It's well known that as companies become more bureaucratic, it gets harder to ship new software. I wonder if you could use this relationship in the other direction: if you had a culture of constantly shipping new stuff, would that prevent you from becoming bureaucratic?
over 1 year ago
How should schools teach writing now that AI can do it? Should they allow AI or ban it? They should do both. They should have classes where students use AI. But they should also have classes where students learn to write without using AI at all.
over 1 year ago
If you're an ambitious engineering student and you're wondering what to work on to advance your career, you're asking the wrong question. Work on whatever you're most excited about; if you're ambitious, your excitement will outweigh the hotness of the field you choose.
over 1 year ago
If investors are wondering how to deal with all the change that's been happening in AI, the answer is to do what you should normally do: bet on founders.
over 1 year ago
10 yo asked me to read a draft of his latest story. Me: The teacher is called Mr. Masnapos? Where did you get that? 10 yo: It's Hungarian for hung over.
over 1 year ago
An actor friend explained why he didn't want his kids to become actors. Not just because it's financially precarious, but because the nature of the business means you're constantly being rejected.
over 1 year ago
The Collisons are playing the long game. That's one of their secret weapons.
over 1 year ago
Jessica: What's new? Me: OpenAI just released a new version that's much better. And people hadn't even stopped talking about the previous version yet. Jessica: Are you scared about AI? Me: A little. At the very least, it's going to change everything.
over 1 year ago
Though this seems obvious in retrospect, adding bicycles to Paris doesn't turn it into Amsterdam. You still have the aggressive chaos of Parisian traffic, but now it's silent and could be coming from any direction.
over 1 year ago
It's easier to see how fashion and convention (about e.g. how to smile) make everyone look the same if you turn pictures upside down.
over 1 year ago