How to Track Followers on Twitter

Want to track your Twitter followers or the people who unfollowed you? Check our thorough guide.

How to Track Followers on Twitter
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Want to track your Twitter followers or the people who unfollowed you? Check our thorough guide.
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How to Track Followers on Twitter (in 2023)
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Achieve your social media goals by working smarter and applying an automated Twitter follower tracker. This way, you will spend less time manually tracking followers – a tedious task some even do in a spreadsheet, which is just impractical as it gets harder the more you grow your following.
Many popular Twitter trackers are free and easy-to-use tools that can help you audit your Twitter account and even improve your Twitter metrics.
In this article, you’ll get to know and understand how improving your Twitter analytics and signing your account to a Twitter follower tracker would help boost your social media presence.

How can I track my followers on Twitter?

There are multiple ways you can track Twitter account followers, either manually or automatically.
One way is by using dedicated Twitter follower trackers that provide analytics and data about your Twitter account.
Another way is to use Twitter’s native metrics analysis, Twitter Analytics.
But truth be told: you want the tracker of your choice to help you collate and display important information about your followers: what tweets resonated with them, which ones generated more likes, and which ones had more engagement.
Tracking your followers will help you focus and go in the right direction.

Twitter follower tracker as power tools

The thing is, a Twitter follower tracker is a powerful tool that provides analytics on your Twitter account followers and report the number of new followers you get in specific timeframes, as well as insight on which messages resonated the most.
You simply need to sign up for an account with one of these trackers and then link your Twitter account. After that, the follower tracker will automatically start doing its job.
Some of these trackers help you check how many people are following another person's or brand’s Twitter account over time (that’s interesting if you want to “steal” some of their competition).
All in all, using these tools you’ll be able to see statistics about the people following you, including:
  • Which tweets they liked, engaged, reply to, or retweeted
The best followers tracker for Twitter will also get you access to detailed insights about their behaviors, such as when they joined Twitter or what hashtags they're using most often.
Some trackers also go as far as giving you a rundown of related metrics like your best tweets, engagements, impressions, etc. Then, it will help you analyze these metrics to help you use them as a way to improve your stats.

How to track lost Twitter followers

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The best way to track lost Twitter followers is also by using a Twitter follower tracker. Once it’s installed, you'll have access to a plethora of analytics that will allow you to see a detailed report on the people who unfollow you.
This includes your followers’ behavior after each of your tweets. What made a follower unfollow? A follower tracker can determine whatever it is that’s killing your Twitter following growth (and lost followers). In return, you will get a better grasp on understanding a better way to market your content to them.
This information lets you know what kind of content your following base likes so that you can continuously improve your content in the future. You can also use this to experiment with which types of content, such as Twitter polls, threads, or profile changes, to help you garner more engagement and attention from your followers.

Track Twitter followers over time

Unfortunately, since Twitter doesn't provide this data automatically, you'll need to turn to third-party options like TweetHunter.
If you start to track Twitter followers per month, for example, you will get the hang of how your following behave and what content they will engage with the most.
This allows you and other marketers to understand where your following base might be located, so it's easier for you to create localized ads, for example or to know what time is best to tweet.

Track a user’s Twitter followers

Twitter does not give you access to many metrics, such as tracking another account’s Twitter followers.
But with a Twitter follower tracker, you can do that efficiently and more. For example, if you have a client you ghostwrite tweets for, you can simply connect their Twitter account and find more bout their growth.
A good third-party Twitter provides statistics on important patterns such as the average number of tweets per day, the average number of followers per day and other relevant data points.

Important Twitter follower metrics for growth

With the increased number of automated bots on Twitter, counting your followers might seem less valuable than it used to be. But by building a genuine community and growing your follower base, you will also drive up your tweet engagements. It will also establish trust for your brand.
No matter your social media role or goal, you have to monitor these follower metrics so you can repurpose your content and adjust your strategies accordingly. However, these metrics can be overwhelming.
So to start, here are some metrics that are important for growth:
  • Follower demographics - by getting to know who your followers are, you will have an idea of what kind of audience loves your content. You can also use this data to attract more audiences of the same demographic or expand your content to engage other followers.
  • Follower quality - As stated beforehand, follower count is tnot the most important metric anymore. However, by assessing your followers, you would be able to recognize which users engage in more of your posts, which are still active, which might be fake followers or bots, etc.
  • Follower popularity - Tracking a follower’s popularity, either by engagement or follower count, will help you determine how you should interact or work with them to maintain a good relationship.

The best Twitter followers tracker apps

There are many different types of follower trackers out there, so it's important that you find one that will suit your needs before signing up for an account.
Here are some of the features and tools you should look for when choosing a follower tracker:
  • Ability to track multiple accounts
  • Real-time updates on new followers and unfollowers
  • Analytics charting (i.e., line graphs)
  • Track Twitter follower's history
  • Historical tracking reports (i.e., line graphs)
  • Option to import or export your followers list
These are some of our picks for Twitter follower tracker apps.

1. TweetHunter

Tweet Hunter has a comprehensive Twitter follower tracker app. Besides tracking followers, TweetHunter is also designed to cater to your all-around needs for Twitter account growth and monetization.
Whatever your Twitter goal is, TweetHunter has a beneficial feature for you. Some of these are automated high-quality tweet creation tools (like an AI Thread Starter), content schedulers, metrics, actionable analytics, and even a CRM.

2. FollowerAudit

FollowerAudit is exactly how it sounds: a follower tracker for both your Twitter followers and unfollowers.
It also specializes in auditing the Twitter profiles of any public user to determine the authenticity of its followers. The best use case of this kind of tracker is to know if influencers or brands are genuine.

3. Twitter Audit

Twitter Audit is a useful follower tracker tool not just to know how to track Twitter followers growth but also any public Twitter profiles.
On top of that, they also aim to weed out your fake followers or expose other profiles’ fake followers to prevent getting scammed by online personalities.


There are many benefits that would convince you to track Twitter followers gained and lost over time. Just remember to choose the right Twitter follower tracker for your brand’s needs to make the best of your investment. Then, get the specifics of your Twitter metrics and get the work done to grow an engaging and supportive following on Twitter.

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Flavio Amiel

Written by

Flavio Amiel

Writer @ Tweet Hunter