weight isn't the problem. Sustaining the results is. If the process isn't sustainable, the results won't be either.

6 months ago

When trying to lose fat, pick exercises that create fatigue in a muscle, not exercises that fatigue YOU. Big difference. Your program should look the same as when you want to gain muscle, just with less work. Leave out the burpees and battle ropes - just eat less.

6 months ago

1-2 hard sets per major muscle group per week is enough to maintain muscle. During your busiest times, get this done at least to avoid going backwards.

6 months ago

The first time I ever went to the gym I did about 8 different upper body exercises, all to failure, for multiple sets. It took about 2 hours. Let me tell you - I REALLY regretted that. Couldn't straighten my arms for the first few days. DOMS took 2 weeks to go away.

6 months ago

Siyih lost average 2 lbs per week lost on Shred in 60! t.co/YJhvtNWAm3

6 months ago
