Tweet Hunter University

Tweet Hunter University
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Welcome to Tweet Hunter University, where you learn about Twitter and about Tweet Hunter. We’ve prepared this guide not only to explain how to use the tool, but how to use is effectively and get results with it.
If you’re just starting out on Twitter, we recommend you give it a good read. But if you’re a seasoned Twitter professional, feel free to jump to the sections that interest you the most.

What you need to know about Twitter

Why Twitter?

Let’s start with some facts.
As of 2023, Twitter boasts a staggering 393 million monthly active users and 237 million daily active users. If you're under the misconception that your target audience isn't on Twitter, it's time to reevaluate. The platform is teeming with potential clients, users, and partners spanning across diverse fields.
From startup founders to fitness enthusiasts, food lovers to crypto zealots, artists to journalists and beyond, Twitter has it all. Whether you're a freelancer, entrepreneur, creative artist, or a life coach, Twitter is a goldmine for building a relevant audience, fostering relationships, and unlocking business opportunities.
But leveraging Twitter's massive potential means you need to understand how it works. Luckily, Twitter is astoundingly transparent, sharing the very algorithm it uses to rank content. This level of openness is rare, presenting you with a golden chance to optimize your content, boost your reach, and soar to unprecedented heights.
So this is what we’re going to dive into right now: how the algorithm works, and what you can take away from it.

The Algorithm

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Early 2023, Twitter leaked their ranking algorithm. If you’re a technical person, feel free to read it here. But if you’re not, don’t worry, we got you.
Here are the highlights from the algorithm and what that means for your Twitter account.
We’ve organized them into 2 sections: account-related and tweet-related.

Account Ranking Factors (also known as “Tweepcred”)

Tweepcred is how Twitter scores your account and decides whether your reach should be positively or negatively impacted whenever you post a tweet. It’s a score between 0 and 100, and the minimum requirement to have no negative impact is 65.
A number of factors go into your Tweepcred score, so let’s take a look at the most important ones.
Interacting with high-quality accounts
When high-quality accounts, interact with you, mention you or share your content, this sends a signal to Twitter that you’re more likely to be a quality user.
How to use this information: Try to build relationships with accounts you believe are high quality. Instead of commenting “so cool” on their tweets, think of providing an actually helpful or interesting reply so you can have them interact with you.
You know how everyone on Twitter talks about consistency being key for anything? Well, turns out it’s true. It’s so true that it’s embedded in Twitter’s algorithm (and likely in social media algorithms in general). Twitter likes users that are consistently delivering value and publishing content on the platform. Why? Because they make Twitter money. Social networks are in constant need of regular, new content, so it’s only normal that they would reward their most loyal users.
How to use this information: If you were thinking “I’ll just publish a good thread every now and then”, think again. Posting on a daily basis is in fact a key aspect of the strategy, not just because you need to develop a habit, but because Twitter actually wants you to.
Niching down
Twitter likes users who become trustworthy for a specific community or niche. In a way, this also falls into “consistency”. But instead of looking at how frequently you publish, Twitter looks at whether or not you remain on topic and influence a specific type of people. If you do, Twitter is more likely to push your content to similar people.
How to use this information: The old adage “focus on 1 topic” remains true in 2023. When you pick a topic, stick to it and keep going. If you change topics every time a new trend starts or start sharing pictures of your pets, you won’t get that benefit.
Follower-Following ratio
No mystery here, but a mistake that many new accounts do. Having a bad follower-following ratio (meaning you follow a lot of people but not many follow you) damages your reach. And it’s only logical. What’s the first thing you tell yourself when you visit a Twitter profile that has 50 followers and follows 20,000 people? Not credible.
How to use this information: If you’re just starting out an account, try to maintain a follower-following ratio of 1 so you’re not to severely impacted. As a larger account, you might want to improve that ratio and make sure you only follow people you actually enjoy.
Account age
The older the account, the stronger the score. Twitter considers that if you’ve been around for a while, you’re more likely to be a legitimate account and will slightly reward you for that.
How to use this information: Nothing to do here. You either have an old account or you don’t.
Safety & Controversy
Most people on Twitter tell you to be a bit controversial or provocative when you tweet. And they are not wrong. But you need to be careful not to go too far. When people mute you, hide your content, or report you, it sends a very negative signal to Twitter. Despite being one of the most censorship-free platforms out there, you can still get shadow-banned for posting inappropriate content.
How to use this information: Don’t make content just for the purpose of being controversial. And know when to stop. Being too political or provocative will definitely not serve you on Twitter. Removing the nuance whenever you write a tweet could be a good idea (also makes your copy better). Purposefully spreading hate or being a troll isn’t a long term play though. What you’re looking for are positive interactions: likes, retweets, replies.
Twitter Blue
Subscribing to Twitter Blue isn’t something we ever thought we’d recommend. But it turns out you do get a boost on your score. This doesn’t affect your “Tweepcred” but rather the overall score of your tweet when Twitter decides to show it to someone or not. To be precise, that score gets multiplied by 2 or 4 depending on whether the person is already in your network or outside of it.
How to use this information: It’s entirely up to you, but it’s true: subscribing to Twitter Blue will help you reach more people. We don’t think it’s a great idea either, but it explains why so many are now subscribed to it.

