10 Fill-In-The-Blank tweet templates to get more likes, retweets and followers

Here are 10 tweet templates that you can start using right away

10 Fill-In-The-Blank tweet templates to get more likes, retweets and followers
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Here are 10 tweet templates that you can start using right away
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10 Fill-In-The-Blank tweet templates to get more likes, retweets and followers
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One of the key points in our 13 mistakes that are Killing your Twitter growth article was tweet structure, meaning how a tweet looks.
A common mistake new Twitter creators make is paying too much attention to the content itself while neglecting how to present the tweet.
But don’t worry, we are here to help with that! In today’s article, we’ll explore 10 Fill-In-The-Blank Tweet templates to help you with your tweet writing.
Let’s dive in!

#1 - The steps

Step-by-step lists are super popular on Twitter. The reason is that they provide an actionable type of content at a glance. People feel inspired when reading these types of tweets.
You’ll do well to incorporate this template into your writing arsenal!
The template 👇
The ___ simple steps to ________: 1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________

#2 - Everything changed when

A breakthrough, that spark, that moment that changed everything…is something super powerful to leverage as a piece of content. This tweet idea will help you do so.
The two parts of this tweet divide on:
  1. Sharing all the bad results that you were getting
  1. Sharing the one thing that changed it all
The template 👇
My first _____ _______: - ______ - ______ - ______ Everything changed when _____________

#3 - Stop doing this

Simple but effective. The key while using this tweet is to highlight something that your audience is doing but that’s not good for them (e.g. procrastinating).
Then, with the second line of the tweet, offer the solution. It’s great to come up with succinct tweets.
The template 👇
Stop doing _______ Start doing _______

#4 - Before vs Now

Stories sell, especially stories of transformation. This tweet idea is perfect to show how something in your life changed.
You can use it to show the two different states of something and how they changed through time.
The template 👇
Me at ____:
  • ____________
  • ____________
  • ____________
Me at ____:
  • ____________
  • ____________
  • ____________

#5 - Rules for myself

Sharing part of your process is always interesting on Twitter. This tweet idea will allow you to do so.
It consists of sharing a few rules you apply when doing something specific. For the rules, you can use simple bullet points or emojis like Ayush is doing in this concrete example.
The template 👇
Some rules I’ve set for myself that allow me to do ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
This is possible only because __________

#6 - Bad news, good news

Another two-line structure that’s super easy to replicate and that can give you very good results.
The “bad” line is used to start something that your audience is suffering with. The “good” line is used to share how that “bad” thing is not really that bad. It’s a change of perspective. The template 👇
bad news:_____________ good news:_____________

#7 - The future

If you have some knowledge of a specific niche, then sharing how you think that niche is going to change in the future might be an interesting content idea.
Besides, it’s possible that you spark some interesting conversations among the audience. The key here is simply showing how those things in your niche change (from this to that).
The template 👇
The future of ______:
  • From _____ to _____
  • From _____ to _____
  • From _____ to _____
  • From _____ to _____
  • From _____ to _____
  • From _____ to _____

#8 - The tech stack

People love tool lists. It’s what it is. Whatever you do, I’m pretty sure your audience wants to know what’s the tech stack behind it. This tweet template will make sharing easier 👇
My _________ tech stack:
  • _____:____
  • _____:____
  • _____:____
  • _____:____
  • _____:____
Cost: ______/mo
Revenue: _____/mo

#9 - Change

Not everything we are going to share here today is tweet templates with lists and bullet points. This is as simple as it gets when it comes to tweet structure but equally powerful on the content side.
It’s a simple way of showing how something changed for you.
The template 👇
I became ______ with my ______ when I stopped __________.

#10 - Pick two

This is a fun format that you can use to challenge your audience. You just need to choose three elements (names, job titles, ideas…) close to your niche and make your audience pick two.
Then sit back and enjoy the discussion in the replies.
The template 👇
  • a_______
  • _______
  • _______
Pick two

Moving forward

As you have seen, the one thing that most of these fill-in-the-blank ideas have in common is the use of white space and high-readability structures.
If you keep these in mind when writing your tweets, you’ll quickly realize an improvement in your tweet stats.
Before we leave, if you are ready to tackle thread writing, we also compiled 10 Fill-In-The-Blank Thread Hook templates to help you with that.

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