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Rob - Fat Loss for Busy Dads




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Doing more cardio typically leads to an increased appetite and eating more calories than you would have if you hadn't done the cardio. It's also a very inefficient way (time wise) to get into a calorie deficit. It's doable, but controlling intake is a far better approach.

6 months ago

Read it

Don't expect to not have to deal with hunger when losing fat. It's a sign it's working. Even if you eat only the most satiating, unprocessed foods, drink loads of water, sleep 8+ hrs etc. You will still experience hunger. You don't have to immediately "fix" it.

6 months ago

The last time I lifted a 1 rep max was in February 2020. But I've continued to get stronger and gain muscle since then, despite training pretty much exclusively above 6 reps, and mainly in the 8-12 rep range. All rep ranges build strength. t.co/zhGV5LZuPn

6 months ago

Brandon got to his lowest weight since high school on Shred in 60! He cites the community as a big factor! t.co/jQgRN9t1p9

6 months ago

If you're a man over 24% body fat this will be the most important thread you ever read. Bookmark this for future reference. t.co/2ZZiiy3lEE

6 months ago

Never done fasted cardio. Never had a problem losing fat. Make of that what you will. t.co/lntCRrKcy3

6 months ago

Being overweight means suffering with: - Back pain - Poor sleep - Joint pains - Depression - Poor sex life - Lack of drive - Poor mobility - Lack of energy - Low confidence - Breathing problems - Erectile Dysfunction Getting to a healthy body weight will change your life.

6 months ago

Would you be happy to lose 20 lbs if half of it was muscle? Focus on your body composition. Stop focusing on your weight.

6 months ago

Everyone's ideal calorie intake will be different based on their weight, muscle mass, movement levels and age. Any number you get from a calculator should be treated as a starting number only - a ballpark from which you adjust.

6 months ago

Looking for a program to drop 5-10% of your body weight in 60 days? Look no further! t.co/K5b42EkCzm

6 months ago