We’ve just seen how your account history impacts your reach. Now we’re going to look at how the content you post can have an impact.
Engagement triggers
Of course, posting tweets and threads that generate engagement is key. Twitter will always favor content that triggers interactions over those that don’t. There are a few different ways to do that though, and we’ll explore them later in this guide.
How to use this information: Creating good content is a vast topic (which we’ll explore later on). But it starts with asking the right question. When writing a tweet, ask yourself whether you would reply to it if you saw it in your feed.
Images & Videos
Tweets that contain visuals are far more likely to get attention. That’s also true on platforms like LinkedIn. But don’t just add any image thinking it will 10x your reach. Aim to always add interesting, relevant images and videos to your tweets.
How to use this information: Depending on what your account is about, you could build an image bank for yourself which will allow you to easily pick and choose relevant images for all your upcoming tweets.
Making sure you reply
Don’t let replies on your tweet get unanswered! The algorithm has made things extremely clear: replying to people who comment on your tweet plays a very important role:
  • a like is worth “+0.5” when scoring your tweet
  • a reply is worth “+27”
  • you replying to a reply on your tweet is worth “+75”
How to use this information: When you publish a tweet and have good hopes that it will get some replies, make sure you’re not too far from your phone or have access to Tweet Hunter to handle those replies. Showing you’re still part of the conversation after sending that tweet has a high impact on its reach.
Links are bad
There was little doubt as to whether or not adding links to your tweets had a negative impact, and the algorithm codes confirms it. The worst thing you can do is have a tweet that consists only of a link.
How to use this information: If you’re going to add a link to your tweet, make sure your tweet is really really good. It’s your only chance for it to go viral and for that link to receive some clicks.
So there you have it. Those are the main factors that will impact how well your tweets perform. And it all boils down to these 3 things:
  • Be consistent by posting frequently about the same topic
  • Make tweets that trigger engagement and be part of the conversation with your audience
  • Build relationships with the influential people in your niche
Which it’s great news because Tweet Hunter is built around those pillars.

Being successful on Twitter

We’ve seen why Twitter was important and what were some of the important factors to consider as a content creator on the platform.
Now let’s take a look at what it means to be successful, and talk further about strategy.

What success looks like

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Defining your North Star metric

Many people say “likes don’t matter” or “followers don’t matter”. And they’re wrong. Likes, followers, impressions: those matter a LOT. But it’s true that these metrics aren’t your end goal.
They are a good representation how well you’re growing an audience and developing a trustworthy personal brand. But you should always try to tie that audience with a more concrete goal that has a direct impact on your business: new clients, meetings booked, new revenue, etc.
When you’ll have grown an audience that actually serves your business, then you’ll be able to say you found success on Twitter. The good thing is it can start with very few followers.

