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Rob - Fat Loss for Busy Dads




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Stop judging your workouts based on how much time you spent at the gym. Start judging them based on the quality of the work that got done and your numbers going in the right direction.

6 months ago

Read it

"You can't lose fat eating pasta" Actually, you can. This is a fat loss meal for me, or a bulking meal for me. What changes is the total calories I consume across the day. t.co/oAGqwdyrcS

6 months ago

Jared was 230 lbs when he started working with me, and getting under 200 lbs has been a goal for a while now. Told him to send me a picture of the scale when it happens and he sent me this the other day! t.co/saVbqC4SyH

6 months ago

If I woke up tomorrow and I was 25 lbs overweight, these are the exact steps I'd take to be lean again in 90 days. (Includes macros and training program I'd follow and foods I'd buy) Bookmark this to save it for later! t.co/BLJ5A5Gr6A

6 months ago

If you want to lose 30 lbs, watch this, then check out the link below: t.co/sDkEuRCMVg

6 months ago

Your body fat percentage is an excellent predictor of your overall health. If it's over 25% you've got work to do. Around 15 is ideal.

6 months ago

Your family dynamic will be permanently improved if you become a fit dad that sets a healthy example.

6 months ago

It's much easier to focus on losing 10 lbs five times (with a break in between) than to focus on losing 50 lbs.

6 months ago

Want to gain a pound? Drink a pint of water. Want to lose a pound (or more)? Don't eat or drink all day. Want to lose a pound of fat? Be in a calorie deficit.

6 months ago

I'll answer this: However long it takes to rack up a 154,000 kcal deficit. Age doesn't make much difference. t.co/FCvE8siSyv

6 months ago
