How to Leverage FOMO Marketing to Grow Your Twitter Account

Discover how to use FOMO marketing strategies to drive action on Twitter.

How to Leverage FOMO Marketing to Grow Your Twitter Account
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Learn to use FOMO marketing on Twitter to boost engagement. Master the psychology of FOMO for account growth.
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FOMO Marketing: How to Leverage it to Grow Your Twitter Account
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Algorithms keep changing, but the way people think, and function remains the same. Marketing concepts that evoke the desired psychological responses can continue to deliver benefits for years. One of the best ways to do this is through FOMO marketing.
Marketing is all about understanding how people think and behave. When you understand what makes your target customers tick, it will be easier to create compelling tweets. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at why the fear of missing out works and how you can leverage it to grow your Twitter account.

What is FOMO in Marketing?

FOMO in marketing refers to techniques that make your target audience feel like they are missing out. Fear is something we all hold, and it is a highly motivating factor to take action. As social creatures, we don’t want to be left behind on a trend.
Good marketers know how to use techniques such as limited access and special offers to create marketing FOMO to promote their products and services.
60% of people say that FOMO has influenced their purchasing decisions. Using FOMO-based tactics in copywriting can increase conversions by as much as 332%.

What is The Psychology Behind FOMO?

The psychology behind FOMO, which also coincides with YOLO (you only live once), is deeply rooted in the principles of loss aversion.
Loss aversion refers to the idea that the fear of losing something is more powerful than the benefit of gaining. People try to go to great lengths to avoid something they fear- losing something.
FOMO is also based on our inherent need to fit into a group. Feeling left out can negatively influence our self-esteem, and we feel better when we are part of a community. It can cause psychological stress, leading to anxiety and restlessness.
We are over-connected because of social media and don’t want to miss out on the next big trend, product, or service because of FOMO.

9 Ways to Use FOMO Marketing Strategies to Drive Action on Twitter

Whether you want to grow your following on Twitter or drive more sales, carefully constructed FOMO marketing techniques can help. More importantly, this marketing technique can be used ethically without having to resort to fear tactics.
Here are nine ways you can drive action on Twitter by leveraging FOMO.

Sell Experience

73% of consumers believe that experience is crucial to their buying decisions. In fact, 65% of consumers in the U.S. say that a positive experience with a brand is much more effective than good advertising.
Use positive experience as a tool for your marketing strategy. Use exceptional imagery and copywriting skills to sell your audience an experience instead of a product. When you focus on the experience, you can make your personal brand unique.
Here’s a great example of how Four Seasons Hotels uses this technique the right way.
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Leverage Social Proof

Views, retweets, comments, and likes all work in your favor for the FOMO marketing strategy. When someone sees your tweet with hundreds of views and likes, they’ll be more motivated to read and retweet.
Social proof is effective because Twitter users see them as engaging and trustworthy. Put in the time to make your tweets more engaging and build your community so you can build social proof.

Use Scarcity and Urgency

Creating a sense of urgency has been used as a marketing tactic for years because it works. When you have a “Today Only” special offer, you’ll be more likely to reel in customers because people do not want to miss out.
Use this tactic along with scarcity. There is something very special about a product with limited stock or a webinar with only five spots left. Use this to boost followers, sales, and conversions.
This technique works when you provide your audience with a clear CTA. Tell them exactly what they need to do to get a spot or purchase a product today to reap the benefits.

Make it Exclusive

This is another technique that works because people want something exclusive that not many others may have. Drive traffic based on an exclusive offer that people would not want to miss out on.
Run a flash sale or a “Twitter only” offer to make it exclusive. Use a clear CTA to make the exclusivity stand out for even more conversions.
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Create Expiring Content and Offers

The ultimate FOMO marketing technique is to launch expiring content. Once the content or offer is gone, your audience has lost the chance forever. This creates the ultimate FOMO and buying frenzy.
Ensure that the offer dates are very clearly stated in your tweet. Do not extend the offer dates because your readers will not respond to the FOMO you want to create. If some readers miss out, they’ll make sure not to miss out on your next offer.
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Emphasize Cost Savings

Nobody wants to miss a bargain. It's easy to tap into FOMO on Twitter when you emphasize the cost savings they’ll be enjoying if they purchase now.
Craft your messaging around this to convince those buyers on the fence to convert. These hesitant buyers are planning to purchase the product or service sometime in the future. All you need to do is to show them how much they’ll be saving if they purchase now.
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Choose Your Words Carefully

Your marketing content needs to be strong if you want to see conversions. When it comes to FOMO marketing, you need to convey a sense of urgency to your audience to convince them to take action.
Paint a picture with strong, impactful words to hype up your readers so they’ll take the desired action. Here are a few examples:
  • Offer valid only for today.
  • Only 10 spots remaining. Reserve your seat now.
  • Offer ends on __.
  • The first 50 buyers receive a 40% discount.

Create Hype

Create tweets that get the attention of your target audience and get them talking and sharing. Generate excitement so others will want to be a part of it. It all comes down to hype. People don’t want to miss out on something exciting.
Images and videos work really well, as do teasers. Create high-quality teasers that generate anticipation and encourage interaction.
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Use Freebies and Incentives

Incentives and freebies create FOMO. Go all out, if possible, to offer your audience an incentive to be loyal. Loyal customers will be more likely to give you repeat business and spend more later.
Freebies also tend to generate more interaction and Twitter engagement. Regardless of what you plan to give away, try to attach it to a purchase when possible. Promote the offer as much as you can.
Another great way to leverage this technique is to make the offer available only to a limited number of people to create FOMO.
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Tweet Hunter can help you make the most of your FOMO marketing strategy through smart tools and resources designed to help you grow your following and boost your sales. Use Tweet Hunter to craft high-quality tweets, build your contacts lists, send auto DMs, and engage with your target audience.

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Flavio Amiel

Written by

Flavio Amiel

Writer @ Tweet Hunter

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