Successful Tweet Hunter users

Tweet Hunter has thousands of active users and the number keeps increasing. That being said, we thought it would be cool to list some accounts that we feel could be a great inspiration for those who are just starting out.
As you can see, our customers can be very diverse and still each have a lot of success on Twitter.
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Arvid Kahl 🔗
The Bootstrapped Founder
115K followers (July ‘23)
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Codie Sanchez 🔗
Contrarian Thinking
376K followers (July ‘23)
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Houseplant Hobbyist 🔗
137K followers (July ‘23)
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Richard Yu 🔗
Impact Clients
24K followers (July ‘23)
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Tibo 🔗
Tweet Hunter Founder
84K followers (July ‘23)
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UI Adrian 🔗
79K followers (July ‘23)
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Jimmy Mackey 🔗
40K followers (July ‘23)
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Rowan Cheung 🔗
The Rundown AI
300K followers (July ‘23)
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Victor 🔗
Serial Maker
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Dan Koe 🔗
The Art of Focus
343K followers (July ‘23)

The 3 C’s of Twitter growth

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Taking a look at these accounts and what you now know about the Twitter ranking algorithm, it becomes clear that achieving success on Twitter is far from random. Only those who actually do Twitter with intent, purpose and commitment eventually manage to turn it into an interesting and profitable channel for their business.
But a clear strategy arisesThough the algorithm has changed over time, the strategy to make it on Twitter hasn’t. It revolves around what we call the “3 C’s of Twitter growth”: content, community and consistency.


It all starts there. People follow other people because they believe they can obtain value from them, whether it’s the form of entertainment or education, or money. And the only way for you to truly showcase that value is through content.
There’s a never-ending debate about what “valuable content” really is, but at Tweet Hunter we believe it’s anything your target audience will show an interest in. Whether you share memes or free resources or insightful stories or inspirational quotes doesn’t really matter, as long as you do it well enough that it triggers your audience’s curiosity.
Still, we’ll see in the next section how to leverage Tweet Hunter to create content that performs.


This is a key aspect of Twitter, that’s often overlooked. Which is great news because it means you can gain an edge.
Most people on Twitter focus only on their content and forget to pay attention to others, develop relationships and build a network of informal supporters. What this means is you need to actively try to participate in conversations on other people’s tweets (and not just by saying “oh wow awesome” on every tweet) and build strong relationships by using Twitter DMs.
Whether those people will become your clients or not isn’t really the point. The point is to have enough people on Twitter who appreciate you so that they will happily retweet and reply to your content without you even having to ask them to. This creates a support network which, in time, will become extremely precious to consistently perform on Twitter.


And finally, but we’ve already mentioned it: consistency.
We know, it’s not the most fun or original advice. But it’s absolutely key when it comes to making it on Twitter. If you’re here, it already means you’re motivated. Now is the time to prove to yourself you’re in this for the long run and the long-term rewards of being on Twitter.
Tweeting 10x a day for 30 days straight is great, but it will be useless if you stop after that. Same goes with building relationships, which fade over time as you fail to nurture them. The fact is you only reap serious rewards from Twitter after committing to it for months. And Tweet Hunter is here to help you become more efficient at it so you can also focus on other things.
Now that the basics are covered, let’s move on to exactly how Tweet Hunter can help you achieve your results. And as promised this will cover all 3 C’s:
  • How to create high-performing content
  • Creating a community by interacting with the right people
  • How to remain consistent
Let’s get to it.

Crafting Superior Content Consistently

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Unlocking endless inspiration

Creating good content starts by feeling inspired. How many times have you wanted to post something but simply couldn’t get an idea? If you’re like most people: often. Getting inspired is the first goal covered by Tweet Hunter, and there’s 2 main ways for you to achieve that.

