How to get verified on Twitter

What are the advantages of getting your Tweet account verified? Are you eligible? Find out here!

How to get verified on Twitter
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What are the advantages of getting your Tweet account verified? Are you eligible? Find out here!
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How to get verified on Twitter [Getting the blue checkmark verification]
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You probably have seen it: a little blue badge with a white tick inside it near the name of some Twitter accounts.
There are many benefits to getting verified on Twitter. Once verified, your “status” in the Twittersphere will be higher, and you could easily promote your brand and build up your follower count. Plus, being Twitter verified shows the world that you're relevant and not just some random person who happens to be tweeting about random things.
Verification can help to cut down on potential spam as well as stop any impersonation. All in all,  your account would just be seen as more trustworthy.

Why does it matter, to have that blue check on Twitter?

Let's face it — we all want to be verified on Twitter. The coveted blue tick gives us an air of importance, a mark of distinction that separates the... not-so-important Twitter users from the cool kids.
But how does it work?
The verification process can be a little bit hard, but the main reason is that Twitter takes verifications seriously and it takes some time and effort to check them all. It even includes human verification before some algorithmic filters.
So, having your account verified means that your profile represents a brand, person, or organization with some online or offline presence that needs to be asserted. It also means that the profile is sharing relevant information and fulfills Twitter’s activity standards and that the account is respectful of Twitter's Terms of Use and rules.

What are the elements that will enable you to get verified on Twitter?

The number of followers isn’t crucial for verification, but it will help.
So, what do you need to get verified?
First, you need to meet the requirements for eligible accounts.
Your account need to be in one of the following categories:
  • Entertainment
  • Government
  • News organizations and journalists
  • Sports (including Esports)
  • Organizers, activists, and “influential individuals”
As you can see, that last category, where most of us fit is wide and vague. But there’s something else Twitter requires from us: to be “notable” and “active”.
A “notable” account is related to a high-profile person (or entity).
Some ways to make sure you are being “notable” is being in the top 0,05% most followed accounts of your region, having the media talking about you, or having a Wikipedia page about yourself (or maybe even all three).
Having a known profile in an industry can also be used for that notability.
Of course, not all the details are well known, and Twitter also uses some other indicators.
On the other hand, the activity criteria are much easier to fulfill:
  • Not being sanctioned by Twitter for policy violations.
  • Must have been logged in the past 6 months.
  • The profile must be public and complete: that means having a real name, image, etc.
  • The contact information must also be confirmed.
And then, of course, you have to apply for verification.

How many followers do you need on Twitter to get verified?

The number of followers is not the only relevant fact to get verified: you don’t need to comply with a certain number of followers as long as you fulfill the notability and activity criteria.
But, of course, having tons of followers can meet the notability criteria by itself. However, this isn’t accomplished by having a certain number: it varies from region to region. The criteria for being verified on Twitter is being in the top 0,05% of followed accounts in your region.
It can be hard to reach that number when there are many Twitter accounts in your region, while it can be pretty easy if you live in a place where very fewer people use it.

Are there any hacks to get verified?

Nope. The best tip is to improve your options for getting verified:
  • Try to engage your audience: Remember that all verifications have a human phase. Having a nice engagement will help show Twitter that you are sharing valuable content. And remember to tweet original content.
  • Use Twitter regularly - TweetHunter can help you with this.
  • Link any personal or professional website, your profession, or the organization where you work.
Just be serious and make it as easy as possible to be verified.
And if you don’t get your verification badge on the first attempt, optimize it a bit more and try again in a few months. You’ll maybe need a few attempts until you make it happen.

Are you an artist? There might be a way for you

How to get verified as an artist or content creator? The main process is the same. But when optimizing your profile, you can add some of your work. You’re probably sharing your art in your tweets, and that’s great. But you should also link your portfolio on your profile, some sales websites… And in the contact section, you should place something where your audience can hire you or request some work from you.
And keep sharing your original work regularly! It’s easy to fall into an only retweeting streak. But try to update with original content so you engage more with your audience. Using threads is a great idea to engage at the same time you share your work.

Is the process different to get your business verified?

When verifying a business account, it can be really helpful to include your business location and a corporate email for contact. Also make sure you use your logo as an image, and make your name match the business name.

How to get a spokesman (of a company or organization) verified on Twitter?

If your organization or company is already verified, being associated with it can be really helpful. If you have a link where the readers can find all of your your company’s information and your role in it, make sure to include it. Also, in the description, include the company and your position. Ensure that your profile image is your own picture, so you don’t look like a copy of the company’s account.

Ok, but given a step-by-step, how can I get verified on Twitter?

  1. Make sure that your profile meets one of the six profiles eligibles for verification.
      • Companies, brands and organizations
      • Entertainment (includes digital content creators)
      • News organizations and journalists
      • Sports and esports (gaming)
      • Government and political figures
      • Activists, organizer and other influential individuals
      • (Others - Content Creators, etc.)
  1. Check the activity standards described. Take two or three months to max out your engagement and activity.
  1. Check your notability and try to improve it as much as you can. You can try to publish your own Wikipedia page, or develop your online presence with a website. If you think you can reach the 0,05% top followers threshold, just go for it.
  1. Then, go to your account settings and click on the “request verification” button.
  1. A popup will appear. Just confirm by clicking “Start Now”.
  1. Select your category and then provide the information needed to prove that you belong to that category. Your website, articles, news talking about you, a Wikipedia page…
  1. Verify who you are. This can be done with an official or cooperative email, website… Click the submit button, and…
  1. It's done! At least everything you could do until that moment. Now it's time to wait till Twitter answers the verification request.
In short: make sure to stay relevant, tweet constantly (maybe scheduling your tweets), and grow your follower count. TweetHunter does makes all of this easier. Have a look and understand how to get more followers and keep them engaged with your account.

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