How To Become A Twitter Ghostwriter

Learn how to become a ghostwriter, all you need to know.

How To Become A Twitter Ghostwriter
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How To Become A Twitter Ghostwriter
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Creators, makers, and entrepreneurs are increasingly realizing the power of Twitter for creating content and building audiences.
The challenge most face?
They are busy (like really busy) people.
It is well known that content creation is incredibly time-consuming. Due to this, lately, we’ve noticed an increase in Twitter ghostwriters who help entrepreneurs, makers, and creators with their own content.
Ghostwriting has grown from a semi-obscure profession to something reputable to be working on and that you can get started with almost immediately. If you spend all day on Twitter, this could very well be your next gig!
This post provides a comprehensive guide on how to become a Twitter ghostwriter. Let’s dive in!

What is a ghostwriter? Why should you think of becoming one?

Ghostwriters are professional writers who are hired to write under another person’s name. Because ghostwriters write in someone else’s voice, they are not usually credited for the work they produce.
It doesn’t sound very appealing at first glance, but here are a few reasons why you should consider becoming a Twitter ghostwriter:
  • You get to learn from interesting people: As a ghostwriter, you get to work with very interesting people (CEOs, artists, creators, etc.). You get to see how they think and operate from an insider’s perspective.
  • It’s lucrative: Usually, people who hire ghostwriters have a thriving business already. By hiring ghostwriters, they buy back time. And we all know how valuable time is.
  • You are honing a highly valued skill: When you are a ghostwriter well, you write. A lot. This allows you to master the skill over time. Writing is a highly sought-after skill in the job market, and it will continue to be so in the years to come. If you practice it every day, you are already ahead of the game.
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How to Become a Ghostwriter

It’s not as easy as it sounds to become a Twitter ghostwriter. However, it is not impossible either. You need four things to become one:
  • Writing skills: Duh. To be a good ghostwriter, you must be a good writer. There is no other way. This does not mean you need to be proficient in writing long blog posts or short speeches. See next point.
  • Understanding of Twitter: You need to have a very solid understanding of how Twitter content works. Tweets and threads are not blog posts or newsletters. To succeed, all you need to know is how those two work.
  • Check your ego at the door: You don’t get credit for ghostwriting. This is not for anyone who wants to have their work acknowledged (beyond getting paid).
  • Clients: Jump to the next point to see how to get them

How to get ghostwriting clients

Ghostwriters need clients to write for. But who are these people? How do you find them? Or better yet, how can you attract them? It’s time to find out.
First of all, who needs Twitter ghostwriters? There are two kinds of people who need it:
  • People who already create content on Twitter but can’t anymore due to time constraints
  • People who haven’t yet built a Twitter presence but are interested in doing so.
Knowing that, let’s explore the two ways you can put yourself in front of them.

Offer a test run for free (or for a discount)

Earn their trust by proving yourself first. You can offer to write one week’s worth of content so they can test it out. If it works, then the sale is almost done. You must master cold DMing (which we will cover in another article) and be very careful with your approach.

Or make people come to you

Since you cannot usually show the work you do for clients, your own profile is the best place to showcase your work as a Twitter ghostwriter.
What better way to show people what you can do than to demonstrate it for yourself? Your content IS your portfolio. Create quality content and make people come to you instead of you going to them.
What can happen when your content is your portfolio
notion image
This second option is more long-term. While it takes more time and effort, it will be worth it in the end.

9 Tips to Become a better ghostwriter

You now know how to become a ghostwriter and how to find ghostwriting clients. In this section, we’ll share with you 9 tips that will help you stand out from the competition as a ghostwriter

#1 – Niche down

There are people sharing all sorts of content on Twitter. Focusing on one industry will make it easier for you to close more clients.
Let’s say you know a bit about eCommerce. It would make sense for you to target eCommerce owners and become known as an eCommerce ghostwriter. Again, seems like obvious advice, but most people don’t apply it.

#2 – Study your client

Twitter ghostwriting isn’t simply about writing generalistic tweets and platitudes. In addition to having deep industry knowledge, a good ghostwriter can accommodate the communication style of the person he’s writing for.
Identify patterns and words that your client uses most often by studying their past content. Then use that in your own content.

#3 – Become a great interviewer

The success of a Twitter ghostwriter depends on the content he is able to extract from his clients. Gaining more insight from your client after every conversation will be easier if you become a better interviewer.
It’s probably one of the core skills of a ghostwriter that most ignore.

#4 – Double down on content based on the data

Check out the Twitter analytics at least once a month once you start writing for a client.
Check out what’s working and double down on it for the next round. Data talks, you just need to listen.
To learn more about Twitter analytics and how to use it, take a look at our comprehensive guide on the matter.

#5 – Have a system for content creation

Processes and systems play a key role in content creation at scale. With more systems in place, you’ll serve more clients and as a result, do better. Here are some of the systems to consider:
  • Interviewing
  • Content recording and transcription
  • Writing
  • Content reviewing

#6 – Don’t talk about your clients

Most people who hire ghostwriters don’t want others to know they hired them. Your job is to remain discreet. Never disclose the names of people you work with unless they are okay with it. Remember, privacy comes first.

#7 – Get paid upfront

This isn’t strictly ghostwriting advice, but general freelancing advice. Make sure you get paid, at least 50% in advance. This is especially important with new clients.

#8 – Meet deadlines

You probably will have deadlines when it comes to delivering your content. Respect those deadlines or you will lose your client’s trust very quickly.
Whenever you are unsure if you can make it, give yourself one or two more days. Just make sure you deliver. Your word is your bond.

#9 – Upsell your services

Making your client’s life easier doesn’t just involve writing. Clients who hire you for tweet writing may be willing to pay extra if you also schedule the content. That could easily mean extra income for you each month. Make their life easier.

Now it’s your turn!

Tweet ghostwriting is not only a lucrative freelance gig, but it’s also a great chance to work with top people in your field. You’ll learn a lot and, at the same time, you’ll sharpen your writing skills. It is a very good way to make money with Twitter.
If you have been on the fence about becoming one, hopefully, this article has given you the extra push you needed.
What else would you like to hear about ghostwriting? We are here to help! Just shoot us an email at

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