Finding inspiration from top performing tweets

It’s likely that other people in your industry have successfully leveraged Twitter as a channel. And for that reason, we strongly recommend you take inspiration from these people by taking a look at what they have posted in the past.
That doesn’t mean you should blatantly copy/paste tweets by other people. However, their tweets constitute an endless source of inspiration when it comes to figuring out what works for your target audience and what you can tweet about.
Using Tweet Hunter to find those tweets is extremely easy, as we have over 6M viral tweets in our database. Safe to say that should be enough to get you inspired for a while.
And there’s 2 methods for you to take advantage of them:
  1. Search for tweets
Our Search feature allows you to search for keywords or @handles an uncover relevant, high-performing tweets about those topics or posted with a specific account.
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The Search feature supports different ways of looking for tweets:
  • broad keyword search (digital marketing)
  • exact-match search (”digital marketing”)
  • excluded keywords (-advertising)
  • account search (@twitter-handle)
To improve your search results, we’ve also added filters so you can refine exactly what you’re looking for. Those filters include:
  • number of likes
  • number of retweets
  • date published
  • exclude hashtags
  • exclude $TICKERS
  • exclude crypto tweets
  • include/exclude threads
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  1. Let Tweet Hunter suggests tweets automatically
If you want to make things even easier than having to search for a tweet, then simply let Tweet Hunter’s AI identify the best ones for you to take inspiration from. For that, head over to the Daily Inspiration section.
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All those tweets are specifically picked for you by Tweet Hunter’s AI, based on the information you provided about yourself when signing up. If you feel like the results are a bit off, head over to your Settings and edit the “AI settings” section.
But the help Tweet Hunter provides doesn’t stop there. One thing you can do is create your very own swipe file, by saving and organizing tweets into collections (much like bookmarks on Twitter, but better). So whenever you need inspiration, simply open one of your tweet collections and find all the tweets you think can help you get an idea.
And of course we added a dash of AI to the mix. For every tweet you find, you can ask AI to rewrite it for you.
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Which leads us to making a transition to using AI to brainstorm and write tweets from scratch.
Create top performing tweets using AI
AI is at the center of Tweet Hunter, helping you craft tweets without having to do anything (or, at worse, a few clicks).
Let’s explore the different ways you can leverage AI to create tweets in Tweet Hunter
  1. Chat Assist: your Twitter assistant
Chat Assist is your very own Twitter assistant (for those familiar, think “ChatGPT but optimized for Twitter”). It’s an AI chat interface that has been specially trained for Twitter and makes use of the information it has about you to help you brainstorm and generate content from scratch.
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To open up Chat Assist, start by clicking on the ⚡️ buttons either at the bottom right or in the sidebar menu of Tweet Hunter. Those buttons are available across the app, so you can access Chat Assist whenever you need it.
Whenever referring to yourself, Chat Assist will understand who its talking to (”Brainstorm tweet ideas for me”). Thanks to this context, it can generate genuinely interesting content ideas without you having to explain it what you do, who you are, etc.
You can ask it to brainstorm topics for you, rewrite whatever is in the tweet composer (using the variable [composer content], and you can even ask it to write entire tweets and threads. It’s that easy.
Not sure how to get started with it? Use the Actions Library, which contains many different instruction templates to help you leverage Chat Assist.
  1. AI-Generated Tweets for You
Similar to Daily Inspiration, Tweet Hunter also writes tweets for you from scratch on a daily basis. All you need to do to get them is go to the AI Tweets section.
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And again, you can improve the results by making sure your AI Settings are properly configured.

