15 Best Marketing Twitter Accounts to Follow

Stay Ahead of the Curve and Learn from the Top Marketing Experts on Twitter

15 Best Marketing Twitter Accounts to Follow
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Stay Ahead in Marketing: Unlock Success following the Top 15 Marketing Twitter Accounts.
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Marketing Twitter Accounts - Top 15 to Follow
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If you want to keep up with innovative tricks, the latest technology, and trends in marketing, you need to go straight to the experts. In a competitive, dog-eat-dog world, you need to be relevant to retain a competitive edge. And what better way to do it than by listening to those at the top in their niche?
Twitter provides you with a unique opportunity to learn more and communicate directly with marketing experts. These people have key insights and nuggets of wisdom that can be valuable for you. They’ve built thought leadership on Twitter because of their deep understanding of the industry.
We’ve compiled a list of the 15 best marketing Twitter accounts you should follow if you are serious about Twitter marketing or marketing in general.
Want to discover more amazing accounts to follow? Check out our list of the 101 Best Twitter Accounts to Follow in 2023.
Unlock your Twitter success with Tweet Hunter! Access valuable resources on Twitter marketing, personal branding, and copywriting. Discover AI Assistant, intuitive scheduling, lead finder, and robust analytics. Sign up now for sales, growth, and new networks.

15 Best Marketing Twitter Accounts to Follow

Without further ado, let’s jump right in to discover the best marketing experts on Twitter to follow.

1. Matt Heinz, @heinzmarketing

Matt Heinz is the founder and president of Heinz Marketing and one of the industry's biggest marketing and sales influencers. Matt shares a lot of content about product success, revenue growth, sales, and marketing. His account is a goldmine of content for everything you’d want to learn about marketing.
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2. Seth Godin, @ThisIsSethsBlog

Seth Godin is a founder of Yoyodyne and Squidoo, and an accomplished author with over 18 marketing books. Seth writes about topics such as leadership, marketing, and advertising. He also offers courses, has a podcast, and has a blog sharing digestible, actionable insights.
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3. Guy Kawasaki, @guykawasaki

Guy Kawasaki is an author, an original Apple employee who is famously known for his role in Apple’s revolution, and a leader in secular evangelism. With over a million followers on Twitter, this is one of the best Twitter accounts to follow for marketing advice.
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4. Neal Schaffer, @NealSchaffer

Neal Schaffer is a well-known powerful in the social media and social selling industry. Forbes has featured him as one of the leading social media influencers. Schaffer helps businesses by providing expert advice, consulting, and helping brands shape their marketing and sales journey.
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5. Joe Pullizzi, @JoePulizzi

Joe Pulizzi is the founder of Content Marketing Institute and is known for his role in helping large brands with online marketing. On Twitter, he regularly shares insights about content marketing, social media marketing, and other gems that you definitely don’t want to miss out on.
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6. Pam Moore, @PamMktgNut

Pam Moore is the CEO of The Marketing Nutz and a powerful voice in brand storytelling, social media, and omnichannel marketing. Forbes has featured her as one of the top five social media influencers.
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7. Kim Garst, @kimgarst

Kim Garst is one of the most recognizable marketing experts on Twitter. As an author and keynote speaker, Garst shares immensely valuable content from her blog and actionable strategies for social media marketing.
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8. Amy Porterfield, @AmyPorterfield

Amy Porterfield is a podcaster and an online marketing expert discussing how to improve your social media metrics and monetize. She helps entrepreneurs and personal brands build engaged email lists and discusses digital marketing on her Twitter account.
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9. Michael Stelzner, @mike_stelzner

Michael Stelzer founded Social Media Marketing World and Social Media Examiner. He’s a thought leader and shares quality, actionable tips on topics related to social media, industry news, and personal insights.
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10. Neil Patel, @neilpatel

Neil Patel is a well-recognized expert in conversion optimization and co-founder of Hello Bar, KISSmetrics, and Crazy Egg. If you want to learn more about content marketing, social media advertising, and SEO, this is one of the best marketing Twitter accounts to follow.
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11. Larry Kim, @larrykim

Larry Kim is the founder of Wordstream and CEO of Mobile Monkey. His account features many useful tips and content about social media marketing, sales outreach automation, chatbots, and more.
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12. Ann Handley, @MarketingProfs

Ann Handley is a best-selling author and the head of content at MarketingProfs. Handley is known as a top social media expert for B2B companies and marketing writing. Her account shares tips on improving writing skills. She also talks about how businesses can expand their reach.
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13. Jeff Bullas, @jeffbullas

Jeff’s Twitter account educates and inspires others to create, publish, and flourish. She shares the latest in content marketing trends for B2B services. He also runs a blog where CMOs and Marketing Directors flock to learn more about the current industry trends.
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14. Shama Hyder, @shama

Shama is an author, keynote speaker, and CEO of Zen Media. Shama has helped a number of well-known brands around the world. She is one of the top social media marketing influencers and is recognized by the White House and United Nations as one of the top 100 women entrepreneurs.
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15. Dharmesh Shah, @dharmesh

Dharmesh Shah is the CTO and co-founder of Hubspot, one of the world's most popular content marketing blogs. He posts tweets about content marketing and entrepreneurship. He also shares lessons for businesses that want to grow from startup to scale-up.
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If you want to learn more about Twitter marketing, personal branding, and copywriting, Tweet Hunter has a lot of resources on the blog. Explore a wide range of features such as AI Assistant, intuitive scheduling, lead finder, and robust analytics to quickly build and monetize your Twitter audience. Sign up today to get sales, growth, and new networks!

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Flavio Amiel

Written by

Flavio Amiel

Writer @ Tweet Hunter

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