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Rob - Fat Loss for Busy Dads




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You don't need a meal plan. You need to hit the right calories and macros.

6 months ago

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Recovery time between sessions matters. Look at these two different ways of running an upper/lower split: Mon (U), Tues (L), Thurs (U), Fri (L) Will likely get better results than Mon (U), Tues (L), Weds (U), Thurs (L)

6 months ago

Shred in 60 is the best 60 day fat loss program you'll ever do. Lose 10-25 lbs of fat in 8 weeks and learn how to keep it off. t.co/snNu2T8hlG

6 months ago

For fat loss: Instead of eating 1,000 calorie meals that make you hungry... Eat 500 calorie meals that fill you up.

6 months ago

What you do outside the gym matters more than what you do inside it. Training is an essential part of health, but it will be pretty meaningless if you aren't doing the right things with the reset of your time.

6 months ago

Underrated way of getting your workouts done when you have "no time": Micro workouts. A set here. Another set there. A pullup bar and some dumbbells (or a home gym) is best for this. One of the benefits: longer rests between sets (better for building muscle).

6 months ago

Some people can stay on track while having small treats that fit into their daily calories. Others have to completely eliminate all trigger foods. Which one are you?

6 months ago

99% of people neglect recovery and their results suffer. Recovery is when you get stronger.

6 months ago

I'm looking for 5 men who want to lose at least 15 lbs of fat in the next 90 days without a meal plan and without training more than 90 minutes per week. If you want to be one of them, tap the button below to send me a DM. t.co/1RrVWZLzpG

6 months ago

Lockdown before I had a home gym was a tough time for working out... t.co/GyQBBC9Iz8

6 months ago