Writing high-quality tweets and threads


The Tweet Composer

The tweet composer is where you write and schedule your tweets. As a key piece of Tweet Hunter, we’ve made it accessible throughout the app, by clicking the ✏️ button which you can find at the bottom-right of your screen or in the sidebar menu.
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As you can see from the screenshot above, this section of Tweet Hunter is riddled with features. Let’s start with the basics.
The text area is where you can start writing and editing your tweet. Whenever you skip 3 lines, this creates a thread and opens up the preview panel. Right below, you’ll find all you need to add media, emojis or text snippets in just a few clicks.
Once your tweet or thread is ready, you can hit “Add to queue” to add it to your schedule, or open up the dropdown menu if you want to schedule it for a specific day and time. Or you can hit “Tweet now” if you want to post this straight away.
Notice the “Edit queue” option. Use it to define your publishing schedule (you can also do that straight from the “My Queue” section).
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Making good use of AI shortcuts

AI shortcuts are particularly useful. You can use them to rewrite, improve, continue writing, or analyze any tweet. Access them in the tweet composer.
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When hitting the ⚡️ button in the composer, you’ll access over 10 different options to improve your tweet or brainstorm ideas based on what you’ve written. Select any one of them and it will open up Chat Assist and start doing what you asked.
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What if you could know how your tweet will perform before you even post it? TweetPredict is our proprietary algorithm that analyzes the contents of your tweets and compares it to our internal data as well as your own past tweets to determine how likely it is to perform well.
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If your score here is low, consider making some tweaks to your content to give it more chances of going viral. Note that since this feature relies significantly on your own data, the more data and statistics are available, the better the accuracy.

Boosting performance and saving time

You’re now equipped to both remain inspired at all times and write high-performing tweets like you were born to do it. Let’s start exploring how you can increase your reach and engagement even more while saving time.

Advanced Automations

It’s safe to say Tweet Hunter is the best equipped tool when it comes to providing seemingly small features that help your tweet deliver results. You can find those under the “Advanced Options” section in the tweet composer.
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Let’s take a moment and see how each of these help you perform better:
  1. Remove URL Previews
Whenever you share a link on Twitter, the URL preview (also known as metadata) will by default be shown to people. Turns out, this lowers the click-through rate, meaning less traffic for you. This is why we added the option to also remove URL previews when you schedule tweets with Tweet Hunter, making sure that you get as many clicks on your links as you can.
  1. Auto retweet
Why should a tweet only be seen in one timezone? Auto retweet helps fix that by enabling you to retweet your tweet a certain number of times after you publish it, leading to more reach and more engagement total.
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  1. Auto plug
Auto plug is your foolproof way of making sure you take advantage from any tweet that gets a lot of engagement. Whenever you reach a like threshold, you’ll be able to plug your offer (whether it’s your product, your newsletter, or anything else you want people to take a look at).
All you need to do is define a number of likes and provide the text which will be plugged as a reply below your original tweet.
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  1. Auto DM
Quite possibly our favorite feature. There’s a common, high-performing tweet format which consists of sharing a free resource that will be sent to people if they engage with your tweet. Sure, it’s a bit salesy. But it works.
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Thing is, sending all those DMs can be a huge hassle.
So we invented Auto DM to allow you to do the exact same thing while freeing up your time.
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The classical version of Auto DM allows you to define a condition (retweet, reply, like), provide the text for the DM, and define a maximum number of DMs to be sent (note that you are limited to 750 DMs per 24 hour period due to Twitter limitations).
And we also added 2 pretty cool options:
a) “Send randomly to X people after 24h”,
This allows you to run contests and create scarcity by telling your audience only a limited number of people will actually get the resource.
b) “Plug Lead Magnet and capture emails”
A powerful feature which allows you to turn your Twitter audience into an email audience.
Share the link to the resource, and it will be hosted on a dedicated landing page which you will be sending in people’s DMs.
When the recipients click on the link, they’ll arrive on the landing page where they will leave their email in order to receive the resource.
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  1. Thread Delay
When you schedule threads on Twitter, by default all the tweets get posted at the exact same time which isn’t great for your reach. By setting a delay (we usually recommend 10 seconds) between the posting of each tweet of the thread, you maximize your reach and still make sure 99.9% of people who will see your first tweet will be able to read the thread without having to wait.
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Making proper use of advanced scheduling

Of course, scheduling is one of the important layers of Tweet Hunter. And we strive to provide you with a scheduling experience that is easy, advanced and saves you a lot of time and hassle.
At the core of your publishing schedule is the My Queue page.
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Let’s take a look at everything you’ll find there.
First off you’ll notice all the tweets that are scheduled to be published. You can drag those around and reorganize them as you see fit.

