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Paul Graham




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Jessica: What's new? Me: OpenAI just released a new version that's much better. And people hadn't even stopped talking about the previous version yet. Jessica: Are you scared about AI? Me: A little. At the very least, it's going to change everything.

about 1 year ago

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Though this seems obvious in retrospect, adding bicycles to Paris doesn't turn it into Amsterdam. You still have the aggressive chaos of Parisian traffic, but now it's silent and could be coming from any direction.

about 1 year ago

It's easier to see how fashion and convention (about e.g. how to smile) make everyone look the same if you turn pictures upside down. t.co/eqp5vsISNV

about 1 year ago

When you're doing a deal with a large organization, find out if the people you're negotiating with actually have final say. Usually they don't, and that means the deal you've agreed upon can be, and often is, killed at the last minute by higher ups.

about 1 year ago

Since 10 yo's current career plans are field biology and fiction, on the drive to school I suggested he try combining them by inventing some fictional creatures. Agreeing that nothing could be more logical, he immediately set to work.

about 1 year ago

The first step to starting a startup has nothing to do with "entrepreneurship." It's to develop deep technical expertise of some sort, so that you look at the world with informed eyes.

about 1 year ago

Changes in the colors of objects since 1800, from pictures of 7000 objects in the collections of UK science museums. t.co/DvVQrw3pcw

about 1 year ago

I was talking to some people familiar with Russia and the war in Ukraine, and they pointed out something I hadn't considered. Putin couldn't pull out even if he wanted to, because it would make him look so weak at home that he'd probably be ousted in a coup.

over 1 year ago

Amusing pattern I've noticed among great portraitists: they often paint their subjects to look like themselves. Allan Ramsay, who had an underbite, often gives his sitters one. t.co/sqFzUXLqUH

over 1 year ago

This ranking of universities looks roughly correct. The big mistake in the article is the claim that the higher ranked universities are better at "producing" founders. t.co/mad4l20LMV

over 1 year ago
