Twitter Growth in 35 Minutes: A Proven Framework for Success

We outline a 35-minute daily content creation framework you can implement today so time is no longer an excuse to not post on Twitter

Twitter Growth in 35 Minutes: A Proven Framework for Success
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We outline a 35-minute daily content creation framework you can implement today so time is no longer an excuse to not post on Twitter
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Twitter Growth in 35 Minutes: A Proven Framework for Success
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"I can't find the time to create content"
"I have problems being consistent with my tweets"
"I don’t have a system for writing tweets and threads"
Sounds familiar?
Time is probably the number 1 excuse we all make (🙋‍♂️been there, done that) to justify our lack of commitment to growing our Twitter account.
The reality is that there’s no magic pill to Twitter growth. Good content, the one that gets you likes and followers, takes time and effort to create. However, that doesn’t mean you need to spend four hours every day making it.
Taking your brand to new heights on Twitter requires the right content strategy. Not sure what to tweet next?
In today’s article, we’ll outline a 35-minute daily content creation framework, so time is no longer an excuse.
We all can try to spare 35 minutes in a day, right? Let’s see how to do it 👇

What is the 35-minute Twitter growth framework?

Twitter growth is divided into two big levers that you can pull:
  • Content creation
  • Engagement
This framework divides those 35 minutes more or less equally between both levers, proposing concrete actions at every stage. These stages can be divided at the same time in:
  • 15 minutes for content creation
  • 10 minutes for “cold” engagement
  • 10 minutes for “warm” engagement
Let’s see what we can do with each one!

Why daily?

Before getting into the details of the actual framework, it’s important to state why we need a daily creation routine.
My usual advice is to run away from daily content creation. The reason is that it’s harder to maintain and keep up. So instead, I tell people to reserve 3-4h on a specific day of the week to sit down and create the entire content for the week.
But I realize that’s not doable for most people. Life often gets in the way, so not everyone has 3-4h to spare one day of the week. But they do have 35 minutes.
This framework is geared toward that kind of people.

How to apply the 35-minute Twitter growth framework

15 minutes for content creation

If you want people to follow you on Twitter, you need to give them a reason. Quality content is that reason.
15 minutes for content writing should be enough for you to write and schedule at least two tweets.
There are a bunch of things you can tweet about. To give you a head start, check out these 10 Fill-In-The-Blank tweet templates.

20 minutes (10+10) for engagement

The other side of the Twitter growth coin is engagement. For this part of the framework, we’re going to focus on two types of engagement:
Cold engagement (10 minutes)
Cold engagement references people who you don’t know yet and you haven’t had any interaction before
For 10 minutes, try to find tweets from people in your industry or niche, and do one of the following:
  • Send 1 DM to someone you admire
  • Engage with 1 bigger account in your niche
  • Engage with 1 “fast-rising” account in your niche
Warm engagement (10 minutes)
Warm engagement references people who you know and who you’ve had some interaction with before.
In this case, our focus will be on people we already know. In these 10 minutes, try to:
  • Send 1 DM to one of your newest followers
  • Engage with 3 people in your network (your “Twitter friends”)
To make the engagement side of things easier, we recommend you either build a Twitter list or use the Tweet Hunter CRM feature.
You should build two lists, one for cold engagement and another for warm engagement. Once you have those lists, you can easily import them into the Tweet Hunter CRM and start engaging!
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Extra time? Do one of these

If after all of this, you still have a few minutes to spare, or you can dedicate 10-15 more minutes to this growth framework, you should allocate that time to doing one of the following:
  • Build a swipe file. Search and save good tweets to take inspiration from
  • Analyze your tweets' performance to understand what works or what doesn’t. If you don’t know where to start, check this article.
  • Or take the extra time to engage more!

Results of the 35-minute Twitter growth framework

If you are consistent at applying the framework, after one month, these will be the results:
  • 60 tweets
  • 60 DMs sent
  • At least 150 replies under other people’s tweets
If you haven’t experienced it yet, the amount of opportunity you can generate only after doing this for one month is gigantic. Imagine if you do so for a year!
I hope this actionable article was helpful to you. I know we all don’t have that much time to dedicate to Twitter growth, but I can promise you that if you make a consistent and super-focused effort following this framework, you’ll see results in no time.
Just ensure you are not making one of these 13 mistakes that might kill your Twitter growth!

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Writer @ Tweet Hunter