Setting up your content schedule

As soon as you access the My Queue section, you’ll be prompted to create “slots” for your tweets. We recommend you take a look at the follower activity graph to create the optimal time slot.
Due to Twitter’s algorithm wanting you to be as active as possible, we recommend a minimum of one slot per day, and ideally 3-5. Yes, that’s a lot. So if you don’t feel like it, stick to a daily tweet because it’s better to stay consistent.
You’ll notice there are some additional options you can select when creating a slot.
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First off, the “Evergreen” slot. Evergreen tweets are tweets you’ve written and that you want to keep retweeting regularly. If you select “Evergreen slot” when creating a slot, this means it will be dedicated to retweeting one of your Evergreen tweets at random. You can select those tweets in the Evergreen section.
More importantly, this is also where you’ll have the opportunity to assign a label to a slot. This helps you set up a complete content strategy revolving around different types of content. For example, you can create a slot for threads, one for promotional content, one for memes, etc.
When you’ve created these specific slots, you can then select it whenever you find yourself wanting to schedule a tweet from the tweet composer.
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Other queue options

The queue section contains a few extra options that make scheduling your stuff a breeze.
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In Automations, you’ll be able to set up the cancelling of your retweets after a certain amount of time. This helps you keep your profile clean instead of filled with retweets, which is much more appealing for anyone who visits it.
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Re-Queue and Shuffle options do exactly what you think they do.
If you have any empty slots in your queue, Re-Queue will take any content you have scheduled for later and fill those slots with it.
Shuffle will randomly mix up your scheduled tweets.
We’ve now covered everything there is to know about brainstorming, creating and scheduling high-performing tweets with Tweet Hunter. Let’s move on to another (often neglected) aspect of the strategy: engaging with other accounts.

Engaging with your target audience

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Most people who start out on Twitter focus solely on their content. Those who make it on Twitter know how important it is to build relationships and engage with other people. After all, Twitter is a social network. And this is reflected in their algorithm: having strong connections with influential people and keeping the conversation active on your tweets are key for your own personal reach.
Let’s see how Tweet Hunter can help you achieve all those things without spending hours on Twitter every day. Starting with the basics: how to find your audience and import it to Tweet Hunter.

Find your target audience

We’ll focus on 2 things here: building relationships with influential accounts and making sure your own audience stays engaged and serves your purpose.

Find relevant and influential accounts

If you don’t already know who are the influential people in your niche, time to do a little bit of research. You can start off by searching for keywords in Tweet Hunter and applying date filters to see who is actively reaching people by tweeting about your preferred topics.
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You can also search for keywords in Twitter’s native search feature to try and identify more people. Make sure you keep the tabs open or set all those accounts aside somewhere, you’ll need them later.
Once you’ve found enough people (that number really depends on how big your niche is, but having anywhere between 20 and 100 people should do it), let’s move on to actually importing them into Tweet Hunter.

Creating lists of contacts

Tweet Hunter allows you to create lists of contacts that are well organized, filterable and exportable. And yes this is going to serve as a basis to engage with these people’s accounts.
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To create your first list, head to the the Contact section. You’ll be prompted to assign a name to your first list, and can then move on to adding people to it.
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There’s various options for you to pick from to import people to a list. If you have a list of influential people in your industry, you can copy/paste those handles here and create your first list.
If you’d rather explore other options, here are the ones we recommend most:
  • Create a list of people who interacted with you by using the “Has interacted with…” and “Has messaged me in DMs” options. This list will help you engage and strengthen the relationship with people who are already in your “fan base”.
  • Create a list of people who interact with one of your competitors by using the “Import from a specific tweet” option. This list will help you easily engage with people who are interacting with accounts who have similar topics as yours, effectively “stealing” their audience.
Now let’s see how you’ll can leverage your contact lists.

Boost your visibility by engaging

Engaging with other accounts should be a pillar of your strategy. It has a direct, positive impact on the algorithm and helps you build your network of supporters in the long run. But maybe you’re wondering “Why should I use Tweet Hunter do reply to people’s tweets?”.

The problem with Twitter’s timeline

You don’t want to be engaging with any random account you find in your Twitter feed because most of them will probably be a waste of your time. Many of them will be from irrelevant accounts, and many others will just be retweets or replies which you don’t truly need to be commenting on. All this means that while you scroll Twitter, you have to single out the tweets that are worth your time and attention. And this is an excruciating process. You’ll probably be spending 30 minutes on Twitter just to find 5 tweets to comment on.
This is what Tweet Hunter sets out to solve with the Engage feature.

Engage with contact lists

When you select the “People” option in Engage, you have the ability to select any contact list you’ve created.
Tweet Hunter will then go and fetch the latest tweets by these people, and allow you to reply to (and like) each and every one of them without leaving the app.
Add the ability to generate replies with AI, and you just saved yourself a bunch of time while still being able to build your network and audience.
Now all you need to do is spend anywhere between 5 and 10 minutes per day making sure you engage with a few people, and you’re good to go.
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Search tweets with keywords

Similarly, Tweet Hunter also let’s you do keyword-based searches for recent tweets to engage with.
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Reply to comments and @mentions

Making sure people who comment on tweet or mention you get a reply is key, as we’ve seen in how the algorithm decides whether to boost your reach or sanction you. And Tweet Hunter also helps you there. Simply go to the Mentions & Replies tab of the Engage section, and you’ll find all the unanswered mentions and replies you got recently.
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Your 2-hour weekly routine to put everything into practice

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You’re now familiar with what you need to do, and how Tweet Hunter helps you perform each of these things.
To help you put things into practice, we created this 2-hour weekly routine which contains all the key actions you need to be doing, either on a weekly basis or a daily basis.

1. Weekly - Write and schedule 1x great thread - 20min

  • Have Chat Assist write the first draft of your thread
  • Tweak the thread by adding examples, personal experiences, sources
  • Don’t forget to add an image or video to illustrate the thread so it has a higher chance of performing
  • Add it to your schedule

2. Weekly - Prepare your Auto DM tweet - 10min

  • Keep a library of the best free resources you can share
  • Every week, pick one of these resources to be shared in an Auto DM tweet
  • Ask Chat Assist to write the tweet for you, for example using this prompt: “Write a tweet promoting my free resource about [topic]. People need to reply to it to receive the link in their DMs. Limited to 500 people”
  • Tweak what Chat Assist wrote to your liking
  • Add it to your schedule

3. Weekly - Write 15 tweets - 30min

  • Pick a few suggestions and tweak them to your liking
  • Add all your tweets to your schedule

4. Weekly - Monitor your results - 5min

  • See how well you performed over the past week
  • Find your top performing content, and take not of what didn’t work
  • Note what you need to keep doing, and what needs to change

5. Daily - Engage with people and reply to your @mentions - 10 minutes

  • Engage with 5 people you never engaged with before
  • Engage with 5 people you engaged with recently
  • Reply to all the tweets that mention you, as well as replies on your own tweets
This routine is simple enough to get you on the right track and deliver results after a few weeks, without you wanting to quit after just 2 days. You can of course adapt it to your liking and the rhythm you want to have. More is always better when is comes to Twitter, so feel free to adjust.

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Tweet Hunter helps you build, grow, and monetize your Twitter audience through tools that drive sales.

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Written by


Co-founder @ Tweet Hunter